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Why are girls / women so difficult?


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Hahahah joann, you made me laugh - when I first read that my (myopic male Posted Image) brain saw "I put on a pair of stretch capris, and oversize teeth to run to the store ..." Posted Image

Edited by Zombie
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To be honest, I hate generalization to the highest level... but I can't help but feel this one is somewhat true. I find it hilarious whenever woman and men go back and forth as well.


I hate to say it, but woman tend to be very extreme and emotional. Be it a girly, manly, gamer, prissy... whatever. I've always noticed that majority of guys I'm around tend to be very VERY simple people. They want something, they say it. They need something, they get it. They feel something, they let you know. It seem's men don't tend to crave things or dwell on matters as much as women do. Everything's always extremely basic and a joke is a joke. With women on the other hand, nearly everything is a thought out situation that needs careful planning and it to be taken with offense. Asking for things tend not to come in play and when it does, it's a bit overboard to the point that it's annoying and overbearing. Even then, it seems like things are to be expected than to be said or something. My friends are always like "WHY DOESN'T HE JUST ____" and I'm like "Well... did you say something?" I mean, to put it simple, men care about things the same as women, but it seems far far FAR more simple on one side than the other.


But that's only my experience. I'm not going to say every girl is like that.

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I don't know what to say except I had a female friend who told me she didn't like having female friends because they're difficult to deal with, just right before she stopped seeing me.... (*sighs*) :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a woman, I've discovered that it's mostly a social-induced problem (there are exceptions, of course). I mean, since in they early years, females are made insecure by the standars set for them.

They must learn fast to be well groomed, graceful, pretty, nice, polite, slim, fashionable and all (I'm referring, of course, to the standards existing in the society I live in but I have the feeling that it must be likewise almost everywhere). Then, when a person is insecure, everything can trigger wrong reactions like those (even if a bit extreme LOL ) reported in that article.

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