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At wit's end, what to do?


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I allow myself to take a break when i get stressed. Work for 20 minutes take a 5 minute break as my school mentor says.


Clear Breathing helps too :) Like Tai Chi but not as technical. Just bringing your arms in and throwing them out when you breathe out and imagine you are blowing the stress away :) I do that when it gets too bad.


Relax, have a cup of tea, chat to the hubby :D


My two cents :)

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actually, you are totally right about the cleaning thing! It's decluttering, cleaning out, removing all the rubbish. Mum always tell me that she hopes my desk doesn't reflect my state of mind (it's a mess... i can't actually see my desk....)...

and the shifting where you work? Nice! i read somewhere that people who can see trees during the day are generally happier than those who can't... how cool is that? i mean, treeees!!! But i would also extend that to flowers and fresh air etc too.

and cup of tea. Oooh yes.

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Ok, I'm not always so happy go lucky. When I hit the rock bottom (I do that every now and then) I usually just lock myself to my apartment alone without ny contact and just sink into the imaginary world. So then I won't stand any interruptions like phone calls or anything. I'm usually fine after 24 hours anti social behaviour. I just don't have the time to be all smiles and good will all the time... But that works for me, my brain kind of shuts for a while and then it is fine again.



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I think it depends on how bad it is. Here's my advice:


Stressed, like I-still-have-homework-to-do-stressed: make a list of what it is you have to do, maybe even write down how much time it's going to take. Then try to beat that time.


Very stressed, like I-have-only-five-minutes-left-until-the-deadline-and-it'll-take-me-thirty-to-get-there-stressed: stand up, go stand somewhere where you have at least 6 feet of free space in all directions, and then scream as loud as you can. Add some wild jumping and movement for better results (that's what the free space is for).


On-the-verge-of-tears-stressed, like OMG-I-can't-take-it-anymore-my-life-is-OVER-stressed: lie down on your bed/couch/special someone and just cry. Let it all out, no matter how long it takes. You'll feel much better afterwards, and on tp of that, you'll be exhausted, which ensures a good night's sleep.


Just a bit frustrated, without really having/needing a reason for it: make sure you're keeping yourself busy. Go outside, run a few miles, write a story, or even better: write down exactly what you're feeling. Analyse yourself, so to speak. It helps. But keep yourself busy! Or take an object, for example a stuffed animal, or something else that's very difficult to break, and trhow it against the wall a few times. Or talk to it about whatever it is you're feeling. Or ask your best friend/special someone if they'd please be a dear a listen to you and then tell them what's going on. They don't have to answer, but just having someone listen to you can help lots.


Okay, I hope this was of any help.

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If you're overwhelmed by what you think you have to do, somebody recommended making a list of everything you have to do. Every day, work on something on that list. You will have to add to it, but that's OK; just keep working on the list. If some of the items have a deadline, put that on the list, too, then prioritize. Do this every day for your work and for your personal life. It'll cut the stress of got-to, and help you be more productive.

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When you're feeling down, just remember: you are a fantastic author! I've only read one story by you, Shane and Trey, and I totally devoured it! You are extremely talented and don't ever forget that! Try to have a positive outlook and always remember how much your readers love your work! :)

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When I'm seriously stressed I take the 3 year old and put on some silly music and dance. Or we fingerpaint... or do something else totally silly... there is nothing like bringing out the inner child to take a bite out of stress.


Dancing with the dogs works too... so does playing the wii naked at 3 am. Don't ask.

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When I'm seriously stressed I take the 3 year old and put on some silly music and dance. Or we fingerpaint... or do something else totally silly... there is nothing like bringing out the inner child to take a bite out of stress.


Dancing with the dogs works too... so does playing the wii naked at 3 am. Don't ask.



I like this Lugh!

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