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What the **** is up with homophobia?

x Trevor x

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Yeah okay heres my little story me and my bf had gone out to eat some sea food right? okay well he didnt eat all of his so he got a carry out plate to take the rest to his mom which was at the trailer park helping my bfs brother clean the place up cause he just bought the whole park to be a land lord. Well this is the part that really REALLY PISSED me off! We pulled up and I was in the passenger seat and kevin got out and his stupid ass brother came up and pointed in the windshield right at me and told my bf that I better not ever come back on that property again! It pissed me the f**** off! I havent even talked to him he doesnt even know me we havent spoken one word to eachother ever not one and hes gonna do that? what the f*** he scared of? Does he think I am gonna hit on him? Come on I am dateing his brother for christ sakes and its a faithful relationship! Even if i were single I wouldnt hit on anyone whos gonna break a mirror just by looking at it! I was so angry I wanted to hurt him so bad I wanted to jump in the driver seat and run him over I wanted to burn his trailer park down and smash the windows out and just god I was angry! Why the hell do people have to be like that?!

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Short answer: some people are assholes.


Long answer: people connect certain lifestyles with certain attributes and whatnot. They think because you're gay, you're a bad person, and something that should be guarded against. It's one of those weird psychological things that doesn't make much sense at first glance.


My answer: cause he's a dick. Shoot him in the face. Btw, don't listen to me. :)

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Well Homophobia, is taught really. No one is really scared or shows a certain hatred of another person, place, or thing unless someone around them or culture has told them to stay away, hate, or accept the thing in question. Not trying to justify Homophobia, just realize that some people just see and comprehend what is taught to them differently. Also, lacking the manners to keep their emotions under control doesn't really help. Personally though, I don't know why they call it a Phobia. Homophobia doesn't really work for me. Most people don't show a hatred towards the thing that triggers their phobia. They just have anxiety and fear, it triggers their fight or flight mechanisms.



Anyway, don't lower yourself to his level. You don't have to tolerate your boyfriend's brother. Just try and show him the common descency that he neglected to show to you and your boyfriend.



Good luck,



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Why the hell do people have to be like that?!


Well, basically, when you get right down to it, the reason people can be like that is because, basically, they are stupid prats who couldn't find their arse with both hands.

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Some people say that a fear of heights comes from a desire deep down to jump.



So... the fear of queer comes from a desire deep down to hump?













There is no excuse in today's society to fear the queer. Most people who suffer from 'homophobia' have been misdiagnosed and really suffer from 'human-hatred'. Remember... a phobia can be treated by a doctor... 'human-hatred' is often untreatable with few minor exceptions and the use of a large crowbar and grease (for prying the inflicted's head out of their asshole). The best piece of advice I can give you is this: first and foremost, love your boyfriend, secondly, pity your boyfriend's brother for he will die a bitter old man.





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There is no dispute that this country has a LONG HISTORY of prejudice and bias that resulted in the unequal treatment of many classes of persons.


As a nation, we have a reprehensible history of depriving persons of their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. We have a reprehensible history of depriving persons of equal protection of the laws. That history is dripping with the discrimination, prejudice, animus, and oppression of disfavored classes of persons. Despite the existence of explicit constitutional protection, members of disfavored classes of persons have often been afraid to step forward to assert their rights to be treated as equal members of society.

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Personally though, I don't know why they call it a Phobia. Homophobia doesn't really work for me. Most people don't show a hatred towards the thing that triggers their phobia. They just have anxiety and fear, it triggers their fight or flight mechanisms.

Thank you, Krista!! I've always thought the same thing! Seems like an awful misnomer to me too.


There is no excuse in today's society to fear the queer. Most people who suffer from 'homophobia' have been misdiagnosed and really suffer from 'human-hatred'. Remember... a phobia can be treated by a doctor... 'human-hatred' is often untreatable with few minor exceptions and the use of a large crowbar and grease (for prying the inflicted's head out of their asshole). The best piece of advice I can give you is this: first and foremost, love your boyfriend, secondly, pity your boyfriend's brother for he will die a bitter old man.

Well said, Lugh!


:hug: I'm sorry that happened, Trevor. Don't stoop to his level, and try to just ignore him.


Take care and I hope everything works out!


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