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[Vlista] Unbreakable Faith Chapter 3

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This is the world people who believe in gods have given us


Most of what was said in the above post I have some level of agreement with....except this last line. I tend to believe that it isn't those who believe in God, but more the people who claim to believe in God with their mouth and prove they don't with their actions.

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You mention the other planets in our galaxy. I was talking about the millions of planets that are in our and other universes. It is only arrogance to think earth is the only life sustaining planet.

I tend to agree with you on this point. However, I've never found that to be particularly indicative either way of God's existance. That's like Americans saying "I hear there's life on Asia/Europe/Australia, so I guess that proves there's no God!" :blink: huh? I just don't find it at all relevant, nor do I find evolution relevant. Sure people evolved...so?


Fundamentalists who take everything in a black and white, literalist perspective are the ones likely to take issue with these subjects, and IMO they're also the ones most likely to cause trouble. So I doubt we really disagree on this point. I don't think people with sophisticated religious beliefs that they've actually thought out on their own would have much trouble with life on other planets, evolution, OR homosexuality. I also don't think these people are going to go about trying to brainwash others since, presumably, they'll see the importance on working it out on your own.


I tend to believe that it isn't those who believe in God, but more the people who claim to believe in God with their mouth and prove they don't with their actions.

Excellent point, Dan, I quite agree.


Anyway I think we've gone a bit off topic. I think we can all agree that Ian's parents aren't good people and shouldn't be emulated. It's tough to figure out exactly what's going through their heads since the story is from Ian's POV. It's possible that they're extremely misguided fundamentalists, or maybe they're just evil sadists who found a powerful weapon of control. What do you guys think? Do they believe what they're saying from a religoius perspective or are they just out to control Ian's every thought and action?


:hug: to all, sorry if I came across as offensive or abrasive. If there's one thing I believe it's that everyone has a right to believe whatever they believe ;)


Take care all,


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I think we can all agree that Ian's parents aren't good people and shouldn't be emulated. It's tough to figure out exactly what's going through their heads since the story is from Ian's POV. It's possible that they're extremely misguided fundamentalists, or maybe they're just evil sadists who found a powerful weapon of control. What do you guys think? Do they believe what they're saying from a religoius perspective or are they just out to control Ian's every thought and action?
I don't try to get inside the parents' heads. Instead, I view them as icons of Ian's predicament. When Ian prays with the best of intentions and then

gets nailed to a cross

, I take that scene as an idealized display of Ian's plight: he's in hell and utterly powerless. A point driven home by VLista's stories is that there many, many Ians. While I may not take this story's every detail seriously, I take that important point to heart. Although the "faith" in the title may ultimately be a force for good, it presently is cruel, ironic, and dripping with blood: the parents have substituted perverted "faith" for reason, thought, compassion, and simple decency. (The temptation to go off topic is soooo hard to resist. Agggghhhh.) Anyway, that's how I see it.

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I don't try to get inside the parents' heads. Instead, I view them as icons of Ian's predicament. When Ian prays with the best of intentions and then

gets nailed to a cross

, I take that scene as an idealized display of Ian's plight: he's in hell and utterly powerless. A point driven home by VLista's stories is that there many, many Ians. While I may not take this story's every detail seriously, I take that important point to heart. Although the "faith" in the title may ultimately be a force for good, it presently is cruel, ironic, and dripping with blood: the parents have substituted perverted "faith" for reason, thought, compassion, and simple decency. (The temptation to go off topic is soooo hard to resist. Agggghhhh.) Anyway, that's how I see it.

"What do you guys think? Do they believe what they're saying from a religoius perspective or are they just out to control Ian's every thought and action?"


Hi Kevin,

Yeah I guess I did get off topic. I tend to get on the proverbial soap box when it comes to gods and religions.

I see the centuries of pain caused by, well never mind, I made my point.


The emotions evoked by Vance's writing highlights his great talent. Many of us have experienced through someone we care about or sadly first hand the cruelty of those who are meant to love the ones they hurt. Child abuse is a very difficult subject to write about. Vance has created an emotionally packed story. Through the pain Ian shows a powerful diginity. The torment has not stuffed up his belief in love.


To answer your question, I think the preacher believes his actions are for the glory of his god. Of course religion doesn't have a monopoly on abusive parents. They have as many reasons as there are abusive parents. Anyone who abuses another living being is mentally disturbed. That isn't an excuse, but what cause someone to become abusive? Does it create the vicious cycle of the abused becomig the abusive?


I was youngbilly15, that was when I registered 2 yrs. ago. I wasn't around for a long time. Why I am now Billy17

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Hi Kevin,

Yeah I guess I did get off topic. I tend to get on the proverbial soap box when it comes to gods and religions.

I see the centuries of pain caused by, well never mind, I made my point.

:hug: well I know how it is when "hot button" issues come up! I have quite a few too ;)

The emotions evoked by Vance's writing highlights his great talent. Many of us have experienced through someone we care about or sadly first hand the cruelty of those who are meant to love the ones they hurt. Child abuse is a very difficult subject to write about. Vance has created an emotionally packed story. Through the pain Ian shows a powerful diginity. The torment has not stuffed up his belief in love.

Excellent point! It is tragic what some people have experienced, and Ian's story is heart-warming in that his pain hasn't made him "turn to stone" and be unreceptive for love. It's truly an inspiration :)

To answer your question, I think the preacher believes his actions are for the glory of his god. Of course religion doesn't have a monopoly on abusive parents. They have as many reasons as there are abusive parents. Anyone who abuses another living being is mentally disturbed. That isn't an excuse, but what cause someone to become abusive? Does it create the vicious cycle of the abused becomig the abusive?

I'm afraid you might be right about the preacher; it's awful to think of people's beliefs being that misguided though.

I was youngbilly15, that was when I registered 2 yrs. ago. I wasn't around for a long time. Why I am now Billy17

Well, welcome back! :D


Take care and have an awesome day :)


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