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The New iOS 7


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What do you guys think of it? I just downloaded it this morning, and it seems almost like a regression in the terms of how it looks, with the 2D icons and such. I haven't had much time to play around with how it actually works, but just based on aesthetics I'm not really a fan of it.


Any thoughts?

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I like it, a lot. I like the fact that folders are basically endless now. Although, a 3x3 grid seems kind of small, it's still nice. It makes organization a lot nicer. Also, finally News Stand can be buried!


The way they've implemented multi-tasking is a step back, in my opinion. It's a little annoying having to swipe. Especially since they kept the Xs to delete apps. Seems inconsistent. The keyboard is okay, but it's not winning any awards.


The swipe up notification center thing is the best, though. iPods don't have a hardware button for screen lock. This is a much appreciated feature and wins me over, really. Having the screen rotating constantly made it very difficult to enjoy reading the news in bed, or anywhere where you're not sitting up properly. The fact that the music controller is right there too, is fantastic. I won't use it much, but the buttons at the bottom are handy.


Overall, it's a huge improvement. I always thought that previous iOS versions looked weird. Looking at the felt on Game Center, it didn't seem very Apple-like, to me. This design is a huge change, which is fine. It'll just take some getting used to.


[Edit: Also, battery life is significantly better, which is quite surprising.]

Edited by advocatus diaboli
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Stylistically, I like it, too.  Haven't had much chance to play with all the bells and whistles (and don't use all that many to begin with), but I was never a fan of the "realistic" design with torn notepad pages, leather-bound volumes, etc.  My only regret is that my first-generation iPad is locked out of any updates.  I would not be surprised to see the next iteration of OSX (Mavericks)  adopt a similar look-and-feel.

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Ok so I've spent some time today playing around with it and the new, simpler design has actually grown on me. I like it. Also I think the flow of the new design it easier and quicker once you learn how to use all the new features. I especially like the flick motion that you can use to kill apps. Much easier and quicker then the old way.

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I dislike it on the iPad 2. The swipe pop up feature interferes when reading on it. I swipe from the bottom of the screen to scroll dialogue when the pad is in a holder when I read. The swipe up feature keeps popping up and I have to stop and knock it back down to continue. This is something I find quite annoying. All the features in the pop up can be accessed already elsewhere with little effort. I don't see the need for it on this device.



As for the phone, it's a 4 so not everything in the update applies. I use it for texting and talking to people (imagine that), take a few pictures, maps and look something up (rarely) so not a big deal.

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Most of the major features were immensely successful jailbreak tweaks that they incorporated into the iOS (which is nice, because no matter how good a jailbreak tweak is, you can still tell it's not native).




The control center is Apple's form of SBSetting/NCSettings


Swiping up from the bottom comes from Zephyr, which allowed you to swipe up to either close the app or open the app switcher, and swipe left/right to switch back and forth between apps


The new app switcher comes from Auxo


The NC on lockscreen comes from ISX/Bulletin 


Endless folders comes from FolderEnhancer, as well as the fact that you can put folders in folders

Edited by iSimba
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Apparently, there are issues already and the County IT Department has issued a statement for employees using County issued Apple devices not to upgrade their device at this time.

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Apparently, there are issues already and the County IT Department has issued a statement for employees using County issued Apple devices not to upgrade their device at this time.


Yeah, there's some lock screen issues. But it's been acknowledged and I'm sure they'll push out a fix ASAP.

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I saw a thing this morning about a person hating on whoever told them that iOS 7 makes their phone water proof.


I chuckled.


If there was a function that would immediately turn your phone off upon contact with water, that would be a pretty cool function, though. I think someone should patent this tech. :P

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It's glitchy as fuck and lots of email/music problems.


1) It's showing all unread email count instead of just out of the most current 25/50 like it did before. I know I have thousands of unread emails but I fully appreciated it telling me I have say, 5 out of last 50 unread instead of 5000 unread. I have yet to figure out out to change the configuation


2) Emails from same sender use to be grouped in "convo" view and it'll give you a number next to the email if there are multiple emails from the same sender. It doesn't do that anymore and now it looks like it's just 1 email until you tap on it and then if it's multiple emails, THEN it shows you all the emails from the sender. VERY inconvenient. I don't read all my work emails but I do scroll through and scan for information I know I can find just by scrolling and reading the 1st couple previewed lines. I used to be able to see what email has layers with the "number" next to it but now that it doesn't tell me, I can no longer tell if I skipped an email because I didn't realize there are multiple ones from same sender.


3) There is a glitch in email that will say you have an unread email even when you don't. You can do "mark all", "mark all read" and it will still tell you you have an unread email. It drives me nuts.


4) Music app is jacked up, it's now sorting everything by album and showing the album cover for every song. I have thousands of songs on my phone, organized by artist, albums, and genre. For some reason it's decided that giving me a simple list of my songs is no longer acceptable, it has to show me the album cover of every song meaning every song is no longer just 1 line in a list, it's a block with the album cover, album name and then song name, makes scrolling more time consuming and not as eye-friendly.


5) I can no longer play all songs from a given genre, I used this feature all the time, it's intuitive...pull up all "country" songs, pull up all "jazz", etc etc and play all, shuffled. It doesn't have this feature anymore, you can only play things BY ALBUM, even after you're pulled everything up by genre, itll still sort everything by artist and album and you can only play songs from those artists/albums, not all from the genre. It's fucking annoying.


6) The numbering in my tunes by artist are no longer the intuitive "1,2,3,4,5"....it's decided that when you pull up your say, 10, songs from a given artist you have, it'll show you the "track number" of that song based on it's position in ITS ALBUM EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE THE ENTIRE ALBUM, meaning, your list of songs from 1 artist now reads something like 1, 6, 10, 22, 4, 17 instead of 1,2,3,4,5....very dumb.


7) in Safari, all the tool buttons are no longer always on the page, it disappears making more room for the content of the page which I guess is kinda nice but it's not easy to pull up those buttons, like the back button, new tab button, etc...they all disappear and to pull it up you either have to scroll to the top, touch it at a very specific place at the bottom of the screen both of which are very inconvenient.


8) my most used app that shall remain nameless no longer works with iOS 7 and I'm waiting of the update to come for it to work again...#annoyed.


9) I really dont like the look and feel of everything else. The colors, cutesy kinda interface, your text messags look like some cartoon bubbles. Not very professinal.

Edited by Y_B
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some say ios7 copied Win8 or can we say ios1-6.1 was a bit complex

some say android is better because it learns something from it user


if all the three os are easy to learn then all are good as long as it doesn't create more work


I dearly can't say for win8 ... in win7 going for the scheduler is easier than win8


does any one have win8 smartphone ... can you say multitasking is better?

I seen a demo on android 4.2 samsung and it seems good

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well downloaded it and have a few comments already:


1) Is is gobbling up battery life quicker, or is it that I'm playing with it more (my phone that is ;) )

2) You used to be able to close down apps in the background with a double press of the button and hold down the apps till you got a minus sign. Not able to do that now, but I'm sure someone knows how.

3)Took forever to find the search function...Seems I have trouble reading swipe down from the middle of the screen instead of swipe down from the middle of the top of the screen.



Yang, you should be able to play by genre. I still have the same options in the 'More' section of Music

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I'm probably in the minority here but I'm an Android guy. Whenever I visit an Apple friend we always seem to end up on his iPad for something or other, and I'm, more often than not, just confused. It's probably just because it's so different from the Android OS. If I weren't so set in my ways in my "old age", I could probably adapt, but I just don't want to go through the hassle. But don't get me wrong; Android can be a real pain in the neck. Especially all of the apps they force on you that you can't remove!! Arrogant S.O.B.'s! So good luck to all of you Apple buds. Hope iOS 7 is a good experience for you!

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It's glitchy as fuck and lots of email/music problems.



8) my most used app that shall remain nameless no longer works with iOS 7 and I'm waiting of the update to come for it to work again...#annoyed.


It seems you have a Hiccup in your Hook-up.

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Apple's advanced fingerprint technology is hacked; should you worry?
Summary: Less than 48 hours after the iPhone 5s went on sale, a group of German hackers claimed to have lifted a fingerprint and created a fake finger that could spoof Apple's "advanced" biometric technology. But anyone who's been paying attention to biometrics wasn't surprised.
It took only days for the hackers of Germany’s Chaos Computer Club to claim victory in the challenge to break Apple’s vaunted new security feature in the iPhone 5s. The CCC “biometrics hacking team” used a photo of a fingerprint from a glass surface to fashion a fake finger that they then used to fool the newest iPhone into unlocking. “This demonstrates – again,”  the group said in a statement, “that fingerprint biometrics is unsuitable as access control method and should be avoided.”
Actually, it demonstrates no such thing.
The new iPhone debuted on Friday, September 20. The CCC team announced their successful hack roughly 48 hours later. But if you think this is a crushing defeat for Apple, think again. Apple's technology is good enough for most common applications. But no fingerprint reader is unhackable.
Biometric information like fingerprints and retina scans are useful pieces of a multi-factor authentication puzzle. Although the CCC claims they used “materials that can be found in almost every household,” it’s unlikely that many households have the imaging technology to capture a fingerprint in a 2400 dpi photograph, clean up the resulting image and print it at 1200 dpi “onto transparent sheet with a thick toner setting,” and then “smear pink latex milk or white woodglue” into the pattern to make a fake finger like the one that successfully bypassed the security of Touch ID.


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It is my understanding that Quote and MultiQuote are tools of the forum to reference someone else's previous post. I don't think your (hh5) use of quote to post a new comment into a thread works well. Shouldn't outside references be acknowledged by quotations marks and an indication of where it originated. The way you use "quote" here is misleading and perhaps it is best that you adjust your use of it.

Edited by Ron
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I wonder what app that could be…. 0:)

It seems you have a Hiccup in your Hook-up.


Umm, how do yall know I'm not talking about Lumosity or Angry Bird or the Big Bang Theory game? :/


You were a solid 10/10 in my book before this topic, but now that I know you're an Apple user I've been forced to lower it to 8/10.


He was a 1/10 when he used his Android but is now a 2/10 now that I know he uses an iPhone

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Umm, how do yall know I'm not talking about Lumosity or Angry Bird or the Big Bang Theory game? :/



I thought I knew what App you were talking about Yang, but it works fine on my iPhone, so obviously must be one of those 3 that is not working for you 0:)

Edited by wildone
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