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Muse Overload

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In writing, have you ever experienced a moment where you're so in tune with your story that every word comes out just the way you want it, and everything is perfect as can be? I'm having one of those moments, and it's awesome, except for one thing. My muse will only let me work in short spurts, because it overloads me. If you've ever experienced this, how have you overcome it, or should it even be overcome?

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In writing, have you ever experienced a moment where you're so in tune with your story that every word comes out just the way you want it, and everything is perfect as can be? I'm having one of those moments, and it's awesome, except for one thing. My muse will only let me work in short spurts, because it overloads me. If you've ever experienced this, how have you overcome it, or should it even be overcome?


Happens to me all the time! I force myself to take short breaks. Usually read something short, flesh out character descriptions/background for existing or ones not yet introduced, or research small details on locations, events of subjects related to the story. Although I need a break to slow down the brain, I try not to move to far away from the story. I attempt to channel the energy burst in a way which will still help what I'm writing.

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I'm not sure it's something that should be overcome.  Work within your limits.  If you're overloaded, then respect that and walk away for a little bit.  I have attention issues, so focusing on one task at a time can be too much for me.  So I may write a paragraph or two, then check GA and FB, and write another paragraph or two...then re-read what I wrote, check GA and FB ad nauseum.  On the rare occasions I can actually sit down and type out a page at a time, then I go with it.  Otherwise, I just go where my wandering attention span takes me. 

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Happens to me all the time! I force myself to take short breaks. Usually read something short, flesh out character descriptions/background for existing or ones not yet introduced, or research small details on locations, events of subjects related to the story. Although I need a break to slow down the brain, I try not to move to far away from the story. I attempt to channel the energy burst in a way which will still help what I'm writing.

What a splendid idea! And I've already been doing some of that. My current story involves the Yakuza, and I've found myself researching them at the most inopportune times, but my muse doesn't seem to care. I'll just have to do more of it.


I'm not sure it's something that should be overcome.  Work within your limits.  If you're overloaded, then respect that and walk away for a little bit.  I have attention issues, so focusing on one task at a time can be too much for me.  So I may write a paragraph or two, then check GA and FB, and write another paragraph or two...then re-read what I wrote, check GA and FB ad nauseum.  On the rare occasions I can actually sit down and type out a page at a time, then I go with it.  Otherwise, I just go where my wandering attention span takes me. 

That's often how I spend my time when my muse wishes me to take a break. I was worried, however, that my muse was displeased with me "wasting time". I wasn't sure if it was appropriate or not.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't think it's something to be overcome. I've been in a similar situation as you, where my muse just goes into overdrive and everything comes out exactly the way you want it to work. While its only a brief time before it goes away again, it's just a sense that there's a lot of backed up ideas in your head. Don't fight it, just let it flow and you'll get much more done than if you try and extend the muse and keep it around longer than its meant to be there.

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I'm not sure it's something that should be overcome.  Work within your limits.  If you're overloaded, then respect that and walk away for a little bit.  I have attention issues, so focusing on one task at a time can be too much for me.  So I may write a paragraph or two, then check GA and FB, and write another paragraph or two...then re-read what I wrote, check GA and FB ad nauseum.  On the rare occasions I can actually sit down and type out a page at a time, then I go with it.  Otherwise, I just go where my wandering attention span takes me. 

 I also have severe attention issues, and so I have to stop for a bit to gather my mind. I will go on Spotify to build a playlist to fit a scene, or go throw in a load of laundry. When I return, I can usually produce a page or two. lol 

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  • 4 months later...

I've never yet managed to overcome this. When my muse starts knocking at the door, I have to let it in and once it leaves again I often don't write at all for a few weeks. I prefer to keep in touch with it with the occasional virtual e-mail or half hour on the metphorical phone; it allows me to manage it. But when it comes knocking on my door, boy am I tired afterwards. :)

Edited by RobsWriting
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I watch TV almost constantly while writing. When my muse hits me hard, I pause whatever I'm watching at that time, write until my brain falters and start the series again. My head doesn't stop working while I do something else, so having my story right there and being able to quickly switch from lazing around to writing down whatever jumps me does the trick.

Doesn't work with Facebook or Youtube, though. The short burst tasks there (scroll, click, comment, move on) keep my brain too busy to do its thing. I use those when I actually am sure I need a break or won't write anything more today.

On extreme days, I open up to three stories and jump from one to the other when I get stuck. I can't keep that up for more than 30 to 60 minutes, though. Exhausting stuff :)

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This may sound some what crazy, but it might have chances to overcome some of your problem. It will give some mental peace and improves your control over your mind. Yeah, I said crazy right. Like others suggested, it is one of the suggestion too. And you don't have to believe in space travels and shit in that, but it will give you more inner strength and peace... :)





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Back in my early university days, my music composition teacher liked to call those times when everything just comes out as it should be with little resistance and that feeling of connection to the world you are constructing 'finding flow'. We talked at length about taking advantage of those times and savouring them, since it can be very difficult to catch them. I guess in some ways it's like catching a brilliant wave to ride into shore. It's beautiful, mystical, enrapturing in the moment, but it does come to an end. Sometimes we have good weather making lots of those waves for us, other times the weather sucks. Sometimes the waves are from stormy seas, others its from a gentle breeze under a warming sun.


Finding flow when my mind does not want to cooperate is something I have yet to master, and I don't know if I ever will. It's frustrating, but perhaps it is just a limitation that I must accept.

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