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Personal Nicknames

Yettie One

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Ok did a search and didn't find any topics that actually ask about what nicknames you have had along the way in life. :)


So what personal nicknames have you had, and how did you get them?


Ok, as a kid my mom always used to call me Chubby. Apparently it came from the fact that as a baby I had really chubby cheeks, and so it was what she used to coo to me when she was trying to get me to sleep, and kind of stuck from there. I can't say it really bothered me much as a kid, mom was the only one that used the nickname, but once in a while she still comes out with it now, and that can be just a little embarrassing. hehe :)


My other nickname, The Yettie, comes from my time in the forces in Africa. I have Canadian heritage, and am a rather hairy bugger that does not really like the heat. Some of the guys I worked with in my squad figured that Yettie was a fitting nickname for me, and it kind of stuck.


At one time I used to wear a New York Yankies cap a lot of the time, and have always been a fairly spontanious person who enjoys getting up to mischief, so the nick was developed into the Nutty Yettie, and to many of my friends, even to this day, that is still how I am known. :)


So what nicks have you had then? :)

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LOL. chubby yettie. Posted Image I know someone whose nickname is sasquatch.


I have not had a lot of nicknames because I detest it when people shorten my real name. As a young kid, my dad called me Pookie. He was in the military and was gone when I was born. I did not meet him until I was about 6 months old. Apparently, I screamed my head off. Somehow, our getting to know one another evolved into him poking my belly and saying "pookie pookie pookie." You can imagine my horror as a teen when this story was related to people. I made him stop calling me that when he started calling my youngest brother by the same nickname.


I didn't have another one until I was 12, I think. I had the greatest fun on my little league team that year and we were the Kansas City Royals. The letters on my cap were KC. I wore that cap for months and months until the cheap thing disintegrated. At summer camp, the other kids just started calling me KC because reading the letters on my cap was easier than memorizing my name. **shrugs** I used that nickname off and on through college.


I had a few other nicknames that came about through various sports and online, but none stuck until I picked up Dark a few years ago.


Oh, I forgot to say that my mom still occasionally shortens my name to the last syllable. It was a big fight during high school to get her to stop and we ended up compromising in that she calls me by my given name most of the time.

Edited by Dark
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Shovel. Can't remember the exact circumstances, but I do remember it having something to do with having lost the house shovel in the grass and me trying to find it. My cousin still calls me shovels, which comes from the chant taunt 'the shovel's in the grass'.


I had another which was 'ghost', but I have no idea where that came from! :P

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Angel. It's shortened down from Angeleyes. My boyfriend at the time(mid 20's) called me that because he loved my eyes and I have had people comment on them from time to time. But now most people just call me Angel.

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Well since my family always used my initials as my nickname I really didn't have one unless they shorted K.C. to Kase which is actually longer :P


My Grandmother would call both me and my twin 'Honey Child' it wasn't until I was older that I figured it out that she did it because she couldn't tell us apart. :lol:

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I used to do by Rusty as a kid, but heard about the problems with nicknames and legalities. So in junior high, I started going by Russell, signing my name Russell. (I was a serious kid.)


Once in a while, somebody calls me Rusty now, and it feels kinda good now.


rustle is a contraction of Russell T. Kyle.

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I didn't have any good nicknames, apart from old Sam, I was "lanky bugger", or "big lad". Greg my postman started the "wildman" one. And now i'm just Marky to most. :) Oh Marky Moo from Stuby's mum :P, and sweetheart from his dad lol.

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I've never really had any. Just online ones like Cy or whatever. When I was a kid in school and there was another Dan (my name) in the same class he was always the one that got a nickname, lol. My mom calls me stuff like peanut and munchkin though, thankfully that never caught on with anyone else :P

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I've never really had any. Just online ones like Cy or whatever. When I was a kid in school and there was another Dan (my name) in the same class he was always the one that got a nickname, lol. My mom calls me stuff like peanut and munchkin though, thankfully that never caught on with anyone else Posted Image


Aww, peanut, that's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.

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I hated that nickname. It was pinned on me by a girl in the 7th grade. I kept telling her "I am NOT a dog!" but she ignored me. Now that I'm older I don't hear it anymore. Thank god!


Colin Posted Image

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Aww, peanut, that's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.


It's less cute when she calls me that in front of my boyfriend, lol.


Actually, speaking of my mom, I do sorta have another nickname with her. Tommy. It's my uncle's (her brother) name. For some reason half of the few times she calls me by a real, human name it comes out Tommy. What's funny is my grandma used to do the exact same thing and after she died my mom started doing it way more. She also calls my boyfriend Jason sometimes. His name is Nate. Yeah, I have no idea how she got that either. I have a story I wrote on Nifty with characters named Nate and Jason so the first time she did it I had a minor internal freak out about whether or not she found it somehow, <_< heh.

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When i was young all of my family referred to me as 'Creeping Jesus' because I would move about the house very quietly and no-one was ever sure of where I was. As I got into my teens I decided I liked Mike better than Michael and it's been that way ever since. Only my mother calls me Michael, so that prompts me to call anyone who refers to me as Michael Mummy !

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I got the nickname Bee when I started high school.. simply because I was obsessed with Transformers and Bumblebee was my favourite.


I get called Nae from my horsie friends

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It's less cute when she calls me that in front of my boyfriend, lol.


Actually, speaking of my mom, I do sorta have another nickname with her. Tommy. It's my uncle's (her brother) name. For some reason half of the few times she calls me by a real, human name it comes out Tommy. What's funny is my grandma used to do the exact same thing and after she died my mom started doing it way more. She also calls my boyfriend Jason sometimes. His name is Nate. Yeah, I have no idea how she got that either. I have a story I wrote on Nifty with characters named Nate and Jason so the first time she did it I had a minor internal freak out about whether or not she found it somehow, Posted Image heh.


I think it's a parent's job to embarrass their kid. Let's ask KC about it. He's always embarrassing his daughter.

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