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Funny ways of coming out


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Ok, well lately my mind has been telling me to come out to my mom. Also, its starting to get really really annoying when my mom asks me if its our first date whenever I tell her I'm going out with a female. Right now she is even urging me to date a girl that has a boyfriend. It doesn't help that my friend is also playing along with it. She'll hint at it whenever I'm around my mom. She thinks its fun. I don't. She thinks its helping. I don't. SO, whats probably going to happen in the next couple of months is that I'm going to get so frustrated that I'll end up coming out. BUT thats not the issue. Coming out is a big thing. And coming out to your mom only happens once, so I want to make it worth my time. I want to do something kinda funny, plus my mom has a sense of humor so I think she'd take it better if I was a little crazy with it rather than all touchy feely. I need a fun/crazy/memorable way of coming out.

I've heard of a guy making his mom a fresh baked cake with "I'm Gay" written in icing. That sounds fun, AND my mom would be really happy about the cake. But I need more ideas. Anyone have any? Also, anyone have any that they've used?


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Ok, well lately my mind has been telling me to come out to my mom. Also, its starting to get really really annoying when my mom asks me if its our first date whenever I tell her I'm going out with a female. Right now she is even urging me to date a girl that has a boyfriend. It doesn't help that my friend is also playing along with it. She'll hint at it whenever I'm around my mom. She thinks its fun. I don't. She thinks its helping. I don't. SO, whats probably going to happen in the next couple of months is that I'm going to get so frustrated that I'll end up coming out. BUT thats not the issue. Coming out is a big thing. And coming out to your mom only happens once, so I want to make it worth my time. I want to do something kinda funny, plus my mom has a sense of humor so I think she'd take it better if I was a little crazy with it rather than all touchy feely. I need a fun/crazy/memorable way of coming out.

I've heard of a guy making his mom a fresh baked cake with "I'm Gay" written in icing. That sounds fun, AND my mom would be really happy about the cake. But I need more ideas. Anyone have any? Also, anyone have any that they've used?


Hey Jared


First of all let me commend you for your bravery! I don't really have any ideas except, perhaps you could do a short home video or something. That would give you the option of saying exactly what you wanted to say in the way you wanted to say it without fear of getting interrupted or losing your nerve. Plus you'd be able to control the general direction, like if you wanted to reveal it in a funny way and then move into something more emotional. Anyway I wish the very best of luck. Please let us know how it goes.




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Honestly, there is no easy way to tell anybody you're gay.

I wouldn't recommend my way of doing it which would be to conveniently place pornogrpahy around the house so they'd be more upset about the porn than my gaiity.

You could write to the paper


Send yourself flowers on a day you know your mother will be home and sign them "Your loving boyfriend Fred" or something


props on the idea to do it funlike

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I did after a pleasant Thanksgiving dinner. Was saying goodbye to my dad, who I was really worried about, so instead of breaking it gently, I decided to go with the

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I want to urge you to be cautious about this unless you are sure about your mothers attitudes.


Discovering that one of your kids is gay can be very shocking to a parent. You don't want to aggravate the situation-- epically if she has no idea.


For every GOOD coming out stories that you've heard, there are some that are just plain horrible.


It is something that you can only do once and if you frak-up, the damage is done.





PS- keep in mind that I am very fond of the young people on this site and will always counsel caution in matters that could hurt you.

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Well I have no idea how I'm gonna ever come out to my mom because she's a homophobe, but I kinda also like the video idea, but since you want to make it "funny", you could make it ultra-super-corny and dance and sing a song or something ;) , lol.


I'd also suggest hinting towards guys if she's being pushy with girls. That probably also means that she suspects that you're gay and is trying to push girls towards you in her own denial, so be careful. Good luck tho! :)



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Well I have no idea how I'm gonna ever come out to my mom because she's a homophobe



I thought the same thing before, but when I finally did it.. it wasn't so bad. I just sat her down and told her, and we talked for a little bit. It was kinda boring, really.. lol. She wasn't overly supportive, but she wasn't as negative as I thought she would be. Now, it's not even an issue. Perhaps she chose to forget, but I'm glad I let her know anyway.

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Send yourself flowers on a day you know your mother will be home and sign them "Your loving boyfriend Fred"

LOL if you want to make it really funny when she brings them in before she says who they're from and asks for an explanation you can blurt out, "OHHH! how sweet of MIKE!" :P:boy:


But I also agree with James, be careful unless you're really sure it's going to be okay :):hug:



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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haha, I like the flowers idea, and I've kind of hinted at guys before. One time I told my mom that I was hanging out with someone named alex that night, and like always, she was asking if it was a date. And then I made the comment about how I know a lot of guys named alex too. But the reason I feel so comfortable doing it is because I'm pretty sure she already knows. I mean I'm not the most straight acting guy ever. And whenever she hints at girls its always in more of a joking way, and when I say no to dating a certain girl she always asks why. I really don't think she's actually wondering why, I think she's just trying to get me to tell her. ugh, she's complicated. Plus she watches Will and Grace with me.

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I know what you mean red, my aunt was like that, she knew, and I knew that she knew, but she was just waiting for me to tell her. I'm not sure about funny ways of doing it though, heh, I like the idea though. Just avoid doing it in a moving car...oooh, I know, you know those penis shaped cakes? You could get one of those and then say 'Oooh, this is good' and then when she says something like 'Yeah, they've made a great cake' you could say 'Oh, yeah, I meant penises, but the cake's good too.' :D:D:D

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If you're asking for stupid ideas, I'm your girl. O_o


- If you have a pet name or something that she'll recognize but won't divulgue your name to strangers : post an add in a local paper.


- Sing it.


- A simple treasure hunt. Hide a little paper with a clue where to find a second, the second giving clue to the third and so on until the last one with your big news. They can be put in random or meaningful places, depends what you want.


- Oh! The fake tatoo :


Water 61,6%

Proteins 17%

Lipids 13,8%

Mineral salts 6,1%

Glucides 1,5%

Gay 100%

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- Oh! The fake tatoo :


Water 61,6%

Proteins 17%

Lipids 13,8%

Mineral salts 6,1%

Glucides 1,5%

Gay 100%


I love the fake tattoo idea!


I have qualms about coming out in a humorous way (it might not be taken seriously). Also, if you are getting "pressure" regarding girls, IMHO that's a classic sign that your sexuality is already being questioned, though perhaps just subconsciously. However, what and how to come out are Redlightfeeling's choice, so I'll do as asked and add my "funny" idea:


The next time you have a girl pointed out to you, say something along the lines of "Damn, she's got hot legs. Too bad she's not a guy, 'cause I'd love to date someone with legs like that..."

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A simple treasure hunt. Hide a little paper with a clue where to find a second, the second giving clue to the third and so on until the last one with your big news. They can be put in random or meaningful places, depends what you want.

OMG, I love that idea Xandra! :2thumbs: Wow....I just might use that when I decide to come out to my mom, or to a friend of mine. Anyway, great idea and I'll bet Jared likes this one.



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The next time you have a girl pointed out to you, say something along the lines of "Damn, she's got hairy legs. Too bad she's not a guy, 'cause I'd love to date someone with legs like that..."

Fixed for Great Justice. XD

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But the reason I feel so comfortable doing it is because I'm pretty sure she already knows. I mean I'm not the most straight acting guy ever. And whenever she hints at girls its always in more of a joking way, and when I say no to dating a certain girl she always asks why. I really don't think she's actually wondering why, I think she's just trying to get me to tell her. ugh, she's complicated. Plus she watches Will and Grace with me.

You know I bet you're right! I could totally see people doing that. :hug: good luck!



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I suppose you could show up wearing nothing but speedos and a feather boa.


Disclaimer: this method is not recommended for everyone.


For instance- if while laying on the beach, people pour water on you and try to roll you back out to sea, this method is not for you.

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red, i just remembered something my friend did

if you want to go with subtle get a bunch of parenting books and make sure they have chapters similar to "your son/daughter is gay" and leave them open around the house to those pages

it could work if your parents aren't psycho overly christian like my friend's were

they retlaiated with something along the lines of "we know you have been toying with the idea ov homosexuality and we want you to know that god does not approve"

but from the sounds of things ur parents willl be pretty supportive

if you ever need anybody to talk to

and this goes for anybody

message me


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I suppose you could show up wearing nothing but speedos and a feather boa.


Disclaimer: this method is not recommended for everyone.


For instance- if while laying on the beach, people pour water on you and try to roll you back out to sea, this method is not for you.


Yeah, some people should never wera a speedo. Or a feather boa. People like me. Some of us just aren't meant to be seen without clothes on unless the lights are out.





But it would definitely be OK for Jared :2thumbs:









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