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Gay men meet up through Grindr app for iPhone

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I like my privacy - and the idea that everyone passing by knows there's someone nearby - and could see my pic... that's a big no-no...


blink.gif Paya, I'm confused. I don't understand your concern of someone who walks by you seeing your picture. I mean, they're walking by you, so they're seeing you in real life. If your picture is an accurate representation of yourself, they should be one and the same, so what's concern???


Assuming this tool isn't used by non-gays for malicious intent, I think it would be nice to know who's gay around me. Not necessarily for hookups, but just to know who the brothers are.


For example, say you're in a grocery store, and your iPhone tells you that the cashier for one of the lines is gay, I'd go to that line.


Or say you're in a dealership buying a car, say your iPhone tells you that one of the salesmen is gay, I'd go to that queen laugh.gif . Maybe I'd get the family discount.

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Have you ever been to a club and had some lecherous mutt practically humping your leg?


Just because they are gay doesn't mean that they know how to act or you want to talk to them.

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Have you ever been to a club and had some lecherous mutt practically humping your leg?


Just because they are gay doesn't mean that they know how to act or you want to talk to them.


Perhaps I'm just being naive, but I do really see the networking benefits outweighing the ocassional leg humping troll lmaosmiley.gif. I would hope that people would use it for friendship potential, not just for hookup/attraction potential.


I'm constantly out to dinner or hanging out with straight women. This could help let other gay guys know that I'm gay (and available).



Well, it assumes several presumptions:



This may sound ridiculous but it's more like without that I am "gay" only when I want to. And to take this to the extreme - why don't all gays in the world wear a pink David star on an armband to indicate who they are? wink.gif


The difference between the pink triangle and grindr is that only gays would know versus everyone being able to see the pink triangle. I'd wear a pink triangle if only other gays could see it and it were invisible to angry folks. Heck, in my younger, bolder days, I wore some kind of rainbow necklace, bracelet or anklet to let people know.

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This tool is like Craigslist Live, and it's disgusting. I'm not gonna say it's not entertaining. It'a actually kinda addicting. I installed it yesterday and have been looking through it wherever I go, but I've been getting random ass messages every time I log in from middle aged men asking if I want cock right now, and I don't even have a picture posted.


And you know that Myspace thing where people post all these lame pictures of themselves from an awkward angle doing some peace sign and retarded facial expression? Yea, that's what everyone who uses this does. Yes, looking up at your twisted face from your ass crack will show me exactly what you look like...how hard is it to take a real picture.




And it's not accurate. I put two phones side by side and it still says like "1000 feet apart" for the distance.

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I've had Grindr on my Ipod Touch for a year now, it's not that new :P


As always, safety should be your first concern. If the guy is strange, I'd block him. If he's a good conversationalist, then why not ask him out for a coffee. Good gay friends are harder to come by than good straight friends; partners are even more harder.


There are malicious people out there, but if they are actively hunting gay guys on any social site or even here on GA, they will eventually find someone. If it is that 1 in thousand intimidation factor scaring you from making mobile friends and connections with others, remember fear is best weapon anyone can ever have against you. Whether by action or inaction, don't fear the outcome and live as you would.


On a side note, Manhunt is the worst of the websites mentioned for gay guys based on personal experience, long story about a 50 year old guy during my first year after I began exploring :( . Craigslist has a bad reputation, which 90% of it is deserved, but 10% are actually people looking for friends and good relationships. I've met a few friends from Craigslist, so I'm not that anti-Craigslist.

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I've never used anything like this, but I wouldn't use it, not because I have any moral objections, but b/c I'd be paranoid, constantly looking around to see if someone is, you know, *evaluating* me. :blink:



On a side note, Manhunt is the worst of the websites mentioned for gay guys based on personal experience, long story about a 50 year old guy during my first year after I began exploring :( . Craigslist has a bad reputation, which 90% of it is deserved, but 10% are actually people looking for friends and good relationships. I've met a few friends from Craigslist, so I'm not that anti-Craigslist.


I've never tried Craigslist, but I met my boyfriend on Manhunt (although we tell inquisitive people that it's "through a mutual friend named Craig" -- easier that way). So there's the good, and there's the bad.

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I've never tried Craigslist, but I met my boyfriend on Manhunt (although we tell inquisitive people that it's "through a mutual friend named Craig" -- easier that way). So there's the good, and there's the bad.


It's like Nifty...you have to weed through a lot of chaff to get to the wheat, but the wheat's there.

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It's like Nifty...you have to weed through a lot of chaff to get to the wheat, but the wheat's there.


this term comes up a lot in relation I wonder if thats a bad thing...


also Im surprised no one has mentioned adam4adam

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Grindr... HA!


I have it on my iPod touch... it sucks as a dating tool but rules in terms of a game....


When I goto the bar I play find the homo with Gridnr... chances are they're there and I'll text them with a I see you (9 times outta 10 its someone I know lol)




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Alex Cohen is on a date - sort of. He's having Thai food in the Castro with his new friend Sean, whom he met through his iPhone, all the while texting nine other guys whom he might hook up with later.


Not that Sean is offended. Between bites of fried calamari, he's texting a handful of other men who might become his Mr. Right for the night.





What does this say about gay men?


Just when I thought I couldn't have any less faith in people I read something like this...


Menzo (who's thoroughly depressed by this)

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What does this say about gay men?


Menzo (who's thoroughly depressed by this)


More like, what does this say about Grindr and what it encourages?



Just when I thought I couldn't have any less faith in people I read something like this...


Menzo (who's thoroughly depressed by this)


Amen to that.

It's not so much people do this than the fact that this little "perk" is being served up as gravy for advertisement that makes me vomit.

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LOL sorry, Yang Bang, you are blaming the tool when you should blame the people who use it.



Honestly, do you blame the bullets or the gun as well?



And honestly, A guy shouldn't be texting anyone if they are out on a date with another guy. Considering both guys in your little scenario are, I would figure they are wasting each-others time to begin with.

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There are malicious people out there, but if they are actively hunting gay guys on any social site or even here on GA, they will eventually find someone. If it is that 1 in thousand intimidation factor scaring you from making mobile friends and connections with others, remember fear is best weapon anyone can ever have against you. Whether by action or inaction, don't fear the outcome and live as you would.


Hell, I'd probably be 'happy' to have those malicious people track me down.


I'd give 'em a run for their money, and be glad that I saved someone else from their harassment ofr a while. And I'll go for the cops, preferably after I finish settling the bastards hash, but if it's the other way around that's just fine too. Better me than someone else.

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LOL sorry, Yang Bang, you are blaming the tool when you should blame the people who use it.



Didn't blame the tool. I was talking about the way that article was advertising the tool as if something like that is to be proud of.

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I'm not trying to be an asshole but would someone please tell me the essential difference between cruising and the (organ) grinder? I know that somehow a monkey is involved in both processes.

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I'm not trying to be an asshole but would someone please tell me the essential difference between cruising and the (organ) grinder? I know that somehow a monkey is involved in both processes.


It's a gorilla

Edited by Yang Bang
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