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Summer plans

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We've gone through half the summer already, but not all our plans and vacations have been settled.


I was hoping to go on a trip sometime in July, but things keep getting in the way. Either I had a work related emergency or a problem with booking something that would not cost me an arm and a leg.


Like my trip to Oquanquit, ME, it is so hard to find a room up there for less than $200, not to mention all the other costs from food and the amusement park.


Anyone else have summer plans deferred this year?

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Yeah, our summer vaction got cancelled because I had to use all my vaction time and sick time for unexpected injury then surgery. :( Our trip to Tulum Mexico was cancelled. My family could still go without me but they dont want to. I felt bad for my kid but she's real understanding. She got to go away with my In-laws for a couple of weeks at the beginning of summer so she still got to have a vaction.^_^ We had a mini-vacation ourselves with an empty house for 3 weeks :P


Oh well- there's always next year!



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