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For my one and only...


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Every now and then, someone will ask me if Erick still calls me Comicality...or if he calls me by my real name. And I always tell them...


Erick calls me 'baby'. :)


Today is a very special day for us. And I'm making it an official Shack holiday for the rest of the week. Because on this day...this date...I fell in love with someone who has become the single most important and most enjoyable part of my life. And I'll never be the same again. All my years of wishing and wanting, hoping and fantasizing...they've actually become a reality. As optimistic as I have always been about the magic of love...I never knew what it was until he came along. And let me tell you...it really solves everything, without really solving anything. Heh...if that makes sense.


Erick...thank you. For giving me purpose, and meaning. For being something so powerful that even on my WORST days, I can think about you and smile. I can actually live what I write. I've finally got a Comsie story all my own. I've never been so in love. Not a day in my life. I can honestly consider you my 'first' in terms of the complete experience. There's nothing that I don't love about you. Nothing. Good or bad.


I love the way you smile when you're embarrassed.


I love that half of everything we are as people is almost identical in every possible way. And how the other half, our differences, are soooo compatible.


I love how you get excited about certain things, and how you completely forget what you were talking about in the middle of it somewhere.


I love that everything about you is adorable, and sweet, and based on something good. Something with heart.


I love that you can be so GOOFY sometimes for no reason at all.


I love that you almost NEVER curse (how you can do that and never slip, I'll never know.)....and yes, I said ALMOST never. :)


I love that you still get nervous when I call.


I love that you have the alcohol tolerance of a newborn baby chipmunk. Hehehe!


I love the way you laugh out loud at me when I make HORRIBLE mistakes in verzpertillio.


I love the way you kinda roll your eyes in the CUTEST way when you think you're babbling.


I love that you always worry whether or not I'm mad at you for little to no reason at all.


I love that even when we're thousands of miles apart...just hearing your smile on the other end of the phone can make it feel like you're sitting right here next to me.


I love that we can talk until my phone battery is ready to die on me...and it's still not enough.


I love the way you say 'Nuuuuuuuuuu!!!' when I tell you that I have to go.


I love the way you still get nervous and smile just seconds before you say I love you.


I love that you miss me...even if it's only been a few hours.


I love the way you cringe when I tell you your mom is hot. (Because she is! :P)


I love that teenage girls chase you around the grocery store because they think you're some hot high school boy. And that you HATE it! Hehehe!


I love the way you always worry about your hair. Even though it's always beautiful.


I love the way you get all bashful about having a 'naughty side', hehehe!


I love the way you....well, we'll just leave that one censored. Hehehe!


I love talking to you on the phone while you're shopping for stuff.


I love the way you cover up your mouth with your hand when you laugh really hard.


I love that even when we're <i>fighting</i> and angry at each other...we still can't go 24 hours without crawling back to fix things because we miss each other too much. :)


I love that there isn't a single male friend in my life that you're not willing to kill if they get too close and cozy.


I love that you hate every WDotW, no matter how hot they are.


I love the way you look in a suit.


I love the way you write.


I love the way you draw.


I love the way you kiss.


And more than anything...I love that you love me back.


I've cried a lot of tears in my life, and for once...I have someone that can create a tear of joy for every one that I ever shed in pain. You're my proof that God and good karma exists. A blessing that makes me feel soooo lucky. So THANKFUL. A Heavenly debt that I'll be paying off for the rest of my life.


Erick...you're the boy I've wanted my whole life...and I don't ever want to spend another day on this Earth without you.


I love you. I miss you. I'll see you soon.


Happy anniversary, baby. ::kiss::






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You mean the world to me because of how I've *grown* as a person through your influence.

I say that only to demonstrate my sincerity in hoping and wishing you and Erick live long and happy lives together!

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