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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum


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Ok so the primary purpose of this post is neither to reference the very amusing old movie nor to actually relate a funny story which happened to me whilst I was on my way to GA; however, I'll do both just so that no one is disappointed. :boy::P The primary purpose of this post is to ask a question.


Last night I was taking one of my phenomenally long, hot baths when I decided I'd had enough of the heat and the difficulty it was causing in breathing. So I got out (I do this alot during my long baths, even for a bath I can sit still for 3 hours :P:boy: ), and got a fan from my room. So I was sitting in the hot water with a fan blowing on me. So my question is this: is that bad for me? My grandmother would have a heartattack and assure me I was going to catch pneumonia or a really bad cold. My mom would think nothing of it. I read an article once about the whole "being cold/getting sick" thing and basically it said that this couldn't happen because to get sick you need actual germs or bacteria (very logical), and being cold doesn't cause them. However, I later read somewhere else that the real danger is the fact that being cold (or maybe it was temperature changes in general) impair the immune system and make it easier to get sick. So what's the deal? Was I gambling with my health? Is it worse that the parts underwater were hot while the bits above water were cool?


Anyway the reason I titled this question "A funny thing happened on the way to the forum" is because, though it's been several years since I've last seen the movie, I seem to remember a scene in which a (dud ?) eunuch was reprimanded for fanning the prostitutes while they were wet. Besides that watching the movie when I was a kid I seem to remember "Hero" as being one of the first gay crushes I ever had (I think it was largely his clothes and character's personality)


Now for an actual funny thing that happened to me. A few days ago I was in the tub (anyone see a theme developing here? :boy: ) and I had a lot of stuff in my hands (perverts! let me finish! :P ), including my shaving gel, mirror, and this new razor I'd recently bought (hence being new). Now the funny, kinda gimmicky but still fun, thing about this razor is that it's got a button on the handle and when you press it the razor starts vibrating (I really don't understand how this is supposed to help get a better shave, but anyway...). So apparently I accidently pressed it and it started vibrating and startled me. Now when something vibrates and startles me I've gotten used to saying, "calm down it's just your phone", because so far in the past that's what it's always been. So I jumped a bit, said that, then realized, "no it's my razor". At which point I realized much to my chagrin that, "I don't know how to answer my razor". I did get a bit silly though and held it up to my ear and mouth and gave it a shot. No response though, but I'm sure if it's important they'll call back on my phone :boy:


Have an awesome day everyone and take care!



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However, I later read somewhere else that the real danger is the fact that being cold (or maybe it was temperature changes in general) impair the immune system and make it easier to get sick. So what's the deal? Was I gambling with my health? Is it worse that the parts underwater were hot while the bits above water were cool?




Have an awesome day everyone and take care!




What I heard was just a little diffrent. During the winter months, when most people close up thier homes, the lack of ventalation causes the bacterial count to sky-rocket in the heated air. when someone comes indoors, the bodys natural reaction is to open up to absorb heat more efficiently, causing you to be more suseptable(sp) to illness :( ...most likely just a bunch of bull :blink: ...but it sounds good :D

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What I heard was just a little diffrent. During the winter months, when most people close up thier homes, the lack of ventalation causes the bacterial count to sky-rocket in the heated air. when someone comes indoors, the bodys natural reaction is to open up to absorb heat more efficiently, causing you to be more suseptable(sp) to illness :( ...most likely just a bunch of bull :blink: ...but it sounds good :D


Somewhat true. Being cold has no direct impact on getting a cold. A cold is caused by by a rhinovirus. Being cold has no impact on your immune system or the virus. The reason more people get colds in the winter IS because our houses become cultures for the virus. We're inside a lot with the windows closed which allows the virus to be spread more easily. But this is because we're in close quarters, not because it's cold outside. In fact, you'd be less likely to catch a cold if you stayed outside in the winter.


Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It is only associated with a cold because sympotms can be similar in the initial stages. It can be caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, but not from being cold. It can also becaused by inhaling certain chemicals. Taking a bath will not give you pneumonia, unless the liquid is a mixture of ammonia and bleach, or certain other toxic mixtures. The flu is also caused by a virus.


In fact, the only thing that I can think would happen if you get too cold are things like frostbite, shock, death, etc. But you can rest assured of two things: Your fan can't cool you off that much, and if any of those things happened, you'd know.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any sort. This information is from a variety of sources and is true to the best of my knowledge. I provide no guaruntee that it's accurate.

Edited by hi_college_guy
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Sorry Kev, but this is all that I read:

Last night I was taking one of my phenomenally long, hot baths... my long baths, even for a bath I can sit still for 3 hours tongue.gif cap.gif... So I was sitting in the hot water with a fan blowing on me. A few days ago I was in the tub (anyone see a theme developing here? cap.gif ) and I had a lot of stuff in my hands...



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Now when something vibrates and startles me I've gotten used to saying, "calm down it's just your phone", because so far in the past that's what it's always been. So I jumped a bit, said that, then realized, "no it's my razor". At which point I realized much to my chagrin that, "I don't know how to answer my razor". I did get a bit silly though and held it up to my ear and mouth and gave it a shot.


At this point, I fell out of my chair from laughing so hard because I could see you standing there with the razor held to the side of your face saying, "Hello?"


Thanks for the laugh... I definitely needed that! ~E

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Ok so the primary purpose of this post is neither to reference the very amusing old movie nor to actually relate a funny story which happened to me whilst I was on my way to GA; however, I'll do both just so that no one is disappointed. :boy::P The primary purpose of this post is to ask a question.


Last night I was taking one of my phenomenally long, hot baths when I decided I'd had enough of the heat and the difficulty it was causing in breathing. So I got out (I do this alot during my long baths, even for a bath I can sit still for 3 hours :P:boy: ), and got a fan from my room. So I was sitting in the hot water with a fan blowing on me. So my question is this: is that bad for me?



Hey Kevin,

You live dangerous :lmao:

An electric fan in your bath ?

Do you know that a famous french singer, who was the first to sing "going my way", died when the fan fel in the water (electrocution) ?

Are you also a singing crooner in your bath ? :blink:

Old Bob

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At this point, I fell out of my chair from laughing so hard because I could see you standing there with the razor held to the side of your face saying, "Hello?"


Thanks for the laugh... I definitely needed that! ~E

aww I'm glad you enjoyed it :D


Hey Kevin,

You live dangerous :lmao:

An electric fan in your bath ?

Do you know that a famous french singer, who was the first to sing "going my way", died when the fan fel in the water (electrocution) ?

Are you also a singing crooner in your bath ? :blink:

Old Bob

naw, it's not dangerous at all. It's just a cheap gillette razor. It works on one AA battery ;) , I didn't like electric razors as much....probably mostly because I do like to lounge around in the tub while I shave.


LOL and yup, the whole time I'm in there I have music on and I'm usually singing along ;)




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