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When Stories Collide


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What do you do when you have several stories at the same time whirling around in your head? Do you try to write them all at the same time, or just work with one and keep taking notes until that one is finished?


I have several stories buzzing about my mind and have been adding little notes on where I want them to go, but I would like to know how you all deal with this.


At the moment I have about four more stories that creap around in my little brain. Do you just write them all at once?


I'm new at this, so your guidance would be very much appreciated.



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When I feel inspired to write a story that's in my head, I sit down and I write....I dont worry about the title, or where it might go, or any of that stuff.....I dont worry about anything I'm working on, either, because if I'm inspired enough, I'll find a way to work on each one of my stories. :)

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When I feel inspired to write a story that's in my head, I sit down and I write....I dont worry about the title, or where it might go, or any of that stuff.....I dont worry about anything I'm working on, either, because if I'm inspired enough, I'll find a way to work on each one of my stories. :)


That's great... but what do you do, when there are four or five that want to be written?

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That's great... but what do you do, when there are four or five that want to be written?

Sit down and start writing them all......even if you dont finish them right away, you can go back to whichever one you feel inspired to write, and if you like to work on all of them, there's nothing wrong with that either.

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I can't work on more than one novel at a time -- I've tried and it was too difficult to do the mind shift between them on a regular basis. I can do a short story while doing a novel, but I can't do two novels.


When I get an idea, I'll make some notes on it, and then put it aside for later. The problem is that sometimes the idea grows cold, so a lot depends on how much detail I can note down. Other times, though, the idea can keep growing in the back of my mind until I'm ready to start.


I'm notorious for being unable to multi-task, which is consistent with only being to work on one story at a time. Other people can happily multi-task, so I would suggest working on as many stories as you can comfortably. It's only when you find you can't keep up should you push some of the stories to the back-burner.


Just my opinion, of course.

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WOW... I don't know if I could do more than a couple at one time. Like Graeme I have problems keeping them sorted out in my head. I usually have to read the previous chapter to get the voices in my head in order, before starting.


Maybe part of my problem is that I'm anxious to find out what happens next in my own stories lol To me it would be like watching a movie on DVD about half way through, and then swapping to another movie. That would eat me up! Maybe if I wrote up an outline so I knew the ending it might not be so consuming. I don't know.


Do you all write using an outline and just kind of fill in the words? Or do you, like me, write as it comes to you not sure what will happen next?


I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I guess I'm too lazy to do a search. There is so much material here, honestly, it's kind of hard to find exactly what I'm looking for. (And.... I figure other newcomers might be interested in hearing this too)


I have read that DK does a lot of research for his stories, and I wager the rest of you great writers do, too. I have pages and pages of notes with Earth Reborn. I also have quite a bit of material stored away for The Druid. I find that I'm spending more time looking up information. So much so, that I'm doing more research than writing. Does anyone else run into this?


I think I'm going to try this multiple story writing thing. Do you ever find yourselves stuck on one story, while another lingers collecting dust? LOL It almost seems unfair to leave the readers hanging like that. They get bitter! Or maybe that is just me.


Sorry for so many questions, but I'm curious and I'd like to see how the rest of you deal with these situations.


Lastly, thanks for all of your input! I appreciate it. I didn't honestly think that this thread would get more than an offhanded glance. So thank you!

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Well I took the advice of a very great author who happens to be hosted here(and the person who's stories inspired me to write my own stories) and I always write the last chapter before I write the second chapter, with one exception. It's a whole lot easier, and honestly, if you want to change the ending, it's no big deal. But it gives you something to work toward :)

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  • Site Administrator

I agree with Nick. I was given similar advice when I started writing -- write the ending, or even multiple endings, so you have something to work towards. I've never actually done that, but I've always had a firm idea of the ending in my mind for all my stories (with the exception of the first one -- the ending wasn't clear for quite a while in that one).


Most of the time I have particular scenes in mind when I'm writing, but the things that occur inbetween are often surprises. A common occurrence for me is to write something that appears to be a minor incident or filler... and then a few days later realise there are potential consequences of that action and the story then includes those consequences, making the whole think richer (I hope).


Graeme :)


PS: I think this thread should be moved to the Writer's Corner, but I'll leave that up to an Administrator to decide.

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I agree with Nick. I was given similar advice when I started writing -- write the ending, or even multiple endings, so you have something to work towards. I've never actually done that, but I've always had a firm idea of the ending in my mind for all my stories (with the exception of the first one -- the ending wasn't clear for quite a while in that one).


Most of the time I have particular scenes in mind when I'm writing, but the things that occur inbetween are often surprises. A common occurrence for me is to write something that appears to be a minor incident or filler... and then a few days later realise there are potential consequences of that action and the story then includes those consequences, making the whole think richer (I hope).


Graeme :)


PS: I think this thread should be moved to the Writer's Corner, but I'll leave that up to an Administrator to decide.


I'm going to have to dry jotting down the end of the story for one of the ones that have been rolling around in my head and see how it goes. It'll be a learning experience if nothing else. (Gods know I could use it)


Thanks again both of you for your input!


Take care!


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I'm going to have to dry jotting down the end of the story for one of the ones that have been rolling around in my head and see how it goes. It'll be a learning experience if nothing else. (Gods know I could use it)


Thanks again both of you for your input!


Take care!


Well dude, let us know how it works out for you :)

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