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GA Meet-Up Summer 2012

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So after Anya came to the U.S. for a visit, I started to discover just how many GA members live on the west coast (of the U.S.). I was wondering if there was interest in having a meet-up out here in the Los Angeles area?


I don't mind organizing and I could probably host something. I'm thinking late June or early July, maybe the weekend of the 4th? We could do a beach theme, hang out and swim and a bonfire. Or there's more indoorsy things like a mall hop or the tons of amusement parks out here, though Anaheim (I've learned from experience) is tough on the wallet where group get-togethers are concerned.


Anyway, if all goes well, next summer is my last here in the "lower 48" states, so I thought I'd see if there's interest.


(BTW, if anyone else wants to host/organize, I am totally up for that, too. Just sayin! ;) )

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Well, it is a year away and things could change. A trip to Germany, Rakuten? You should stop in and see Anya if you can.


So far, my plans are Wiesbaden, Berlin, and Gelsenkirchen to buy a Schalke 04 uniform as part of my tradition (It requires me to buy a sport clothing from that country or places outside the U.S. I visited or traveled to. If I pass through the city, it doesn't count anyway)


So I already had a German national team soccer uniform, I need a club uniform from Deutschland, soo... yeah B)

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So far, my plans are Wiesbaden, Berlin, and Gelsenkirchen to buy a Schalke 04 uniform as part of my tradition (It requires me to buy a sport clothing from that country or places outside the U.S. I visited or traveled to. If I pass through the city, it doesn't count anyway)


So I already had a German national team soccer uniform, I need a club uniform from Deutschland, soo... yeah B)


Schalke 04? ewwww... if a club uniform from Germany, then only Bayern München! :boy: (sorry for the off-topic)



How come there isn't any OFFICIAL GA get-together organized? :o



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Schalke 04? ewwww... if a club uniform from Germany, then only Bayern München! :boy: (sorry for the off-topic)



How come there isn't any OFFICIAL GA get-together organized? :o




I second the Bayern shout out! i have one! ^_^ YAY!


oh and as for the second one... i am guessing coordinating people from all over the world would take just a tad too much organising! Besides... people like me... we live too far away! :(

I sooo wanna come to London this Aug :( but.... i need a sponsor!

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After losing my vacation this year, we are planning a big family trip for next year, so, I wouldn’t be able to go to California. Maybe if someone ever planned something on the east coast, I might be able to pop in. If not, I’ll just keep stalking everyone online!:lol:



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After losing my vacation this year, we are planning a big family trip for next year, so, I wouldn’t be able to go to California. Maybe if someone ever planned something on the east coast, I might be able to pop in. If not, I’ll just keep stalking everyone online!:lol:


On the east coast there's Andy, but he'll be a mite busy next year with the baby and all. :P Maybe Anyta would organize, if you ask nicely? I think she and Andy live close by each other. Or, why don't you ask around if there's interest in one? You may be surprised.

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I think it was a couple of years back, a get together was being planned on the east coast, but no one could agree on where to meet, New York City, Philadelphia, or DC.

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On the east coast there's Andy, but he'll be a mite busy next year with the baby and all. ../../public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif Maybe Anyta would organize, if you ask nicely? I think she and Andy live close by each other. Or, why don't you ask around if there's interest in one? You may be surprised.

If there's enough interest, AND if I stay on another year here (which is like a 80% chance at the moment) then I'm totally happy to try and organisze something, maybe with Andy? (that question mark is for you, Andy, lol) And DC would then be better for him if he can't travel much with the bubs, (I'd imagine).


The only real problem for me is I really don't know much about what to do :/ I'm still figuring that out myself, LOL.


But, yay, this sounds like fun...


And, if there's not much interest, I'll try get to the West Coast meet-up. I mean, if we know the weekend in advance then finding a cheap ticket should be pretty okay. :)

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Haha, curse you Dark, draggin me into this like that - you so need to give me chocolate to appease me now :P


I can say with absolute certainty I can not do July fourth anywhere but DC - my parents have decided years ago that they come to DC for that holiday and spend it with me and mike. And when their granddaughter arrives, fuggedaboutit - there gonna be here for sure.


SOOO First things first, if folks ARE interested in a meet up, let's start our own thread and stop using Dark's and the West Coast GAng Bangers :P


After that I suppose we can find a day and location and a coordinator or three.



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I like the idea and will make this official - thank you Dark for starting this thread but I'm going to post an official GA Get-Together.


As to the scarcity of them recently, mainly it is my being very busy with work and the new house (and kids). But organizing for Southern CA for summer of 2012 will be easy for me. And we have had an official GA GetTogether on the east coast - January 2009 in DC to be specific. I think we may be able to have one back east either Sept 2012 or Jan 2013 but let me focus first on July 2012 in SoCal...



PS - closing this topic to direct all replies to the new thread:


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