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Postaholic Non-anonymous


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Why thank you C James, but alash your avg post per day still is higher then mine.


And the only way I'm willing to join that list if you come out of your closet and admit to your adiction to posting. :great:


I don't suppose you would settle for me admitting that, (yes, this might shock people) I do occasionally post?

(Even lurkers can post occasionally).

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I don't suppose you would settle for me admitting that, (yes, this might shock people) I do occasionally post?

(Even lurkers can post occasionally).


The state of 'Denial' now has one more resident. So... what do those license plates look like?


Heh your post count moves almost as fast as the gas meter at the local BP Station!

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The state of 'Denial' now has one more resident.



Can I run for Congress from that state? I hear you get pages and interns. :devil:


I'm not half as perverted, dishonest or sneaky... oh well, perhaps I'm disqualified. :thumbdown:


I feel ya brother Clinton. :lol:

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Me thinks thou doest protest too much!


In this topic where there are 57 posts, I count 20 of them are CJ's which is why he's managed to add more than 50 to his post count in 2 DAYS while he is sick with the flu!


I hereby out CJ as a rabid postaholic. No more lurker closet for YOU! :wizard:

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Me thinks thou doest protest too much!


In this topic where there are 57 posts, I count 20 of them are CJ's which is why he's managed to add more than 50 to his post count in 2 DAYS while he is sick with the flu!


I hereby out CJ as a rabid postaholic. No more lurker closet for YOU! :wizard:


EMoe! :o


Not you too? Surely you are not allowing yourself to be mislead by a few incongruous numbers? It's slander, i say, SLANDER!

Perhaps I should hereby issue a call for everyone who believes that I am a lurker to join the fray? My fellow lurkers, UNITE! :ph34r:


I think I'm just about over the flu (which is why I wasn't around GA very much these past few days). Ugh, I have decided that the flu is not fun.


CJ lives in Northern Arizona lest you forget. There's little else there to do....



Well, there is always the the fun of interaction with the local homophobic fundies and Mormons, to see which one can out-do themselves coming up with new ways to say "abomination". Actually, it is often quite amusing to hear them struggle with words that are unfamiliar to them, (basically, anything in excess of two syllables). :devil:

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