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fencing job was finished up last night, just as sun was setting; I'll have to go out this morning and take a look at it in full light, but what I was able to see last night looked good

Woke up this morning to Goldfrapp's "A&E" running through my head   :/  Sometimes I don't want to know what my subconscious is trying to tell me.

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11 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

@rickproehl you do nice work!

@Fae Briona how does the fence look in the light of day?

Phil's home, & smelling of sweat, cigars & campfire. His clothes are in the wash & He's watching His Broncos.

Hope everyone is doing alright today.

@mollyhousemouse thank you i enjoy making them - spent the day doing some house cleaning getting ready for the holiday season. So how has your day been molly?

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4 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

@mollyhousemouse thank you i enjoy making them - spent the day doing some house cleaning getting ready for the holiday season. So how has your day been molly?

i've finished the laundry, i need to iron a few things later. prepped my breakfasts for the week, & tonight's dinner

i'll do holiday prep next weekend

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3 minutes ago, Fae Briona said:

Having a good day -- been lost in the rabbit hole of YouTube lol

Fence looks good.  Needs a couple of adjustments here and there where it was starting to get dark on them, but otherwise good.

Enjoy your evening with Phil @mollyhousemouse

YouTube is a dangerous place Fae, lol!

Glad the fence looks good 👍

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Phil needed new pants, (down another size yay!) so it was off to Wal-Mart for jeans. we ended up walking around for a while, picked up some cheese & crackers for dinner. looks like we're watching The Mandalorian.

hope everyone had a good day!

Edited by mollyhousemouse
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32 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Mmmm  a bit on the too sweet side but ...  Happy Wednesday:

i woke up thinking it was Thursday, 😟

it is a bit sweet, but all the points are worth striving for

hope it's a good day for everyone

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2 hours ago, rickproehl said:

Good  Sirs and DiC friends 

Good morning,  

 i hope you all have a Great Wednesday.

been under the weather with this stupid sickness someone brought into work. So been spending time under the  blanket. Been to the doctor and on meds. So got up to get some juice tell everyone hello and going back to the couch and snuggle with my girl - (Lakota) a black husky mix. 

So take care and have a good day.

Hope you feel better soon.

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7 hours ago, rickproehl said:

Good  Sirs and DiC friends 

Good morning,  

 i hope you all have a Great Wednesday.

been under the weather with this stupid sickness someone brought into work. So been spending time under the  blanket. Been to the doctor and on meds. So got up to get some juice tell everyone hello and going back to the couch and snuggle with my girl - (Lakota) a black husky mix. 

So take care and have a good day.


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Came home early as my hip is not liking the changing weather.  It's almost spring-like outside at the moment - nearly 70º F & light showers. Cold fronts move in overnight tonight and tomorrow and will drop the temps by 20º.  Yippy.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

Sorry you have a headache @mollyhousemouse & that Excel is giving you problems. I actually like it and what all it can do.  Have several forms I use at work that I created for both payroll and travel that automatically calculate, highlight, total across groups, and a few other things.  I greatly prefer Corel WordPerfect over MS Word though.

Feel better soon @rickproehl

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