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OK... I know what a shirt lifter is, but what's the derivation? In reading stories by commonwealth folks, I've encountered the term, but nowhere is there a reason for the term. Why lift a shirt? Is it to show off a chest or abdomen? Is it to show off an ass? What's the point of lifting a shirt and why is it a pejorative for male homosexuals? Just idle curiosity...

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its a pose i'd say, kinda like the stupid ass myspace face your camera down to make it look like your skinny (thats why people do it lol) and probably to show your abs, or maybe lack there of. Because we all know there are some people who shouldn't take pictures

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OK... I know what a shirt lifter is, but what's the derivation? In reading stories by commonwealth folks, I've encountered the term, but nowhere is there a reason for the term. Why lift a shirt? Is it to show off a chest or abdomen? Is it to show off an ass? What's the point of lifting a shirt and why is it a pejorative for male homosexuals? Just idle curiosity...


Hey you, gardentuber!

I don't know about the shirt lifter thing, but am I glad that you posted!!

I want to tell you how much this old man enjoyed your "Cody in Wyoming" story!

I went from skeptical (about two *old* dudes finding an attraction in/with each other) to totally immersing myself into each of their characters.

I would like for this post to be a public thanks from me to you.

Thank you so much!

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Hey you, gardentuber!

I don't know about the shirt lifter thing, but am I glad that you posted!!

I want to tell you how much this old man enjoyed your "Cody in Wyoming" story!

I went from skeptical (about two *old* dudes finding an attraction in/with each other) to totally immersing myself into each of their characters.

I would like for this post to be a public thanks from me to you.

Thank you so much!



I second that :)

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It hearkens back to the times of long shirt tails which you would have to lift to gain access to the arse.


That's kinda how I figured it. So it must be an old term, then. Dontcha love words and language and the window they offer on history and culture!

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Hey you, gardentuber!

I don't know about the shirt lifter thing, but am I glad that you posted!!

I want to tell you how much this old man enjoyed your "Cody in Wyoming" story!

I went from skeptical (about two *old* dudes finding an attraction in/with each other) to totally immersing myself into each of their characters.

I would like for this post to be a public thanks from me to you.

Thank you so much!



I concur and agree whole heartedly.


Shirt lifting was a non verbal come-on I imagine.

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OK... I know what a shirt lifter is, but what's the derivation? In reading stories by commonwealth folks, I've encountered the term, but nowhere is there a reason for the term. Why lift a shirt? Is it to show off a chest or abdomen? Is it to show off an ass? What's the point of lifting a shirt and why is it a pejorative for male homosexuals? Just idle curiosity...

Not sure the context in the stories you are reading, but in southern California a "shirt lifter" is a male hustler. That is one of the signs they use to let guys know they are available. They'll stand on Santa Monica Blvd. and you see these guys lifting their shirts a little to show their abdomen and you know they are for rent.


And they don't do it like flashing, they lift it and kind of ball their fists up in the shirt trying to act like it is an unconscious movement.

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Not sure the context in the stories you are reading, but in southern California a "shirt lifter" is a male hustler. That is one of the signs they use to let guys know they are available. They'll stand on Santa Monica Blvd. and you see these guys lifting their shirts a little to show their abdomen and you know they are for rent.


And they don't do it like flashing, they lift it and kind of ball their fists up in the shirt trying to act like it is an unconscious movement.


Hmmm. It's like the word 'gay'... keeps changing its meaning. I've encountered the term in British stories set in a certain time period... 60's and 70's, I think. Maybe Aussie too. It's always a dismissive term or an insult, never simply descriptive. In fact, it does not describe actual behavior; nobody's actually lifting a shirt hem.


I like reading stories from other anglophone cultures. It broadens my perspective and vocabulary. We really are everywhere!


(for the youths out there... back in the day, 'We Are Everywhere' was a gay rights slogan, an attempt to broaden society's definition of homosexuals beyond hairdressers and interior decorators named Bruce. Oh, never mind...)

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I've always though it was like balling your shirt up slightly as though relieving some tension through your fingers. In the process, you show off some abs (presumably you have them).


I didn't know it was associated with gays or prostitutes though. Maybe the meaning has changed since then and I didn't hear about its older use?

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I've always though it was like balling your shirt up slightly as though relieving some tension through your fingers. In the process, you show off some abs (presumably you have them).


I didn't know it was associated with gays or prostitutes though. Maybe the meaning has changed since then and I didn't hear about its older use?

I dont think this would fit in the context he is talking about though. So maybe its meaning changes by location.
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It hearkens back to the times of long shirt tails which you would have to lift to gain access to the arse.



. . . in southern California a "shirt lifter" is a male hustler. That is one of the signs they use to let guys know they are available. They'll stand on Santa Monica Blvd. and you see these guys lifting their shirts a little to show their abdomen and you know they are for rent.


And they don't do it like flashing, they lift it and kind of ball their fists up in the shirt trying to act like it is an unconscious movement.


Old phrase, new context. The first time I read it, I was confused as to its meaning, and thought that its use was stretching things a bit. But I guess it fit the character, which is the whole point I think. Weird though how something everyone has to do [lift their shirt to expose their arse] became something pejorative for homosexuals.


I've always though it was like balling your shirt up slightly as though relieving some tension through your fingers. In the process, you show off some abs (presumably you have them).


I didn't know it was associated with gays or prostitutes though. Maybe the meaning has changed since then and I didn't hear about its older use?


H & C - there are better ways to relieve tension! I don't think you should try your way on Santa Monica Blvd. though!

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