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Hah! That beats the JetBlue guy, who took a ride down the blow-up ramp after the plane landed, with a beer in each hand.


I think she's right... she's going to be just fine. I hope Spencer learns something but I'm not holding my breath. HAHAHAHA Still laughing.


I think I just fell in love with that girl!! Hmmm, that was a new experience... =] HILARIOUS.


It was a hoax? Are you sure? If so, damn... It would have been a classic if true. :)


This is not a hoax.


I worked at a major insurance company, building websites. In the three years that I was there, I accepted five promotions, each with a generous salary increase.


The company did a major re-organization and my then-current boss was going to become a VP. She warned me that the gal who was going to become my new boss was extremely homophobic.


I enrolled in college classes and made some vacation plans.


When my new boss called me into her office for a meeting with HER boss, I knew something was up. When she told me that she was forced into letting me go, I thanked her. I explained that everyone in the office had set up a betting pool to see how long it would take her to fire me. I bet on less than a week so I won!


She started screaming at me to get the F- out of the building while her boss roared with laughter.


As I walked out, I announced to everyone that we had ALL been right about her homophobia being stronger than her managerial skill. She stood in full view of over 100 people, screaming at me to get the hell out. I left while people stood and applauded. (I STOPPED IN A FEW SPOTS TO COLLECT MY WINNINGS.)


Less than 6 months later she was demoted to position without any direct reports and no private office. The company also had to hire my replacement - but he makes three times what I did!

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