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(NBA) Some love for the Semi-Finals and Finals


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Big sweaty guys rubbing against each other, trying to throw an orange ball into a small hoop, and tag teaming giants. (Yes, homo-erotic, but hey, gay + fan)


The Semi-Finals are still going on and it looks like no sweeps are in the future for the Spurs, and Youth might not beat experience for Heat. I follow the Celtic-Heat games more, but I still find it amazing how well my team is playing despite their age and limits against the king of the hill Lebron James and his team. It's a tough game and team based play making rather than superstar power is important, when you match players.


While the Celtics only won game 3 last night, we gave the Heat a good run for their money in game 2. We held them off with good game play and strategy. Plus, we also started seeing the obvious advantage we have over them, we're taller Posted Image Seriously,, it is a real game changer without Bosh, 3 inches of height is great.

Edited by W_L
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Big sweaty guys rubbing against each other, trying to throw an orange ball into a small hoop, and tag teaming giants. (Yes, homo-erotic, but hey, gay + fan)


Really dude? You have to gay up everything? :rolleyes:


The Spurs and Thunder are the ones to watch

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Meh, the strike/lock out was a turn-off and the NBA bores me anyway. I'd rather watch college or good high school games than the NBA most days of the week.


You can say the same for Hockey and Football as well, both had their own walk out issues.


I do agree with you the NCAA are much more fun to watch as these players are trying to prove themselves and get better. I don't watch high school games after high school.


Besides, I grew up in the era of Jordan with a dad who was a big fan of the old Celtics of the 80's, even though most people of my generation remember only Mike, without the rest of the Bulls (plus Rodman and Pippen, who was a hothead himself, but he got some humble pie in '94-95) at his side he'd be in trouble, too. Basketball at the NBA level should be about good team work and integrating all your strengths together into a strong and versatile dynamic.


It is why the Knicks haven't made it to the finals or even semi-finals in years, no amount of money and talent can create a team.


No matter how good you are personally, your team is what should matter.

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