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5 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

There is talk of making it permanent. I hope they do. I really do hope so.

Now that they see the benefits - increased productivity - they’d be foolish not too. If security is the issue, there’s probably something out there that would aid in that goal. 

PS: For your sake, I hope they go this route, tim. 

Need another coffee, see you later... 

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You sound happier and healthier for being aloud to work at home, I hope they let they it continue for you. Your cake you made sounded wonderful. I hope you and Michael are keeping well x

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19 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

You sound happier and healthier for being aloud to work at home, I hope they let they it continue for you. Your cake you made sounded wonderful. I hope you and Michael are keeping well x

Thanks chris.. yes we are both doing okay.  Hope you and your hubby are also.

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15 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

ohhhhh i like her recipes!

1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

So, i got up and worked a couple of hours overtime. Mostly I like work a lot more now that i do not have to waste 2 hours of my day travelling.  I have done more overtime in the last month than i have in the last two years. Because i can work from 4 to 5 and not have to wait for a bus and get home by 6:30pm. This is such a win-win thing.

There is talk of making it permanent. I hope they do. I really do hope so.

i'm hoping for this as well. the hardest part of my commute these days is making sure i don't trip over a dog, no traffic jams or trains to wait on
dinner at an earlier hour. and honestly, although i miss the people, i don't miss the bone chilling cold or the dust and dirt and noise

i'm catching up on GA today, my phone finally died last week (it was almost 5 years old) and we were able to get a new one late yesterday and i spent the night getting it programmed etc.

hope it's a good day where you are!

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i must have a bit of cabin fever, 
never would i have been so excited to hear Phil say "Dammit! We're out of ice. We'll need to go pick some up."
i said, "i'll get the keys and some change if You'll drive." and my shoes were on and i was waiting at the door :gikkle:
so off we went to get ice!  lol!


since we have really hard, mineral filled water, we have these free standing ice and water vending kiosk places where we get our ice and some people get water costs between $1.50 $1.75 for a big bag of ice


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Fun Fact: The Premier of Ontario declared the Easter Bunny to be an essential worker, so don’t worry kids, he’s still coming to your house Sunday morning. 

I thought this a good thing to do, because right now, little kids don’t need the magic of believing be something else the coronavirus ruins. 

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15 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Fun Fact: The Premier of Ontario declared the Easter Bunny to be an essential worker, so don’t worry kids, he’s still coming to your house Sunday morning. 

I thought this a good thing to do, because right now, little kids don’t need the magic of believing be something else the coronavirus ruins. 

i saw that ... it's so sweet.  i hope parents can get out and get some treats for the kids.

We always bought Peter a gold lindt bunny.. well he is all skinny now so not eating many sweets, so we got him one of these. It's adorable.. and mini.. the eggs are the usual small size, the bunny is tiny.

Lindt Mini Gold Bunny & Egg - 3 pack | London Drugs

It is still here at home as we cannot go to see him. :(

Edited by Mikiesboy
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4 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

i saw that ... it's so sweet.  i hope parents can get out and get some treats for the kids.

We always bought Peter a gold lindt bunny.. well he is all skinny now so not eating many sweets, so we got him one of these. It's adorable.. and mini.. the eggs are the usual small size, the bunny is tiny.

Lindt Mini Gold Bunny & Egg - 3 pack | London Drugs

Aww...that is sweet. :) 

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9 hours ago, mollyhousemouse said:

don't forget rick, talk to someone, your family, us, it's always better to get these things out than keep them in. :hug:


molly, tim  

i took your advice and turned all devices off. yes i needed to talk to someone so i went to see Steve. with both of us being outside on his deck. sitting and talking helped. 
so thanks for all the good thoughts and good advice. i have ordered the Calm. 

so how was everyone’s day? 

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watched two movies tonight
both were good, in different ways

CODE 8  was a very tense, indie SciFi piece. they raised over $2 Million in a kickstarter campaign. had some difficult themes but it was well done. i'd watch it again, and pay more attention the second time

ANGEL HAS FALLEN  the third in a trilogy, very loud, lots of explosions and gun fire. tired premise vaunted secret service agent (Gerard Butler) gets set up and is accused of trying to assassinate the president (Morgan Freeman). however, i like a good action movie and i think that the acting in this one pushed it from the "this is tired" category to the "this was fun."  if it's on, i wouldn't turn it off

hope everyone has, or has had, a good evening

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Good Morning Easter Quotes Pictures, Photos, Images, and Pics for ...    Have a good day all ... i shall be working. Listening to people bitch and complain, then turning around and being all wonderful to their families. It's lovely how we value each other.

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2 hours ago, chris191070 said:

This was shared with me this morning by various family members, thought I'd share it here x

Thanks chris xo

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2 hours ago, Starrynight22 said:

Happy Easter if yoire celebrating, happy spring Sunday if you're not.  


You might think after 30+ years of cooking I would remember you shouldn't grab a pan fresh from the oven with a bare hand, even if it is slipping to the floor.  

Cold water has prevented a large blister and I did save the lasagna.  But my left hand is very sore



Last time I burned my fingers - teach me to not hold the mug by the handle - soaking them in cold water wasn’t working, so I finally tried Aveeno hand cream and it worked. Aveeno has oatmeal in it which is good for burns. I also had oatmeal too, but I thought of that later.

As for that pan manoeuvre? I’m pretty sure we’ve all done it. 

Edited by Reader1810
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3 hours ago, Starrynight22 said:

Happy Easter if yoire celebrating, happy spring Sunday if you're not.  


You might think after 30+ years of cooking I would remember you shouldn't grab a pan fresh from the oven with a bare hand, even if it is slipping to the floor.  

Cold water has prevented a large blister and I did save the lasagna.  But my left hand is very sore



oh man.. look after that.. it has got to hurt. xoxoxo

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