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Bottom or Top?

Dark Princess

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Crap where were you when I was in college - er . . . wait, don't answer that, it will depress me Posted Image


I promise not to go there either. LOL.

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Any bit of "topness" i had when I was younger is now gone. Poof.


This whole 7am Monday-Friday thing isn't working....and my mom practically found me sleeping on the pavement in the driveway...twice! I'm not even guaranteed to make it back to my bed anymore, and I'm suppose to do the work during sex??? God no...I'm all good with laying there with a hot towel over my face while you do whatever you want....and don't mind me if I fall asleep. it's nothing personal.

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Yang, you wouldnt even top me? Posted Image



Well you're free to mount on, but the same scenario still applies...since you're a power bottom anyways, it should all work out right? :)

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Any bit of "topness" i had when I was younger is now gone. Poof.


This whole 7am Monday-Friday thing isn't working....and my mom practically found me sleeping on the pavement in the driveway...twice! I'm not even guaranteed to make it back to my bed anymore, and I'm suppose to do the work during sex??? God no...I'm all good with laying there with a hot towel over my face while you do whatever you want....and don't mind me if I fall asleep. it's nothing personal.


Don't worry. I'm used to doing all the work. ;)

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Don't worry. I'm used to doing all the work. Posted Image


Good. Oh and before I forget in case I fall asleep...the tickets are in the bottom drawer of the night stand. One for you.....one for C.....and one f.....zzzzZZZzZzz

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Elementary school, most likely.


I'm really OCD about ages, and I estimate that you would have been about 2 years from conception when Q was in college.


I would have been a couple of months old when Q graduated. (I think Quonus graduated college in 1986, correct me if I'm wrong.)

Edited by methodwriter85
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Q's gonna kick your ass for reminding him Posted Image


Nah, being a dad has left me with a new sense of serenity - - - Posted Image --- yeah forget that shit, Method, didn't ever hear the bit about not poking the caged lion with a stick? Once you rile it up, watch out. Not that I'm into steel cage death matches mind you. I'll leave those to Mel Gibson. Posted Image

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Whoever said being a longhorn and a bottom has to be mutually exclusive? Posted Image


And...how many other Austinites do you know?


Three. And yes they are all bottoms. And only one I know for sure is a longhorn ... um never mind. :lol: Even so, is still the biggest bottom I've ever met in my life. (He is 6' 3'' and thin as rail)

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What is it with bottoms and Austin. Texas? I thought it was suppose to be the long horn state, but who knew it was the bottom state? Posted Image


Oh it's not just Austin, most of the guys that come out of Texas are bottoms!

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Both? Posted Image


This may sound funny but I'm going to be top if the guy is younger than me and bottom if he's older than me Posted Image



See I don't get this. My snuggle bunny is nine years younger than me and I prefer him to be on top. To me it doesn't matter about age, it comes down to who fits where better ;)

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I just discovered this topic.... I haven't really got anything to add except that I think it's SUCH A COOL TOPIC. Whoever started this topic is an evil genius.


Oh and it totally depends on the mood I'm in at the time.


What's a longhorn?

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Oh and it totally depends on the mood I'm in at the time.


What's a longhorn?


The implication is that it's the opposite of a shorthorn.

Actually it's the name of the college football team at the University of Texas.


Are you ready for some football? (American style?)

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Dark Princess started this topic a whopping eight months ago. I have a sneaking suspicion it'll last a whole lot longer than any longhorn *I* know...


And I'm neither top nor bottom. I'm a sadistic switch and rather proud of it. Then again most of us Bi kids can't make up our minds about much of anything. Posted Image

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