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[Shadowgod] A Shot of Bourbon

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This has been floating around at a few different sites ( nifty... crvboy... JustinsCorner... ) But I thought Id bring it over to GA If you've read it before. Let me know what you think! If not, I declair It's offcialy new to you. What is A Shot of Bourbon those bourbon virgins may be asking? Well it's a timeless tale really...


Boy meets bike. Boy falls in love. Bike hurts boy...


NOW AVAILIBLE IN DISTILLED!! Only in efiction. give it a read! :D


A Shot of Bourbon*


Enjoy the Ride*


House of the Mad Cow*


Compromising Positions posted 9/27/06


* - have been edited to remove impurities, thus earning the moniker 'Distilled' posted 04/2007


Compromising Positions (Chapter Four) should be polished and online soon.



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This one has been floating around at a few different sites ( nifty crvboy JustinsCorner ) But I thought Id bring it over to GA If youve read it it Let me know what you think! If not Its now in efiction give it a read! :D






A shot of bourbon is one of the best sory I have ever read! My compliments Steve!

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A shot of bourbon is one of the best sory I have ever read! My compliments Steve!


HAHA! take that Hemmingway! :lol: <g>


thanks mEis, for the compliments I'm looking forward to posting subsiquent 'episodes' here at GA in the coming weeks, plus the addition of something Ive been working on that I have in the sneek peaks section!




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This has long been one of my favorite stories! Bourbon is a very uniqe character, and I love the attitudes! This has a lot of twists and turns (and I don't just mean on the motocross track!) and great character development.


Great work, Steve!! :2thumbs:

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A very enjoyable short read. I left you a review. :)




Thanks Dez! I appriciate the review and the rating! :2thumbs:


This has long been one of my favorite stories! Bourbon is a very uniqe character, and I love the attitudes! This has a lot of twists and turns (and I don't just mean on the motocross track!) and great character development.


Great work, Steve!! :2thumbs:


CJ Still humbled with all you have said about Bourb! But as always thanks for the words!



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Btw Steve, are you perchance re-editing the 4 stories of Bourbon, and maybe writing something more about him?


The four chapters of that have been written will be edited and posted as I get them complete. I do also plan a fifth installment in the "A Shot of.." series beyound that I am planning a longer multi-chapter story that will dive a little more into the life of Bourbon & Rusty and a problem that is looming on the horizon. :blink:



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I thought Id bring it over to GA ...



Hi Steve,


I've missed this story in its other incarnations so it's completely new for me. I really enjoyed your light, breezy first-person style. :2thumbs: Bourbon's sentence structure and thoughts really sounded like a teenager. To often I've read stories where the writer makes a young character way too adult in vocabulary, judgement, emotion, etc.


Good going. Are you goint to post your other stories in eFiction? And do I understand properly that this is a completed five-chapter story?



Jack B)

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I am planning a longer multi-chapter story that will dive a little more into the life of Bourbon & Rusty and a problem that is looming on the horizon. :blink:





You are naughty! :_) glad to know that I'll know more about their life.

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Hi Steve,


I've missed this story in its other incarnations so it's completely new for me. I really enjoyed your light, breezy first-person style. :2thumbs: Bourbon's sentence structure and thoughts really sounded like a teenager. To often I've read stories where the writer makes a young character way too adult in vocabulary, judgement, emotion, etc.


Good going. Are you goint to post your other stories in eFiction? And do I understand properly that this is a completed five-chapter story?



Jack B)


Hey Jack,


Thanks for reading and then generous compliments on Bourbon! Its great when a story still garners compliments ( i even get an odd email form a Nifty reader evry once in a blue moon).


Yes I plan on posting more to efiction, in fact another chapter of Bourbon will be going up tommorow afternoon!

Bourbon is almost complete, I have yet to write the fifth and final instalment which will lead into a longer story involving the two characters. Before I get to that project I want to finish the failure rewrite Im so dillagently working on first.



You are naughty! :_) glad to know that I'll know more about their life.




me naughty? :devil: I had no idea my reputation proceded me :D



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I have no plans on re-editing the four chapters of Bourbon that are complete. I do however plan a fifth installment in the "A Shot of.." series beyound that I am planning a longer multi-chapter story that will dive a little more into the life of Bourbon & Rusty and a problem that is looming on the horizon.




Hey Steve, Excellent story dude. I really enjoyed reading it cept all I saw was 3 chapters wheres the 4th ? I went to Nifty and Crvboy and they had only the 3.

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Hey Steve, Excellent story dude. I really enjoyed reading it cept all I saw was 3 chapters wheres the 4th ? I went to Nifty and Crvboy and they had only the 3.


Hey JustynC!


Glad you enjoyed. the fourth chapter only found a home for a limited time before the site it was got pulled. It should be up here in a few days. Let me know if you cant wait that long!



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I remember this one from when it was first posted to CRVBOY. I enjoyed it then and I am looking forward to more from these characters.



Edit: damn typos

Edited by Jay
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I remember this one from when it was first posted to CRVBOY. I enjoyed it them and I am looking forward to more from these characters.




Thanks for reading them! Sometime I'll have to share just where I got the name bourbon from. Honestly Im surprised its never come up. I guess thats a good thing in retrospect! Meaning that it wasn't awkward and fit the character.



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Thanks for reading them! Sometime I'll have to share just where I got the name bourbon from. Honestly Im surprised its never come up. I guess thats a good thing in retrospect! Meaning that it wasn't awkward and fit the character.




Please do share that! It was part of what makes that story special, and I've always wondered how you came up with it! :read:

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Well, Steve, you had me with the opening line of chapter 1. I like to be revved menacingly as well. 0:):P:lmao:


I only looked this story up 'cause my goat-buddy, CJ, had given it his good goat seal of approval. I'm mighty glad I did and, yeah, that he did too. :great:


You certainly know how to engage the reader. The visuals and sounds were incredible but, OMG, the kinesthetics were...gulp....orgasmic. Someone please pass me a cigarette! :devil:


Conner :boy:

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Well, Steve, you had me with the opening line of chapter 1. I like to be revved menacingly as well. 0:):P:lmao:


I only looked this story up 'cause my goat-buddy, CJ, had given it his good goat seal of approval. I'm mighty glad I did and, yeah, that he did too. :great:


You certainly know how to engage the reader. The visuals and sounds were incredible but, OMG, the kinesthetics were...gulp....orgasmic. Someone please pass me a cigarette! :devil:


Conner :boy:


LOL Conner, Im glad you enjoyed! Im certinly glad you followed CJ's good goat seal of approval! (is there a graphic for that?? :lmao: )


this next part is a bit embarassing.... I had to look up kinesthetics....... But, OH! :*) I recieved an email when I first posted it to nifty... Apparently the reader had 'finished' as Bourbon did and felt it neccecery to share this detail with me. I guess thats as sincere a form of flatery as one could achieve.


It was fun nevertheless.


Thanks for reading!


btw... Im still looking for a smiley with a cigarette....... when in doubt ====



Please do share that! It was part of what makes that story special, and I've always wondered how you came up with it! :read:


Bourbon came about when I was writing Destiny of Time. I was hanging out in the niftywriters chatroom on nevernet IRC at the time. Back when JustinCase was still around. He and Rimpig where basically razzing me about the character names I had choosen. Demitri and Caleb (Im partial to Caleb.) At the same time Justin was pressuring me to write something that he could post on JustinsCorner. He wasnt a fan of scifi and couldnt read past the first chapter of Destiny.

The next day I was at work on my lunch break when this kid came into the station wearing full riding garb looking dusty and just haggared by his morning ride. Fifteen minutes later I thought 'Bourbon! yeah Bourbon. They want to pick on my character names I'll give em something to pick about!'

Thus Bourbon was born.


Funny thing, no one ever razzed me about the name...... :2thumbs:



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Well, Steve, you had me with the opening line of chapter 1. I like to be revved menacingly as well. 0:):P:lmao:


I only looked this story up 'cause my goat-buddy, CJ, had given it his good goat seal of approval. I'm mighty glad I did and, yeah, that he did too. :great:


You certainly know how to engage the reader. The visuals and sounds were incredible but, OMG, the kinesthetics were...gulp....orgasmic. Someone please pass me a cigarette! :devil:


Wow, somebody listens to my opinions? :o


This story definitaly has the Goat Seal of Approval now! :D


Bourbon came about when I was writing Destiny of Time. I was hanging out in the niftywriters chatroom on nevernet IRC at the time. Back when JustinCase was still around. He and Rimpig where basically razzing me about the character names I had choosen. Demitri and Caleb (Im partial to Caleb.) At the same time Justin was pressuring me to write something that he could post on JustinsCorner. He wasnt a fan of scifi and couldnt read past the first chapter of Destiny.

The next day I was at work on my lunch break when this kid came into the station wearing full riding garb looking dusty and just haggared by his morning ride. Fifteen minutes later I thought 'Bourbon! yeah Bourbon. They want to pick on my character names I'll give em something to pick about!'

Thus Bourbon was born.


Funny thing, no one ever razzed me about the name...... :2thumbs:


ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't see why they razzed you about Demitri and Caleb (I love both names) but I can see why they didn;t about Bourbon: It fits so well with his personality, and is such an integral part of the story that it;s perfect.

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Wow, somebody listens to my opinions? :o


This story definitaly has the Goat Seal of Approval now! :D

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't see why they razzed you about Demitri and Caleb (I love both names) but I can see why they didn;t about Bourbon: It fits so well with his personality, and is such an integral part of the story that it;s perfect.


Thanks! it does sort of fit him doesn't it? truth be told I was worried about that at first. I read somewhere that characters shouldn't have odd names that normal ones like Bill and Dave are just as good as any others. I can say though, ever since Steele Magnolia's I wont use steve as a character name. Nor will I ever mention track lighting in a story. Ok maybe I would for giggles alone.


Also giving an update!


Episode three House of the Mad Cow has been added!


Whohoo one week till chapter four!


Honestly let me hear some feed back on the latest guys!



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this next part is a bit embarassing.... I had to look up kinesthetics....... But, OH! :*) I recieved an email when I first posted it to nifty... Apparently the reader had 'finished' as Bourbon did and felt it neccecery to share this detail with me. I guess thats as sincere a form of flatery as one could achieve.





I've been wanting to get back to you on the kinesthetics thing. I was using a much broader definition than the dictionary allows. I was refering to the fact that you engage the "feeling" senses - taste, smell, as well as the tactile senses. Perhaps an example would help - you used the word slithering, I believe, and that word engenders a great deal in me - meaning my inner world. It's like you wrote - imagine yourself in a bath of jello. Another good example would be Bourbon's admission of his bellybutton being connected to his... B)


Yes, I have a wild inner existence...now, if I could just get my external world to that level... :P


Conner :boy:

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I suppose I should add my support here, too :)


Caught the stories one of the past few days, as Dezl mentioned, an enjoyable read :) Looking forward to seeing more of it.


Also checked out your other works on CRVboy, some good stuff there too. Hope to see more there as well :)

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