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ISO Beta and Editor for Fall Anthology Piece

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Yes, Back again to beg ladies and gents for your kind attention. I have completed a second piece for the anthology and yes we are drawing close to the time to have final submissions in. Needless to say I am working on a deadline.


From my beta - Read and don't be afraid of the damn red pen. Tell me what doesn't make sense, where I missed words, and any other things necessary to make sure this story makes sense.


From my editor - The beta and I have hopefully done a good job of cleaning this up so you get the nitty gritty of punctuation and any other idiot mistakes I might not have caught.


The word count is 4,507. I work in word 2007. Just so you know.


Titled : Fang and Claw


Sample -


Bill sat quietly in the corner watching the three men sitting at a table at the other end of the bar. He hated that he had to come across country to deal with this, but when the council made its decision that was final. He had barely crawled home from the last mission they had sent him out on, only to turn around and be sent here. However, even he had to admit the murders had to stop. The only problem was he knew two of the men before him were the possible killer and the third was making him want to go over and blow his cover.

“Want another?” The barmaid glanced at him, her eyebrow cocked as she wiped down his end of the bar.

“Just make it a soda. I have to drive later.” Bill turned on the charm as she watched him. He’d been nursing the same beer for nearly an hour.

“Sure.” She nodded and made her way down to draw him a coke.

Bill’s attention turned to the men as they left the corner table at the end and came to the bar.

“I’m telling you that storm front is going to wreck havoc here. We haven’t had rain in … what? Three months or so? The ground is dry as shit. Now they are expecting that storm and it is dropping over three inches an hour. We are going to flood. The ground is so dry it will just wash away not absorb all that moisture.” The tall brunette’s voice cut through everything else in the bar as he leaned on the counter.

“Hey, Maggie, tell Mark how wrong he is. If we get rain it isn’t going to flood, right?” The heavier set older guy leaned across the bar trying to snag the barmaid’s attention.

The barmaid looked up and shook her head as she walked the soda down to Bill. “I ain’t getting into another of your arguments, Sal. Settle it between yourselves.”

Bill nodded as Maggie slid the soda in front of him and took the change out of the bills he had before him. She wandered off toward the other end of the bar where a large group of new patrons had just sat down.

Bill watched as the third member just seemed to stand silently between the two men. He looked down letting his blond hair hide his face. He couldn’t help but feel the man was more a teenager now that he was standing closer. Bill could see how the guy seemed to shake where he was standing. He tried not to draw attention as he took a deep breath.


So that is the beginning of the story. If you are interested contact me asap. I need to have this done and contact Renee for someone from the Anthology editing team to go over it by the 1st cause all stories are to be done and posted to the thread by the 3rd. So two days all around.

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Okay I had someone step up and take on the job of beta reader. Thank you Mann. Still need an editor. I promise to fly through the rewrites I get from Mann and pass it on to you asap. Do I have any takers for that editor job?

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