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The WORST Officiating NFL Crew I've Ever Seen


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Yes, I'm a die-hard Packers fan, but even Seahawk fans know that last call was COMPLETE bullshit.




To pull an inexperienced Division 2 team up to officiate for the NFL is asinine to begin with. Half of these guys shouldn't even be allowed to ref a flag football game, much less a professional game.


Not ONLY was there blatant offensive pass interference on Tate, but Jennings had the ball under his possession when both feet hit the ground. This should have been a clear-cut interception for the Packers to win the game. But they ignored BOTH calls and literally gave the game away to Seattle. Both refs made completely different calls on the same play. One had a view of the ball, the other didn't. Somehow the one that DIDN'T have a view of the ball made the call to give Seattle the touchdown. "It is not a simultaneous catch if a player gains control first and an opponent subsequently gains joint control."


This should be a wakeup call to the NFL that they need to end this lockout. Sure, every game has bad calls, but these past few weeks have been absolutely horrendous.


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Yeah the game was horribly officiated and it is too bad the last horrible call cost the Packers the game, but there was a horrible pass interference call that sustained a drive that gave the Pack the go ahead touchdown.


I am not sure the issues surrounding the refs lockout, but whatever it is, the cost to give the regular refs what they want can not possibly be worth more than the damage they are doing to their brand and the playoffs.

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Until the horrible set of referees actually hurts the wallets of the NFL and owners, they won't do a damn thing about it. Think about it. If the replacements continue to do a disastrous job, are many of us going to stop watching the games on tv, stop buying tickets, merchandise, etc? Probably not. Until it becomes financially necessary to bring back the real refs, they'll continue with this disaster because their wallets are being lined either way.

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Unfortunately, I don't see things changing right away unless one of two things happen. One, either the players will have to refuse to play, citing potential hazardous conditions with the replacement refs, or two, the fans have to stay away until the regular refs are brought back. The owners are only going to respond when it hits them where it hurts - in the wallets.

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You know what? I don't know if it really matters, to tell you the truth. Why? Because no matter who the hell is refereeing any of these games, there's going to be so many people - including a number of people on here! - bitching, moaning, and complaining, about how the refs can't call the games for shit. I've noticed that it's been happening more and more for the past couple of years now. So...really, what difference will it make whether it's these so-called "replacement" refs, or "regular" refs, calling the games? Absolutely no difference at all, in my opinion.


So...get used to it!! :P

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Yeah, but the call was so obvious even I noticed it and I am blind in one eye :o:P


Seriously, the only real people that could scare the owners and NFL are the sponsors. Get Proctor and Gamble, Coca Cola, and some other guys to play hardball for our game and things will settle down. However, I do have to admit I am loving this controversy over these games as it brings some outside drama for my post-game.

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It's not that the regular refs don't make bad calls, but the replacement refs are making a multitude of them in the same game, plus they seem to be losing control at times, which means player can, and probably will, get hurt. Some of the refs are even confusing college rules with pro rules, which does alter the game. I can forgive an occasional blunder, hell I've officed in numerous sports myself and know how difficult the job can be, but there are more than what I'd consider allowable mistakes in just one half, let alone the entire game.

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Referees not accustomed to the NFL are having to referee these games because the originally employed Referees got a little greedy and wanted a raise and all that junk.... so you shouldn't blame the "rookie" or overwhelmed referees in these games, you should blame the greedy 200,000 dollar salaries the original referees wanted just to watch a football game and keep grown assed men in line. :P

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The thing is, it doesn't matter how many "bad" calls are made in a game, or even how "bad" those calls may be. Some ref calls can be reversed on review, but for the ones where this doesn't happen...there's this little doctrine:


All referees' decisions are final.


Seriously, who can cite even one time where the NFL has reversed a referee's decision or even overturned a game decision, after the game ended? (Not including instances that involve stripping a team of victories because that team's getting penalized by the NFL.)


I am not defending any referee's game decisions at all. But what I am saying is, complaining about bad decisions, is going to accomplish NOTHING. Not a God Damned Thing. Because there's just no way in hell that the NFL is going to be bothered to do anything more to address bad game calls.


Don't like it? Well...no one's forcing you to watch the games... :P

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Referees not even remotely qualified to referee the NFL are refereeing these games because the originally employed and legally contracted Referees were locked out of their jobs over the fact they would like to be paid a salary barely considered these days to qualify as middle class for the job they do well for an employer that posts annual revenue in the neighborhood of $9 billion a year and they'd like to keep their pension plan as it is now, not be forced into a 401(k) type plan that could and probably will lose every penny in it just before they reach retirement because some asinine hedge fund manager sneezes over the pretend futures of pinto beans or some too big to fail investment bank decides to play chicken over some cracked out investment scheme hatched out over one too many vodka martinis and sends the market into a tailspin...so you should totally blame the "rookie" and the billionaire CEOs determined to break a union over about as many dollars as are buried in the couch of their 50-yard-line luxury suite for the results of outsourcing an important skilled job to inexperienced referees in these games when those grown assed men playing a freaking game for a living to the tune of a ridiculous amount of millions of dollars in salary for themselves end up damaged. Posted Image


Yowza! Now that's some run on sentence.

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Referees not even remotely qualified to referee the NFL are refereeing these games because the originally employed and legally contracted Referees were locked out of their jobs over the fact they would like to be paid a salary barely considered these days to qualify as middle class for the job they do well for an employer that posts annual revenue in the neighborhood of $9 billion a year and they'd like to keep their pension plan as it is now, not be forced into a 401(k) type plan that could and probably will lose every penny in it just before they reach retirement because some asinine hedge fund manager sneezes over the pretend futures of pinto beans or some too big to fail investment bank decides to play chicken over some cracked out investment scheme hatched out over one too many vodka martinis and sends the market into a tailspin...so you should totally blame the "rookie" and the billionaire CEOs determined to break a union over about as many dollars as are buried in the couch of their 50-yard-line luxury suite for the results of outsourcing an important skilled job to inexperienced referees in these games when those grown assed men playing a freaking game for a living to the tune of a ridiculous amount of millions of dollars in salary for themselves end up damaged. Posted Image


Yowza! Now that's some run on sentence.


I hate it when you're so quiet and demur. Posted Image As usual, you are right. Posted Image

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