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So we finally meet Mary Ellen. God, I'm getting Bitty flashbacks.


I kind of wondered though...wouldn't a politician's daughter know how to fake being nice in order to get people to love her, a la Kathryn in Cruel Intentions or Regina George in Mean Girl's? I'm kind of surprised that it seems like she doesn't have a group of people who worship her. Teenaged girls who want to be popular and adored are incredibly good at making it seem like they're nice while being complete bitches. No one in college is ever that openly bitchy.


Maybe not where you went to college. I certainly ran into plenty of people of both genders that openly bitchy.


Also, MaryEllen dosen't want to be popular. She knows she is; it's an unquestioned facet to her personality. And due to the inherited power of her name and assests, with the various children of families hoping to score a favor out of either her or her father, that has probably been the reality all of her life. In her mind, it's possible Wade doesn't dislike her because she's dislikable, he hates her out of jealousy to be her. And Momma Danfield is probably quite willing to fuel that worldview; it will make it impossible for MaryEllen to follow in her footsteps, true, but it will also keep her from being a challenge.

Edited by B1ue
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I guess that makes sense. See, I grew up around the Regina George/Kathryn Merteuil kind of bitch- the girl that would say, "Ooh, I LOVE your bracelet- where'd you get it?", and then make fun of you the second your back was turned. The Heather Chandler/Bitchy Girl from She's All That kind of bitch didn't seem all that realistic, because it would seem counterproductive to be such an open bitch that everyone hated you. If you were going to use people and manipulate them to serve your ends, it would make sense that you'd get people to think you were their friend, and then use all kinds of backhanded compliments and such to shred them emotionally but not to the point that they'd stop talking to you.


Being straight never adversely affected the level of same sex hijinks at elite prep schools.

Right, but considering that this is Mark, he'd probably have a storyline where Beau got a girlfriend because everyone needs a happy ending, and then people would piss and moan at the straight sex scenes.


(That's why Poor Man's Son stood out, because Gathan and Will DIDN'T get happily-ever-after true love endings. That's the first time he's ever done that in CAP.)

Edited by methodwriter85
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The level of being str8 invertly correlates to how horny someone is multiplied the amount of beer is utilized minus the amount of rightwing religious views someone has.

Edited by mmike1969
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The level of being str8 invertly correlates to how horny someone is multiplied the amount of beer is utilized minus the amount of rightwing religious views someone has.


I have to correct your formula here. You have to add in the religious nut views, because they're the repressed closet cases that the beer really sets free. Posted Image

Maybe not where you went to college. I certainly ran into plenty of people of both genders that openly bitchy.


Also, MaryEllen dosen't want to be popular. She knows she is; it's an unquestioned facet to her personality. And due to the inherited power of her name and assests, with the various children of families hoping to score a favor out of either her or her father, that has probably been the reality all of her life. In her mind, it's possible Wade doesn't dislike her because she's dislikable, he hates her out of jealousy to be her. And Momma Danfield is probably quite willing to fuel that worldview; it will make it impossible for MaryEllen to follow in her footsteps, true, but it will also keep her from being a challenge.


Thank you. You said this so well. Still, I'm a little surprised at how well you understand the mind of a bitchy teen princess. Posted Image

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Well, Beau does have a girlfriend and she is African American, like mother like son??? I really enjoyed the new chapter, glad it was in the pipeline. I have to say that the way Wade relates to Beau is great. I do understand why he can't do the same to any of the rest of his family but glad he has someone in the family he can honestly feel that way about.


I have known people like Beau that seem to be able to just stay above the fray and always seem to be able to get along with everyone, they always just seem happy; ugh... I hate them so much... LOL... I think it is great that people can do this, but I never mastered the ability.


I could so easily see Mary Ellen being the one to bring Elizabeth down in the end, they are so much like each other and only one can be Mistress of Evil...


Mark, I hope you are enjoying your vacation and recharging those batteries... You know North America has so many lovely vacation places: Victoria British Columbia, Key West, the Outer Banks, but you picked Phoenix; I really have to worry about you....

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I really like how Mark's been slowly and but steadily building up the Danfield family in CAP. A soap family like the Cramptons/Schluters needs a good rival family. The Hendricksons aren't much of a factor because they're limited to Claremont, and at this point the Hayes are pretty much intertwined with the Cramptons and Schluters. The Carmichaels are an excellent candidate as well, but we've gotten more development on the Danfield front.


I also loved learning that Beau's in an interracial relationship...by this point in time, interracial relationships tended to be normal and not evoke much of a reaction from teenagers. Remember Shawn and Angela on Boy Meets World?




Having Beau in an interracial relationship and having it not be that much of a big deal, at least with his peers, was very reflective of late 90's/early 00's teenagers.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I could so easily see Mary Ellen being the one to bring Elizabeth down in the end, they are so much like each other and only one can be Mistress of Evil...


You really think a rank amateur like Mary Ellen could bring down Elizabeth? :lol:

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I think a rank amateur like Mary Ellen could seriously screw-up her evil mom's plans if she doesn't go along with her plans.


I also think that Wade will have more problems with mom and his sister and will deal with them ruthlessly. Riley and his mom are ripe targets as well.

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I think Mary E has No Idea how much her trust is worth if she is selling herself off for a measly $2 Million.


Yes, but remember that her trust may be worth a lot, but that's meaningless if she can't get to the money. That's what Elizabeth is doing...doling it out to her piecemeal in exchange for her cooperation.

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(Tried to put this into a review of chap.45 but it ended up blank.)


Thanks, Mark, for a great bunch of chapters. I hope you get a good vacation and a break from it all, and recoup the energies you gave to the characters. There's a whole lot of interesting crossroads and forks in the plot right now, so that I hope we'll hear more about the folks in CAP-land before too long.


Especially Wade is getting deep into it, he just about declared war on his mother. Could it be, that if Wade's Dad loses the election, that may free Mother up to wage uninhibited War on Wade? Maybe you already decided whether Danfield snr is going to win or lose the election (OMG, the power of authors :) )? Or maybe you plan some resolution that makes the elections's current significance fade into the background? Whatever it is, it will be sure to be stimulating.

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(Tried to put this into a review of chap.45 but it ended up blank.)


Thanks, Mark, for a great bunch of chapters. I hope you get a good vacation and a break from it all, and recoup the energies you gave to the characters. There's a whole lot of interesting crossroads and forks in the plot right now, so that I hope we'll hear more about the folks in CAP-land before too long.


Especially Wade is getting deep into it, he just about declared war on his mother. Could it be, that if Wade's Dad loses the election, that may free Mother up to wage uninhibited War on Wade? Maybe you already decided whether Danfield snr is going to win or lose the election (OMG, the power of authors Posted Image )? Or maybe you plan some resolution that makes the elections's current significance fade into the background? Whatever it is, it will be sure to be stimulating.


Well, the good news about the review system being messed up is that you posted in this forum, and since this was your first post, that means I got your posting cherry. Posted Image Posted Image


Thanks for your comments. To be honest, I haven't made a decision yet on Jeff Danfield's election results. It certainly makes for some interesting plot potential either way!

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Given the fact that this is THE contentious 2000 election, Jeff Danfield is from Virginia and is a Naz... er, conservative Republican Posted Image senator, in an election that Dubya Posted Image stol... er, won, is there really any other way the election could possibly go for him? Truthfully, the 2000 Senate election in Virginia went to a Repugnantone...

Edited by GLH
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Well, the good news about the review system being messed up is that you posted in this forum, and since this was your first post, that means I got your posting cherry.

Posted Image Posted Image


You're welcome, it's a one-off thing Posted Image !


Thanks for your comments. To be honest, I haven't made a decision yet on Jeff Danfield's election results. It certainly makes for some interesting plot potential either way!


Bonne chance with the plotting Posted Image !

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Given the fact that this is THE contentious 2000 election, Jeff Danfield is from Virginia and is a Naz... er, conservative Republican Posted Image senator, in an election that Dubya Posted Image stol... er, won, is there really any other way the election could possibly go for him? Truthfully, the 2000 Senate election in Virginia went to Repugnantone...



It's going to be fun to watch to watch Brad and JP deal with the beginning of the Dubya era. I can't imagine they'd have anything but utter contempt and hatred for Dubya. Although it's kind of sad- they're at the end of the Golden Era of the 2nd Clinton Administration, and they can't fully appreciate that. Bill Clinton really was one of the best presidents we ever had.


I'm kind of surprised that we haven't seen much of Gathan. Wouldn't Gathan be basically glued to Wade's side, wanting to learn all there is to know about politics in the wake of the 2000 election? Maybe it'll turn out that Gathan's ambitions really just don't go much further than being the mayor of a small city in the Mid-West. Although I would have figured that Gathan's initially provincial viewpoint in terms of the election would have changed by now, after a few months at Stanford.

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I think Mary E has No Idea how much her trust is worth if she is selling herself off for a measly $2 Million.


This might surprise you, but rich kids have no concept of money.


What does Mary Ellen need money for? All her needs are met and beyond. She has a nice car, school is paid for, she probably has credit cards for any clothes she wants, travels when she wants, gets an allowance for walking around money and her walking around money is probably several thousand a month.


She has never wanted in her life for anything and lives in a world of having "staff", drivers, maids, nannies, probably a cook. She understands intellectually that not everyone lives like this, but not really.


I'll never forget my first road trip with my wrestling club when I was like 14 or so. Most of the kids came from pretty affluent backgrounds, but not all, we had a couple of kids from pretty modest backgrounds. We came back to the hotel after the first day of wrestling and a guy my age, Marco, cool Hispanic guy, says "coach, while we were gone someone made our beds!" A couple of the other guys kind of laughed because they didn't get. Marco had never stayed in a hotel before. He was the last of nine kids. His family didn't vacation in Maui or ski in Colorado or summer in Europe, they were just happy to have a roof, feed the kids and keep shoes and clothes on them. I didn't feel sorry for Marco, I felt sorry for the other guys and was slightly embarrassed by the life I had. I got over that part, but it was an epiphany for me and I never took my life for granted after that and never forgot that not every one has the same opportunities.

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You really think a rank amateur like Mary Ellen could bring down Elizabeth? Posted Image


Every great or infamous champion started as an amateur at some point, I didn't say the take down was gonna be in the next year. Someone like Mary Ellen is capable of doing anything and those kind of people are always dangerous...

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This might surprise you, but rich kids have no concept of money.


What does Mary Ellen need money for? All her needs are met and beyond. She has a nice car, school is paid for, she probably has credit cards for any clothes she wants, travels when she wants, gets an allowance for walking around money and her walking around money is probably several thousand a month.


She has never wanted in her life for anything and lives in a world of having "staff", drivers, maids, nannies, probably a cook. She understands intellectually that not everyone lives like this, but not really.


I'll never forget my first road trip with my wrestling club when I was like 14 or so. Most of the kids came from pretty affluent backgrounds, but not all, we had a couple of kids from pretty modest backgrounds. We came back to the hotel after the first day of wrestling and a guy my age, Marco, cool Hispanic guy, says "coach, while we were gone someone made our beds!" A couple of the other guys kind of laughed because they didn't get. Marco had never stayed in a hotel before. He was the last of nine kids. His family didn't vacation in Maui or ski in Colorado or summer in Europe, they were just happy to have a roof, feed the kids and keep shoes and clothes on them. I didn't feel sorry for Marco, I felt sorry for the other guys and was slightly embarrassed by the life I had. I got over that part, but it was an epiphany for me and I never took my life for granted after that and never forgot that not every one has the same opportunities.


Your discussion about the difference between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' crossed the border into the 'have a lots' and makes some valid points. People who have never wanted for anything have a difficult time conceptualizing the difference between a need and a want.

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Chapter 46 is all about Will and is a fun read. The booking of the flight from hell was hilarious to read. More importantly, Brad found a therapist that Will can relate to and that can only benefit them both!

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Complaint Department? Complaint Deparment, please?


Yeah, I'd like to register a complaint. All the calling him "Hot Jeff" in this chapter was really really annoying! Especially seeing as his attitude of late has downgraded him, to not-so-hot Jeff. :P


Thank you. :)

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Well, it was great to see that Will found a therapist to talk to and maybe help him understand some issues; it just came a little late... I do think that the flight from hell for Jeff and Micheal may come back to bite him. I have a feeling that Stef will fix the flights home, he read Will like a book. Great chapter and hope you are enjoying your vacation, Mark... Keep recharging those batteries...

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I had a really good therapist when I was 22. What made him good was that he was willing to call me on all my crap, which helped a lot. A good therapist can make all the difference - I'm glad Will's getting one.


So, we're going to be immersed in JJ's figure skating world. I'm hoping he'll turn into a major rage diva throughout.Posted Image

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I thought this was an interesting line, "Hot Jeff looked at me, as if he wanted to say something, but I ignored him, and he was hustled off anyway. " It sounds like Jeff maybe wanted to apologize to Will, but didn't get a chance. I don't think Jeff is a bad guy, in fact I think he is quite a good guy. I don't remember how he came to be in Father Tim's shelter, but it would certainly explain a lot of his behaviors. You are bound to be changed by the experiences that led you to the shelter and the experiences at the shelter. It is understandable why he wants a meaningful relationship, not just the usual shallow physical encounters of his age group. It also might explain some resentment towards Will who has all the support and privilege he never had and yet Will still felt persecuted enough to do what he did. That all had to have seemed silly, or more than silly, to someone like Jeff who experienced what he had.


On a side note, relating to a comment in the review section, I don't remember surfers in 2000 having long hair, that seems more like a 70's, 80's thing. Top surfers like Kelly Slater, Colin McPhillips, Sunny Garcia, C.J Hobgood and Joel Tudor all had shorter hair.

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I just remember that, for whatever reason, guys around Delaware started wearing longer hair again around 2003 and the short spiky look went bust, so I kind of figured that longer hair might have been around with surfer guys in California a few years earlier than that. (I tried to do the longer hair thing because I wanted my hair to look like Adam Brody's on the O.C. Did not work.) But eh, I'm deferring to you guys on this one.


It'll be interesting to see what the consequences are for Will, because while Jeff will be annoyed, I can see Michael coming back with scorched Earth.

Edited by methodwriter85
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