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What Age Is 'No Longer Young'?



72 members have voted

  1. 1. What age is 'No longer young'?

    • 18. Legally an adult
    • 20-25
    • 25-29
    • 30
    • 31-35
    • 35-40
    • 40+
    • Depends on an individual's circumstances.
    • Young is a state of mind.

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Hah, to be completely honest I simply don't know you well enough to be able to judge you as a person.


He really is ungrateful though.


...as for the immature part - I don't have a problem with being more cheerful/bright/happy/play as a person but the line between being playful and annoying is thin, if you ask me.


Sorry hun, that came over wrongly. I wasn't saying that you were ACTUALLY talking about me... I meant that you COULD HAVE been talking about me because it fit me well :P I am terminally infected with a strange sense of humour with severe sarcastic undertones :)


I guess I cross the line sometimes but I don't think I do it too much. People seem to like me.


Old, young... does it really matter? It is a state of mind, of course.

The reason why that, which we call magic, is gone, when people grow up, is that they learn to understand (the world and themselves) and do so. And later on most view that magic, which is irrational, from a view of a rational mind. Hehe, enough with my empiricism ramblings. I am just trying to say that a person becomes old, when he stops to experience new things. It's absurd to think that there is a boundary, set by some numbers.

A strange, funny thought that crossed my mind... What do you imagine you would look like and be like, when you pass into the other side, I mean die (Not that there is any point in doing so, but for fun). Young, old, your 20's, 30's, teenage years, old years... Hmm?


Absolutely. I intend to keep the magic forever so does that mean I will never get old? I'll ask my fairies. ( and no, that wasn't a joke), although the fairies tend not to speak much, neither do the ghosts come to think of it. :)


As for what we'll look like on the other side... ourselves I guess... not the body masks we are wearing but our true selves. It might be interesting to start a new topic about that

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I vote for: the age will change as your age changes until you reach a certain point. So if you are 'young' in the eyes of an 'old' person, your vote shouldn't count. LoL just a joke. Seriously though, when I was 18 interested in guys around my age. No part of me was willing or even wanted to look at something more than three years older. As I ascended the rungs of age year by year I was forced to allow for an age adjustment. When my age limit at one time was 25, and then I became 25, well needless to say I did not turn down guys my own age(girls to). Now at 33 I see myself considering and being with guys who were once atrocious scary trolls. I almost regret my age hang ups from the past. I am sure I would have been happier with a man than the 'bois' I chose to couple with.


Hence the biggest cancer I see in our 'gay' culture. Beauty, is ok. Truth, Freedom, Beauty and Love... Bohemian Ideals. But youth is not included in the Bohemian Ideals. I laugh from my aged perch as I see what I must of looked like, man/bois with receding hairlines and growing guts, still acting like bois, clinging to the image that can only be held by bois. So with this in mind, I will set the age limit, for when you should start consider being a Man, 21. The age you can ACT like a boi and still get by, 26. After that it is pathetic and almost disturbing.


I see youth as a point in time where you can do inanely stupid crap and it is considered ok, or even cute simply because you are young, and we are a creature that learns, and some things take time to learn. Youth is a time to consider yourself different, and to hold high high idealistic and beautiful views on the nature of the universe and humanity. The end of youth is when you realize certain things the first of many being; you are in a monkey suit and it has an expiration date. The second being; one day you will be old. Accepting this by not being a bitch about it.(had a friend kill himself over turning 25). The third and final is; realizing the gifts you have at your young and tender ages, will pale in comparison to the gifts you will one day be able to give the world.



Mainly I am talking to myself here as I enter my 33rd year on earth, so don't think I am directing any of this at any specific person... I write stuff like this a lot, reflections, diatribes. I call them Bla, bla's. Usually i don't put them in forums but this forum fit my writing mood and this is the result.

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The problem is age is so intertwined with experience. I was ancient between 12 and 28( i.e 70's- mid 80's) , but somehow between 30 and 40 I was young-with-experience. Now things could hardly be better, but i certainly don't feel "young".

so when does "young " stop", I think you can only tell in hindsight and it's terribly individual.

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You had a frend who killed hiimself at 25? I think the issues must have been deeper.


Oh his issues were many. But he was super hot and super spoiled, he wasn't lacking 'things', or 'friends', but he had the horrible habit of sleeping with countless people like himself, so he never found love or real lasting friendship. Becoming a quarter of a century in age was his catalyst. :) Moral to that story was don't sell your soul trying to remain a boi. It is physically impossible to do so and there was a time when being a man was what all boys dreamed of.


p.s. X and Meth played a role lol

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The problem is age is so intertwined with experience. I was ancient between 12 and 28( i.e 70's- mid 80's) , but somehow between 30 and 40 I was young-with-experience. Now things could hardly be better, but i certainly don't feel "young".

so when does "young " stop", I think you can only tell in hindsight and it's terribly individual.


Yes! One hundred percent correct. I remember the day I said to myself, You are a man now. It felt awesome.

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