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5 Arguments Against Gay Marriage

Julian Alexander

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Hehe, i saw that Kitty after skimming through the site. I only found it through a online gay themed comic, found it in his comic's forums. Hehe, as for things there, One: I cant cook for shit, as for cleaning i must be forced or i have this crazy thing where i clean at night ( :blink: ); Two: Im so-so with laundry, i just see what need to be cleaned (I only seperate Colors and Whites) then stick in the laundry with some liquid detergeant and softner;Three: Holiday i forget them too, Yes i might even forget b-days;Four: Names, Hmm i might hypante (Well some of it comes from my mum who also hasnt taken my dad's last name);Five: I do want kids, but i think if i brought a bf home, he better head for the hills (or wear suit of armour).


Jules :read::D


PS I like Love Monkey, Sex Weasel, lol


PSS: I have a drawer filled with single socks, it seems everytime i put them in, a few go missing, plus my little bro uses my socks

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A friend of mine is against gay marriage. I guess he's really against all marriage, as a legal status, not the religious and commitment parts. He doesn't see any reason why people should get tax breaks for having sex.


As for guacamole, I've never tried using cumin or cilantro, but I think I might try one or the other some time.

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A friend of mine is against gay marriage. I guess he's really against all marriage, as a legal status, not the religious and commitment parts. He doesn't see any reason why people should get tax breaks for having sex.


That sounds very similar to my own view.


Technically, I am against gay marriage, because I don't think the government should be involved in ANY marriage, period. I think it should be just like any other partnership contract: the parties involved decide what the contract shall be. As long as the parties are consenting adults, I see no reason for the government to stick it's nose in.


However, as long as there is government-recognized marriage, I certainly favor equal rights for all in that regard.

Edited by C James
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I still can't believe there is even a debate over whether gays should have to right to marriage. I mean seriously, this is EQUALITY? Geez!


I liked that piece, lol.. I found myself laughing at the hypothetical phone conversation. :P

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I still can't believe there is even a debate over whether gays should have to right to marriage. I mean seriously, this is EQUALITY? Geez!


I liked that piece, lol.. I found myself laughing at the hypothetical phone conversation. :P


Just in case you are referring to my post, I need to clarify it, as it could be interpreted in ways I didn't mean.


I'm absolutely 100% in favor of gays having their right to marry recognized. I'd just prefer that the government got out of the marriage business altogether, though I realize that's unlikely to happen.


Just stating my own opinion, not saying it's right. I also just realized that this might fit under the heading of "political", so if anyone feels the need to discuss my position with me, please do so via PM, as I won't respond here.


I loved the humor in the original post.. Thank you Julien for posting it.

Edited by C James
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Just in case you are referring to my post, I need to clarify it, as it could be interpreted in ways I didn't mean.


I'm absolutely 100% in favor of gays having their right to marry recognized. I'd just prefer that the government got out of the marriage business altogether, though I realize that's unlikely to happen.


Just stating my own opinion, not saying it's right. I also just realized that this might fit under the heading of "political", so if anyone feels the need to discuss my position with me, please do so via PM, as I won't respond here.


I loved the humor in the original post.. Thank you Julien for posting it.


Oh no, not at all. I actually thought you brought up a good point. I was just randomly expressing my frustration with the mindset of some people with regards to "straight" rights and "gay" rights, so to speak.

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>Points Julien Gregg

<Not Julien Gregg

<Is Juli(A)n Alexander


That is all, hehe


ACK! Oops!

That's the second time this week that I've made an error like that! :lmao:

Oh well, at least I'm consistent in my shpelling errerrs. :lmao:


Oh no, not at all. I actually thought you brought up a good point. I was just randomly expressing my frustration with the mindset of some people with regards to "straight" rights and "gay" rights, so to speak.


I couldn't agree with you more on that. And thanks! :D

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Actaully what I'm against is divorce.


If two people have a religious ceremony for their marriage then they should be forced to abide by the until death do us part portion of the ceremony... however if they choose to have a civil union and work out thier own contract with the government, then that contract may be broken with certain penalties.


And that goes for gay, straight, or anything in between....


Just my 2 cents.

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