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Title: Harry Potter & the Knights of Merlin's Keep

Author: Navigator aka Muggle

Location: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/knightsofmerlinskeep/

Story Code: tt, tG, MM - Minor erotica

Description: When Camelot fell, Merlin took Excalibur and hid it within his keep, a realm not entirely within this world. He entrusted an order of Knights to guard it until a new king could retrieve it and rebuild Camelot anew. But if evil got ahold of Excalibur, darkness would reign for near eternity. Harry gets caught up in the prophecy and needs the help of Ron, Hermione, and a few new friends to prevent evil from getting the sword. The ancient order of knights sends help in the form of a new student and unlikely hero. Bill Weasley is the DADA and falls in love with someone unexpected and Draco Malfoy becomes even more dangerous. Slash impending. Harry/OC, Bill/OC, Ron/Hermione.



And for the record, I know the description is pretty cheesy, but I couldn't think of anything better without giving the whole story away.

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actuly I think the description fits the story... though I have not read past chapter 1... sorry but... I am a huge Harry/Draco shipper... ;) I might force myself to read it when I have the time though.

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  • Site Administrator

We're going to have to find a better place to host your files Nav. I don't like having to log into yahoo to look at something... especially when linked from here.

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Do I just have that perverted of a mind? I started reading the description and instead of:

"Merlin took Excalibur and hid it within his keep"


I read it as:

"Merlin took Excalibur and hid it within his lap"




If it wasn't for how small my upload bandwidth is (I'm limited to around 10 Kb/sec, ADSL >.<), I would offer to host your stories at my site.

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I don't like logging in either, but it's the only place on the net that I can update at my convenience rather than someone elses as well as not be slapped down for BS reasons cause Xing or her admins don't know the meaning of the word consistency.


What's worse is the formatting gets shot to hell because yahoo doesn't link to the CSS file, but hey, small price to pay for a little control. I suppose I could embed it, but then the page size would increase dramatically. By at least 25% I'd guess.


Then again, maybe not. It's only a 16k file. I think I will embedd the CSS from now on. Goes against everything I know bout HTML and styling, but hey, life's a bitch.


If you're concerned about the referrer, just get a program like ad-subtract that blocks that.

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I don't like logging in either, but it's the only place on the net that I can update at my convenience rather than someone elses as well as not be slapped down for BS reasons cause Xing or her admins don't know the meaning of the word consistency.

Heh, actually, I built my own CMS system for my site that has multi-user capabilities with privledges. Basically, I'd give you an account, and you could do your own updating.

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  • Site Administrator

It has been added to the archive.

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