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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Stories Of This Type


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but can anyone recommend some decent stories that have stockholm syndrome? It seems my favourite types of stories include this aspect, but it's not really common to find a well written one/one where it doesn't happen within the first 3 paragraphs. 


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I know we have bondage and BDSM writers, but kidnapper/victim genre you are asking for is not one I've seen on GA in recent times.


You might need to do a search of "stories" under "advance search" ---->"tags" ------> "BDSM"


The list are not long, so the subgenre you may want is limited to a narrow margin of authors.


What type of story setting are you looking for specifically, modern or ancient/ Western World or Middle Eastern or Asian or African/ Fiction or Science Fiction or Fantasy


Some writer may include elements of that kind of relationship, but it is usually part of bigger narratives.

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I'm not aware of any stories that use the Stockholm syndrome as part of the premise, but it's an interesting idea.  Maybe someone will pick this up and run with it now.  I could see a story about a guy who's been kidnapped and identifies/falls in love with his kidnapper, as one example.  

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I can't think of a story that fits that criteria, actually. Most likely, that's due in part to the fact that abuse is not allowed to be shown in any way that glorifies the abuse or justifies the relationship, plus dubious and non-consensual sex is allowed only in a narrow window as well, which those types of stories usually contain.

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I can't think of a story that fits that criteria, actually. Most likely, that's due in part to the fact that abuse is not allowed to be shown in any way that glorifies the abuse or justifies the relationship, plus dubious and non-consensual sex is allowed only in a narrow window as well, which those types of stories usually contain.


Cia has a really good point, such relationships would be problems for our guideline rules, not to mention the idea of kidnapping or holding someone against their will is illegal.


An approach for this kind of story is to set it in the pre-modern world, Roman/Greek/Middle Eastern/Chinese/other civilizations had done that with raids against native peoples by kidnapping them, then enslaving them under cultural practices at the time. Historical fiction would make such relationships feasible.


Of course, science fiction and fantasy genres can do the same as mainstream authors from Frank Herbert to Tolkien have done it for heterosexual couples. It's just a part of greater narrative stories though, not merely a focus of their main story.

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A stockholm syndrome story does not have to include a sexual relationship. I remember one I had to read for English, back in the dark ages when I was at school :P I can't remember the title, but I still remember the plot.


It was an innocent young white boy who was kidnapped by a native American. The native American had been 'commanded' by his totem spirit to sacrifice the boy, but there were things to be done first. The boy had a dream that the native American interpreted as a powerful totem spirit granting the boy a wish. The native American couldn't sacrifice the boy until the wish was granted. The story was about their relationship as the native American tried to look after the boy while avoiding capture by the authorities. The boy came to respect the native American -- a respect that was mutual. There was sex in the story, but it was organised by a female acquaintance of the native American so the boy would no longer be 'innocent' and thus not a suitable sacrifice.


That story (if I could remember the name, but given that I read the story more than 30 years ago, that's unlikely) fits the requirement and would also meet GA requirements, because stockholm syndrome means that the victim comes to associate and relate to the captor and the captor's goals, not that they necessarily fall in love with their captor.

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It doesn't fit exactly but what about MA Church's Taken, The harvest series? Dale is effectively kidnapped and he does fall in love with Keyno. 


Anyway it's a great story  :*)

Edited by Cazpedroso
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There are many ways in which Stockholm Syndrome could factor into a story and not be glorifying abuse. Just one which immediately sprang to mind (And I probably won't use until we've all forgotten this conversation) would be the protagonist falling in love with someone who has Stockholm Syndrome for the antagonist, and the entire story could be about breaking down the Stockholm Syndrome and freeing the love interest from their own mental prison.

I don't know that Marme was necessarily asking for stories which glorify that kind of relationship. There are many angles to use it in a story which would involve overcoming such a relationship, just like any form of abuse.


I can't think of a story that fits that criteria, actually. Most likely, that's due in part to the fact that abuse is not allowed to be shown in any way that glorifies the abuse or justifies the relationship, plus dubious and non-consensual sex is allowed only in a narrow window as well, which those types of stories usually contain.

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Feel free to steal this if you want, I just got an interesting idea for a story set during World War II in a German Concentration Camp for gays.


Basically, what if the idea of Stockholm syndrome is played out both physically as a captive/captor relationship and psychologically in reverse, where the captor identifies with the captive as he himself is captive under his own regimented world, i.e. a guard at one of these camps?


The captive can leave his confinement if he accepts a heterosexual mandated life, but he resists. The resistance weakens over the course of the story.


The guard having homosexual feelings as well could accept his desires, but he does not want to join the captive. His desire grows ever greater.


In this story, I wouldn't glorify abuse and atrocity, but expose it and the frame of mind that allows social pressure to justify repression and oppression.


Just a crazy idea from this writer, I don't really have time to write that in addition to my Valentines story entry and Book 2.

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