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Upcoming new canadian laws


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I read recently that Canada is planning to change the age of consent for medical based

decisions ( e.g. a teen can get treatment, abortions, contraceptives, etc) without

parental consent or knowledge from age 14 (where it is now) to age 16.


On the other hand, sex between partners is legal as long as the partners are less than 5 years apart.

so like an 18 year old and a 13 year old, etc.


I did not spend much time on the details so my news may not be exactly accurate but close enough.


Are these laws similar to those in other countries?

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I read recently that Canada is planning to change the age of consent for medical based

decisions ( e.g. a teen can get treatment, abortions, contraceptives, etc) without

parental consent or knowledge from age 14 (where it is now) to age 16.


On the other hand, sex between partners is legal as long as the partners are less than 5 years apart.

so like an 18 year old and a 13 year old, etc.


I did not spend much time on the details so my news may not be exactly accurate but close enough.


Are these laws similar to those in other countries?


I'm not certain what the rules are for other countries, but the new conservtive government is trying to tackle child porn and gay marriage as per election promises. I presume the age question is an attempt to stop internet predators from getting their jollies. The gay marriage issue was resolved by the late liberal government, which made same-sex marriage legal countrywide. There were exceptions written into the law, e.g. religious groups [churches and such like] were not required to perform marriages whcih violated their morality, but the law was widely accepted as a "good thing". The key to the whole question was the universality of rights. If you could get married then so can I.

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I read recently that Canada is planning to change the age of consent for medical based

decisions ( e.g. a teen can get treatment, abortions, contraceptives, etc) without

parental consent or knowledge from age 14 (where it is now) to age 16.


On the other hand, sex between partners is legal as long as the partners are less than 5 years apart.

so like an 18 year old and a 13 year old, etc.


I did not spend much time on the details so my news may not be exactly accurate but close enough.


Are these laws similar to those in other countries?


In the US, I know that they vary by state. In Arizona, there is no "age of consent" other than the age of 18.

One strange ramification of this is that if you have two minors dating, and they are not the EXACT same age (to the day), then the relationship becomes a felony when the eldest turns 18. So, if you have a couple (gay or straight) that are only a month apart in age, and they start having sex at 17, the oldest one is looking at possible jail time if the relationship lasts past his or her 18th birthday.


There are also gender variances in some states. For example, in some states any illegal sexual contact between a boy and a girl is legally presumed to be the fault of the boy. This can get bizarre in some cases. One example is where a 14 year old babysitter dared the 8 year old boy that she was babysitting to touch her bare breast. He did. Result? The 8 year old was charged with "an act of lewdness with a minor", a serious sex crime. Prosecutors claimed the boy was a willing participant. The Girl was not charged in spite of being much older, his babysitter, and initiating the situation.



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In the US, I know that they vary by state. In Arizona, there is no "age of consent" other than the age of 18.

One strange ramification of this is that if you have two minors dating, and they are not the EXACT same age (to the day), then the relationship becomes a felony when the eldest turns 18. So, if you have a couple (gay or straight) that are only a month apart in age, and they start having sex at 17, the oldest one is looking at possible jail time if the relationship lasts past his or her 18th birthday.


There are also gender variances in some states. For example, in some states any illegal sexual contact between a boy and a girl is legally presumed to be the fault of the boy. This can get bizarre in some cases. One example is where a 14 year old babysitter dared the 8 year old boy that she was babysitting to touch her bare breast. He did. Result? The 8 year old was charged with "an act of lewdness with a minor", a serious sex crime. Prosecutors claimed the boy was a willing participant. The Girl was not charged in spite of being much older, his babysitter, and initiating the situation.



My gosh, how ridiculous and disgusting these laws are!

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There are also gender variances in some states. For example, in some states any illegal sexual contact between a boy and a girl is legally presumed to be the fault of the boy. This can get bizarre in some cases. One example is where a 14 year old babysitter dared the 8 year old boy that she was babysitting to touch her bare breast. He did. Result? The 8 year old was charged with "an act of lewdness with a minor", a serious sex crime. Prosecutors claimed the boy was a willing participant. The Girl was not charged in spite of being much older, his babysitter, and initiating the situation.



That is disgusting! Charging the 8 year old just because he isthe male! :o That is terrible. Seriously, what is this country coming to?


Kurt <_<

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In the US, I know that they vary by state. In Arizona, there is no "age of consent" other than the age of 18.

One strange ramification of this is that if you have two minors dating, and they are not the EXACT same age (to the day), then the relationship becomes a felony when the eldest turns 18. So, if you have a couple (gay or straight) that are only a month apart in age, and they start having sex at 17, the oldest one is looking at possible jail time if the relationship lasts past his or her 18th birthday.


There are also gender variances in some states. For example, in some states any illegal sexual contact between a boy and a girl is legally presumed to be the fault of the boy. This can get bizarre in some cases. One example is where a 14 year old babysitter dared the 8 year old boy that she was babysitting to touch her bare breast. He did. Result? The 8 year old was charged with "an act of lewdness with a minor", a serious sex crime. Prosecutors claimed the boy was a willing participant. The Girl was not charged in spite of being much older, his babysitter, and initiating the situation.




I cant site any examples but it was my understanding that if it was an established relationship prior to either party turning 18 then very little could be done about it, cept maybe staling the second party until they are also 18. It may differ from state to state.


As to the 8 year old, ya thats pritty out there, at least the charges were dropped. Its true once a male hits puberty they become a little sexually driven, ya understatement

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My gosh, how ridiculous and disgusting these laws are!


That is disgusting! Charging the 8 year old just because he isthe male! :o That is terrible. Seriously, what is this country coming to?


Yep, and yep. It's crazy IMHO, especially when the person who initiated it was the babysitter (thus, in an adult role) and she was never charged with anything! Instead, they charged the victim!


I cant site any examples but it was my understanding that if it was an established relationship prior to either party turning 18 then very little could be done about it, cept maybe staling the second party until they are also 18. It may differ from state to state.


It does differ from state to state. I know that some states have different ages of consent, and also exceptions for couples who are close in age. Arizona, as far as I know, does not.


As to the 8 year old, ya thats pritty out there, at least the charges were dropped. Its true once a male hits puberty they become a little sexually driven, ya understatement
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Sometimes, as in the case of the 8 year old, laws are just plane insane, as are the prosecutors for filing charges in a case like that.

It seems a bit silly that it would ever come to the attention of any authorities in the first place. The girl in question must have been quite troublemaker/drama queen. Granted I've never been a teenage girl :boy: , but it seems to me any reasonable one would have said, "well I was asking for it" and brushed it off (actually I should think a reasonable one wouldn't have been engaging in such inappropriate behaviour in the first place). Still what do I know, I don't even have breasts. :king:

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On the other hand, sex between partners is legal as long as the partners are less than 5 years apart. so like an 18 year old and a 13 year old, etc.


I think you are wrong on that, I am pretty sure its 2 years. Like sex between a 14 year old and a 16 year old would be legal, but not between a 14 year old and a 17 year old. I am pretty sure that that applies even if one of the people is ove 18, a 16 year old and an 18 year old could still legaly have sex, same with a 17 and 19 year old.

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I think you are wrong on that, I am pretty sure its 2 years. Like sex between a 14 year old and a 16 year old would be legal, but not between a 14 year old and a 17 year old. I am pretty sure that that applies even if one of the people is ove 18, a 16 year old and an 18 year old could still legaly have sex, same with a 17 and 19 year old.

That's exactly the understanding I always had of it too. However, lately I've heard so much about it being to the contrary, plus I think the other guys know what they're talking about, so I guess it must vary by state, maybe that's just the popular belief or something. Although I definitely thinks it's the most sensible way to do it (at least of the ways mentioned above).

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That's exactly the understanding I always had of it too. However, lately I've heard so much about it being to the contrary, plus I think the other guys know what they're talking about, so I guess it must vary by state, maybe that's just the popular belief or something. Although I definitely thinks it's the most sensible way to do it (at least of the ways mentioned above).


These laws are completely by state. If you're looking for state or country, the definitive resource is: ageofconsent.com It has pretty much everything.

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Are these laws similar to those in other countries?


The laws themselves will change from country to country, and within the US, from state to state. For example, in Virginia, sex between anyone over the age of 18 with anyone below the age of 18 is considered to be statutory rape. But in another state the age of consent might be at 16 with a three year buffer. In VA the size of the age difference will affect the penalty, but the older person still gets put on a sex offenders list (a lifetime stigma) even if there was really only two days difference in age between the two persons. Another state might have a completely different approach. The US gets especially complicated because it becomes a federal crime if one of the two persons involved crosses state lines, which means you could not leave VA and go to California to have sex with someone who would be of age there but not in VA, or you would face charges at the federal level.


It is a ridiculous mess.


These Canadian laws actually approximate what I would consider to be the best idea, though I think they should add in an additional stipulation that persons 18+ can not have sex with persons < 16. An 18 year old and a thirteen year old is almost guaranteed to involve that 13 year old being betrayed.

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Hi royal oak :worship:

Are you really 83 ???????

I thought that I was the eldest reader (born 10th June 1929) with 77 springs .

Could we institute a "senior" group ?? :great:

Old Bob

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These laws are completely by state. If you're looking for state or country, the definitive resource is: ageofconsent.com It has pretty much everything.


The probelm with ageofconsent.com is somewhat not updated.

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It seems a bit silly that it would ever come to the attention of any authorities in the first place. The girl in question must have been quite troublemaker/drama queen. Granted I've never been a teenage girl :boy: , but it seems to me any reasonable one would have said, "well I was asking for it" and brushed it off (actually I should think a reasonable one wouldn't have been engaging in such inappropriate behaviour in the first place). Still what do I know, I don't even have breasts. :king:


Actually from reading the article it seems the mother had the fit not the 14 year old. The boy and her were playing truth or dare and the boy didn't see anything wrong with it at all. The mother was suspicious of the babysitter and asked her son who freely told her and she then went ballistic.

Below is a quote from 8 year old charged


After hiring the teenager to baby sit, Grosbeck got the feeling something was wrong.



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