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Reading too much into what's been written

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Technical writing seem to work for me, or the art of business language. It seems more appropriate when dealing with people whom I've never spoken to personally or have seen in the light of day.


It somehow gives a recipient a sense of distance and civilised authority that what I mean is business, not personal. And even if the person I'm corresponding wants to digress with my tone of language - they somehow begin to act civil. And only if my full explanation of my opinion does not reach that person's level of emotional understanding, would I then choose to leave the conversation with a light note.


Writing is an art. And if you can't manage your way to pacify an argument whilst via online, e-mail, text, or any form of electronic messaging we have in our modern use, then all you need is to better yourself.


And if the person you're arguing with is a dick or an imbecile who likes to fan the flame of discord; all you can do is think that you're more civilsed than the person and just choose to walk away. 


Irregardless of their behaviour, personality, mood, tone, inflection, attitude, traits, or values; choosing to walk away in a silly argument is the best option rather than trying to convince them that you're right. You can however convince them that they're being a dickhead by: (a.) walking away, (b.) attacking them and acting like a moron yourself, or (c.) underlining that you're emotionally healthy than to deal with arguments made for 6 year olds.


However, trying to convince them in siding with you . . . that's where disparities in religious beliefs, moral codes, values, political affiliation, gender, culture, and other factors that makes every person different, factor out in an argument.


Hence, a thick skin, a healthy mind, a good disposition will always make you the better person in an argument in an online-messaging/internet wars. Because you'll know when to quit, and when to say to yourself:


"Shit! I have an 8 O'clock appointment with my dentist. I better log off now."

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Hence, a thick skin, a healthy mind, a good disposition will always make you the better person in an argument in an online-messaging/internet wars. Because you'll know when to quit, and when to say to yourself:


"Shit! I have an 8 O'clock appointment with my dentist. I better log off now."

Speaking of which .... :gikkle:

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Ryan I agree with most of what you said, but I would never have appligized. Wrong is wrong no matter how it is packaged.If you felt you were wrong, then you have that right to feel that way and express it.No one has the right to tell another person they cant say anything or how they are to react to something. 


I know. It's just sometimes I feel like I can do no right. Maybe it's just my perception or maybe I really am nothing but a big screw-up. I don't know. I'm not too sure where all that hostility came from with that other member but I was just trying to ease the tension. Again, I failed. 

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I know. It's just sometimes I feel like I can do no right. Maybe it's just my perception or maybe I really am nothing but a big screw-up. I don't know. I'm not too sure where all that hostility came from with that other member but I was just trying to ease the tension. Again, I failed. 

I have figured out with some people you cant figure them out because this and it makes no sense for you to allow them to give you their negativity...They are what they are and no matter what you or anyone else says you cant and wont change(s). It took me along time to figure this out Ryan...and it is extremely hard, but you have to take the negativity that someone is showing towards you and turn it into a positive not for them but for yourself. I have felts so much better since I have been doing this.. to bad it has cost me thousands of dollars to come to this point in my life. NEVER EVER!!!! let anyone make you feel that your worthless....you are someone special and if this person or person(s) in GA or in the world can not see this for themselves, then that is their problem and these are the people that you really do not need to associate with. Keep your head up my friend and never let anyone bring you down.

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As authors, we all know that "author intent" means jack-shit.

the kids at school complain all the time about this sort of thing, and not just face book and stuff, but from their english lessons.

people will always over analyse everything.

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