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Confused and a marriage is on the line.


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You may be angry at her, but for the sake of your kid, I would say you shouldn't drop her stuff into a pile on the floor. At least pack her stuff up. She's doing her best to move on and I think she at least deserves the courtesy of having her husband/long-time boyfriend pack up her stuff so she can move out.

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If you've been as torn up as it sounds, it'll have been showing for a long time and that, combined with her finding the Craigslist ad, may have meant she started emotionally moving on long before you formally agreed to split up.


Not that that makes her new relationship any less painful for you, but it doesn't mean that you didn't matter to her, just that she may have already done her mourning.


Good luck on getting back into the dating scene! I hope you find yourself a good bloke. :)

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A lpt of ground has already been covered here. Here is a perspective from a gay father and someone who has been in a relationship for near 20 years. It is important to be honest and fair to yourself and your partner. Sex is only one aspect of a relationship but a significant one and one that is tied to our self esteem. Being bisexual may make both sexes attractive to you but not necessarily in equal parts. For myself an open relationship is not an option as there is too much room for hurt and misunderstanding as well as a great deal of responsibility for both your and your primary partners health. So can you at 21 imagine 10 or 20 years without resolving this. If not it may be time to explore and clarify your feelings. it seems that your wife has given you the opportunity to do this.


On another matter, you are a father and it sounds like you are bonded with your child. Six months is a huge deal of time and especially with an infant. I suggest that if yo wna ta real relationship with your child that you need to nourture it. Time flies by and kids grow up with or without you. You have an opportunity to maintain your relationship with your child while you sort out your sexuality and your wife need not carry the responsibility of rearing your kid alone. if it is important saty involved with your child. This is primary bonding time. Feeding, diapers, and middle of the night wake ups are part of the deal and give you time to bond as your child learns love and communication.

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We are already split, happily on both our parts. i am taking him every other weekend for those six months, so I will be there for him too. I'm way more gay than straight, 80 20 or even more. So we made the right decision. He is six months old and already I am the primary caregiver, I have him more often than not, and I was a stay at home dad when we were together. We have and will bond just fine. Thanks for your suggestions.

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I think you need to take a deep breath and look at it as though she is letting you off lightly an as much as you still have a friend and a loving person to mother your child, so give the lady some time to adjust, by her putting herself out there you may see it as to quick but she may be thinking I just need someone in my life to fill the big gap you have left vacant, try to be happy for her not only is it good for her to have a man in her life but it is also a bit of protection for your child having man there when you are at school. also you get to go to school and shop around if you do meet a friend all well and good if you dont just have fun looking, she's given you the go ahead to try to sort your head out so please dont deny her her moments of happiness where she can grab them and you do the same.


I think you need to have some fun if love and or happiness does come your way grab it with both hands.


I didn't and I am still regreting the lover I lost...but thats my loss you dont have to lose out,

just be happy in what ever you decide, all the best for your new future......

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My child is young enough, that any male besides me is not good. He needs to form bonds with me, not her sex buddy. And he is just that. Other than that, thank you for your words.

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