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Welcome, Welcome... to the Hunger Games

John Doe

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hadn't read the books, hadn't even heard about them until the movie came out, but I did go to see it. I wish they had offered a little more background in the beginning, because some of that was confusing. I would have liked to have known more about the districts, that the competition was done in a holographic stadium and the competition was rigged, and the reason they kept telling them they needed sponsors. Until the first parachute, when Katness was injured, I had no idea why they were so important, unless this took place around the where the sponsors were and they'd get directly involved.

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Of course, I liked the books better.. soo much more detail and expression through the characters that the movie lacked.. it was a nice adaptation to a movie though, a lot better directed and the acting was really nice. :) I was surprised by Josh Hutcherson as Peeta.. I had my reservations about his ability to be within that role.. since he's kind of taken on roles that are more moody, where as Peeta is more casual and charming. The blond hair works for him too.. and he didn't look like a shrimp compared to Jennifer Lawerence either.. lol.

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