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Yeah, like I said, I had a problem with the scenario, but Mark's explanation of it, which kind of goes along with what you're saying, makes sense. It's not like I think Mark's setting up HW is the kind of school where kids can get away with murder while the administration looks the other way because of Daddy's money. I knew kids who went to schools like that, as private schools are really big in Delaware because our lax taxing system=really horrible public schools. St. Mark's had kids who would roll joints in class and the teachers ignored it. And I don't think Mark is trying to paint HW as that kind of school.


Despite my criticism, I do think Mark's done a good job of reflecting what the school is like going by what alumni have said, which is great.


In any event, it'll be interesting to see what happens with JJ and school, because he doesn't seem like he's all that into school. Of course, since we are getting to know JJ more on this Norway trip, I imagine we'll know more about the situation.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Your views are way too black and white. H-W cares about it kids. It isn't some 1960's caricature of an elite prep school, it is a model 2000's elite prep school where there is a blending of high expectations and discipline with compassion and genuinely liking their kids and treating each one as an individual. They don't have to be a school with crazy black and white rules like a public school has where they'll suspend a kid who has a deli plastic knife to slice their cheese at lunch.


You also grossly underestimate the importance of personal relationships in this world. The headmaster doesn't just admire JP, he knows JP and JP knows him. His son knows JP and who knows Peter may have been a guest at Escorial for a meal or two. Yes the money and power of Stef and Brad and Robbie would be a factor too, because even the sky high tuition rates at H-W don't begin to cover all the expenses of the school. But if Will were a bad kid or perceived as a detriment to the school, he'd get the boot.


But that wasn't the case here. Will is a good student who hasn't caused the school any real problem and comes from a good family that the headmaster has personal knowledge of. All those factors make Mark's scenario beyond plausible, his are the likely outcomes given the totality of the situation.


I generally give a "plus" vote to people who agree with me. Posted Image

Yeah, like I said, I had a problem with the scenario, but Mark's explanation of it, which kind of goes along with what you're saying, makes sense. It's not like I think Mark's setting up HW is the kind of school where kids can get away with murder while the administration looks the other way because of Daddy's money. I knew kids who went to schools like that, as private schools are really big in Delaware because our lax taxing system=really horrible public schools. St. Mark's had kids who would roll joints in class and the teachers ignored it. And I don't think Mark is trying to paint HW as that kind of school.


Despite my criticism, I do think Mark's done a good job of reflecting what the school is like going by what alumni have said, which is great.


In any event, it'll be interesting to see what happens with JJ and school, because he doesn't seem like he's all that into school. Of course, since we are getting to know JJ more on this Norway trip, I imagine we'll know more about the situation.


Thanks Jeremy. I think if you read what I wrote, and re-read what Tim wrote, you'll realize Will isn't getting away with murder, but he is being treated based on the whole picture.

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Damn, the new chapter of Paternity is up and well, Will may have to grow up more than he should. I really like how Jeff handled the situation with Will after the initial freak out. I really hate what appears to be happening with Pat however. I never even thought about that, I guess I am just so out of the drug scene that I never think about it really. Will is the kind of person that is going to try and fix the problem, reminds me of JP in that way. The problem with that is that with meth, you can't just fix the problem.


I do think that Micheal will try and do something to get back at Will for the flight; he just isn't the kind of person that can just let the situation go and call it even. I can see him guessing about Jeff or finding out about it and using that to try and hurt Will and Jeff both. I really think that Micheal is dumb enough to actually try and go toe to toe with Will.


Great chapter and some great interaction between Will and Jeff. We got to see a glimpse of Jeff's past and a possible connection to another person in the story; I do love it, instead of fingerprint analysis we have cock analysis...

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It's good that Jeff's got it all out there about how he felt about Wade. But Will's not the one he needs to be fessing up to. :P


As for Pat...not to be insensitive, Mark, but this just seems like a really lame storyline to end up with. All things considered, Pat seemed like a really good guy for Will to have in his corner, so to first find out about the false molestation allegation, then to find out that he's apparently a meth-head who's now already Positive...it just seems like, Really?? Really?? :P


That's one heck of a big 'ol let-down. :thumbdown:

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As for Pat...not to be insensitive, Mark, but this just seems like a really lame storyline to end up with. All things considered, Pat seemed like a really good guy for Will to have in his corner, so to first find out about the false molestation allegation, then to find out that he's apparently a meth-head who's now already Positive...it just seems like, Really?? Really?? Posted Image


I loved the Pat reveal. Seriously, seriously loved it. Because it's so CAP for Will to want to come in and fix his problems, but the reality is, sometimes people are too far gone to be saved. And sometimes you see people the way you want to see them, not how they actually are. Will saw Pat as this hot, beautiful guy who was pretty nice, and as such he didn't really want to think that Pat could be into bad stuff. But the reality was, Will didn't know all that much about Pat's life, and the pretty package was covering one big mess. That has happened more than once in my life, where I met someone who seemed cool and together initially, and only later on did I realize that they had a lot of crazy things going on that I knew nothing about because I was too busy seeing them the way I wanted to see them instead of how they actually were.


Plus, this was the early 2000's, and meth combined with circuit parties really had some devastating effects. This was after gay men stopped worrying about AIDS as a death sentence, and a lot of risky behaviors re-emerged.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I'm surprised you haven't scored that reveal yet. But then again, I've noticed you haven't done a lot of scoring lately.


I can think of a great song for that moment. You'll have to go back to 1989 for it, though.

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Posted Image

I'm surprised you haven't scored that reveal yet. But then again, I've noticed you haven't done a lot of scoring lately.


Mark wore me out by having three stories set in 2000 and three stories set in 1999. And it was kind of a dry era for music, anyway.


Awesome, awesome chapter. You hit some of the absolutely worst traits of the gay community, the using of meth, the using of boys, the reemergence of HIV through idiotic behavior. One of your better chapters I think.


I really loved this quote from Tim. I was never part of the circuit boi scene, but when I was 14/15, I knew of it, and the stories I heard made me really want to do my best to stay away from it. Mark was really hitting dead-on what the early 2000's scene was like- you weren't hearing about 20-something guys trying to get married and setting up homes like you do now. You were hearing about circuit bois in their wifebeaters living for their next trick.


It was like when all the AIDS activists of the 1980's either died off or moved on as AIDS in Western Civilization became a not-death sentence, the rising generation just threw themselves with abandon into the party scene unencumbered by a fear of AIDS.

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It's good that Jeff's got it all out there about how he felt about Wade. But Will's not the one he needs to be fessing up to. Posted Image


As for Pat...not to be insensitive, Mark, but this just seems like a really lame storyline to end up with. All things considered, Pat seemed like a really good guy for Will to have in his corner, so to first find out about the false molestation allegation, then to find out that he's apparently a meth-head who's now already Positive...it just seems like, Really?? Really?? Posted Image


That's one heck of a big 'ol let-down. Posted Image


Really? Some thoughts:

1. This is CAP. Drama is required.

2. If you think about it, the molestation allegation (if it was just an allegation) could very well have led Pat back to meth.

3. A positive circuit bottom is pretty realistic, sadly enough.

4. No fat ladies are singing yet.

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2. Really????? Well, that just makes it even worse. :thumbdown:


4. Hmmph. Well, they might as well be... it feels like suddenly he's been slapped with a fate worse than death.

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All the people who got/get sucked in the drug are not bad people, in fact most probably are not. Most were just regular middle class kids who thought they were in control when it came to the drugs. They thought they could stop anytime. They were wrong. Almost everyone in my age set and under that I know is HIV+ got so while under the influence and unintentionally.


Centex, not sure where you are in TX, but in LA, SF and probably SD it is impossible to avoid the "drug scene". It is in every gay club and bar out there. Chick-Fil-A is probably the only safe spot around.


I am not sure if Pat's problems started after the accusations or before, but if after, it would not have been an unusual reaction to stress and poor self image.

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I kind of feel like drugs are unavoidable anywhere you live. I remember when X was big in Philly. I also remember when Newark, Delaware was considered a major hub for trafficking Heroin on the East Coast because of its proximity to I-95. At my high school, a lot of my friends smoked pot and the like. At college, crushing up Adderall and snorting it was pretty common. So was abusing Oxy and the like.


I never had any interest in the Queer as Folk circuit scene because I heard and read too many stories about people who were destroyed in it. I'm kinda glad that nowadays, the image of the circuit boi isn't the only prevailing gay image now- now we've got the 20-something guys that want to get married and settle down and the like.

Edited by methodwriter85
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2. Really????? Well, that just makes it even worse. Posted Image


4. Hmmph. Well, they might as well be... it feels like suddenly he's been slapped with a fate worse than death.


I "liked" this and then realised that "liking" it probably gave the wrong impression. The Pat thing seemed to come so out of left field I thought I had missed something. Ok, so the fat lady hasn't yet done her thing, so anything's possible......


as far as the drugs thing either it was different in Australia or somehow I was past it ("too old" ha! as if that has ever happened!) and my kids were too young (almost as unlikley), but somehow it never affected me/us. I never felt I lived in a bubble, but the way some people comment here, I am beginning to think that naievity kept me and mine a hell of a lot safer than I would have imagined.....

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I "liked" this and then realised that "liking" it probably gave the wrong impression. The Pat thing seemed to come so out of left field I thought I had missed something. Ok, so the fat lady hasn't yet done her thing, so anything's possible......

Believe me, I'm usually the first person to get on Mark if I feel like he came up with something really contrived and out of character. This isn't really the case, I think. Because really, how much did we know about Pat other than the fact that he was a good-looking 26-year old guy with red hair, nice to Will, and interested in Jeff? He got introduced into the story around late July/early August- it's not like Pat was some long-standing family friend that we knew for a long time.


as far as the drugs thing either it was different in Australia or somehow I was past it ("too old" ha! as if that has ever happened!) and my kids were too young (almost as unlikley), but somehow it never affected me/us. I never felt I lived in a bubble, but the way some people comment here, I am beginning to think that naievity kept me and mine a hell of a lot safer than I would have imagined.....


It was definitely a prevailing issue in the early 2000's, as Tim can attest to.

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Believe me, I'm usually the first person to get on Mark if I feel like he came up with something really contrived and out of character. This isn't really the case, I think. Because really, how much did we know about Pat other than the fact that he was a good-looking 26-year old guy with red hair, nice to Will, and interested in Jeff? He got introduced into the story around late July/early August- it's not like Pat was some long-standing family friend that we knew for a long time.


The family's only known him since then - but seeing as many, many chapters cover that stretch, it's felt like much longer than that out here in Readers Land. :P

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I keep telling myself that we've lingered in 2000 for so long because Mark has a lot he wants to set up before we start going back to the "a different story for a different year" format. He does need to set up the next generation, and all of the incumbent issues within said generation, before we start going forwards and seeing how they develop and change into adulthood. Although hopefully not quite as real time as it has been lately.


Sometimes I'm worred that I'll be 30 and JJ will be barely 17 years old, though. I'm worried I'll become his Dorian Grey portrait, aging rapidly while he stays forever young. LOL. (Seriously, it seems like he's been 14 for like, forever. What a crappy age to stay at.)


Disclaimer: Please do not be offended by anything I put in this post. No offense towards Mark, the readership, and persons living, dead, or fictional were meant. Thank you.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Ch. 49 is up early! Thanks! Posted Image


JJ is being the diva and giving Will the treatment for being Will.


Will is slutty and having no problems so far being that way. Cue problems?Posted Image

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Okay, JJ is being as perfect a bitch as the creator intended. Pity there is no awards for it. Really, Will is stealing his spotlight?

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Ch. 49 is up early! Thanks! Posted Image


JJ is being the diva and giving Will the treatment for being Will.


Will is slutty and having no problems so far being that way. Cue problems?Posted Image


Okay, JJ is being as perfect a bitch as the creator intended. Pity there is no awards for it. Really, Will is stealing his spotlight?


I think that one of the things about this chapter is that it's possible to take two entirely different perspectives on it. There's a little truth in both.

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Right. I thought that's what made it realistic- JJ is a bitch for how he's reacting, but Will is being a dick by taking away all the attention from JJ when he was supposed to be there to help him out.


You've got this guy who's spent his entire life overshadowed by his little brother and his big brother- everything came easier to them than it did to him. He's finally got this one thing his hot brother that everyone loves can't do, and now his talent is going unrecognized because said brother is slutting it up.


Add to that being 14 years old, when you think EVERYONE is out to get you and no one really understands you, and JJ's reaction totally makes sense.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Centex, not sure where you are in TX, but in LA, SF and probably SD it is impossible to avoid the "drug scene". It is in every gay club and bar out there. Chick-Fil-A is probably the only safe spot around.



Well, I spent a lot of time in the clubs in Austin, Dallas, and Houston here in Texas; but I also did a lot of the circuit parties in the 90's so it wasn't that I didn't see the drug use, I just never got caught up in it. I can't say I have never done drugs, not sure many in my age bracket can do so, I did pot, cocaine, etc but the only one I ever really liked was acid and never did anything when I was on it.


I guess that when I was in the clubs or at the parties, the group I was with just never got caught up in the drugs... We all sort of looked at the fools doing it and thought, how can they really be enjoying something if they don't remember what they did??? The group of men that I ran with just never seemed to be in to the drug scene at all except for maybe some pot, who doesn't love special brownies after all.


I think another issue for me is that the two people that I have really lost in my life to meth use, neither were gay. I know that meth was big and really still is in a certain segment of the gay community but that was never really were I was exposed to it. I lost a nephew and a close friend of the family to meth use and neither were bad kids. They just got sucked in and couldn't stop. I never had a problem saying no or stopping after I had used a drug, so I can't say that I fully understand the allure of them. I can honestly say except for acid no drug I ever did really seemed to affect me much at all. I haven't used any type of illegal drugs or legal drugs in a non legal way in over ten years and have no desire or feel no need to use them again; this doesn't mean I would never just don't feel a need to do so at this time.


I know the drugs were around even back in my party days but I guess the fact that I never really experienced any negative side to them in connection with my " gay lifestyle " makes it easier to blindside me when it happens in one of Mark's stories... No one that becomes an addict started by saying, oh yes, I am going to become addicted and die from my drug use. There is just something in some people that make them unable to stop once they start, I just never had that problem with what I used...

Edited by centexhairysub
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Okay, really enjoyed the latest chapter of Paternity; I do think this chapter was just really hot... That being said, I do totally agree with methodwriter that JJ's feelings on the subject are spot on. I even agree with him to some extent. He is here trying to concentrate and win a competition and all anyone wants to talk to him about his how big his brother's cock is??? That would have to be off putting... I am not saying this is all Will's fault but can he not feel the need to sleep with ever guy he comes in contact with??? And before everyone goes, well he is 14 and hot and they all want him; yea, I remember being that age but damn give it a rest sometime. He has a hot older guy paying all the attention he wants to him does he need to sleep with 50 others on the trip just to prove he is hot???


I thought the scene with Tiffany and Will in the stands was very telling. Just when you get to thinking that Will is growing up and really maturing he shows his childish side. I do think there will be additional drama when Jeanine comes home and I can't wait to see how Mark deals with it in the story.


Great chapter, keep up the good work Mark...

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Aside from Will just being plain horny, I think Will is overcompensating for last summer, where every guy he hooked up with was "the one". After Tony thoroughly humiliated him, I think a switch flipped in Will and he's determined to have "sex only" without any real feelings to it. It's incredibly similiar to what happened to Andy in Cross-Currents after his first serious girlfriend dumped him the summer he was 14- he became a complete and total slut for most of high school until he finally came across the first person that told him no.


I'm sure he'll eventually grow out of the slut phrase- most everyone does(despite the jokes, I don't think Will is going to be like Stefan who really can't just be with one man), but in the meantime it keeps the story possibilites open-ended to have Will constantly hooking up instead of meeting a "forever love" kind of guy like Mark had Brad do with Robbie.

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Okay, JJ is being as perfect a bitch as the creator intended. Pity there is no awards for it. Really, Will is stealing his spotlight?


Actually I do get where JJ is coming from. Skating is his thing and he wants the buzz around the arena to be about him and his skill not questions like, "is it true your brother has a huge dick" and then hearing the whispers of, "I hear he fucked a guy on the airplane". It would have to really dig at JJ's ego and ultimately, self esteem.


Okay, really enjoyed the latest chapter of Paternity; I do think this chapter was just really hot... That being said, I do totally agree with methodwriter that JJ's feelings on the subject are spot on. I even agree with him to some extent. He is here trying to concentrate and win a competition and all anyone wants to talk to him about his how big his brother's cock is??? That would have to be off putting... I am not saying this is all Will's fault but can he not feel the need to sleep with ever guy he comes in contact with??? And before everyone goes, well he is 14 and hot and they all want him; yea, I remember being that age but damn give it a rest sometime. He has a hot older guy paying all the attention he wants to him does he need to sleep with 50 others on the trip just to prove he is hot???


I thought the scene with Tiffany and Will in the stands was very telling. Just when you get to thinking that Will is growing up and really maturing he shows his childish side. I do think there will be additional drama when Jeanine comes home and I can't wait to see how Mark deals with it in the story.


I was pretty tough on Will through the whole drama with Brad and Robbie, but I get where he is coming from with his mother. She seems to try and exert control over him for no reason other than to try and exert control.


It would be nice to see Will exert some self control and not have sex with everyone, just because he can.

Edited by PrivateTim
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It would be nice to see Will exert some self control and have sex with everyone, just because he can.


I think you meant to say 'not' have sex with everyone. Because he is having sex with everyone because he can.


Actually, I think Will told Jeff (and us) where he was at. He spent all summer chasing after love, and now he's in a mode to figure out the mechanics. He just wants to get laid.

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