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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! I'll see what I can do about revisiting some of these characters. There's a few who could carry the burden of their own stories so you never know. Wait until you meet Tag and Pete and Bryce and Zion. They're characters in upcoming stories and I think you'll like them.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    Hey, Gomez- You're welcome and thank you for a great idea. Now, where would CJ and Owen be in 2040? Liebe would be twenty and probably in college by then. You may be on to something.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Terry. CJ has bits of me in him but for the most part he's someone I wish would be real. I don't agree with everything he says and does but that's fine. His dedication to his family, friends, and country is something we should all emulate.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    My pleasure. You're one of the readers I followed once you started reading hoping you'd keep going after the first few chapters. I'm glad you did and that you enjoyed it. I'm not fading quietly into the night; I'll be shouting again in a few weeks.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    THANK YOU!!! I too wish CJ was real; our country could use one or two of him. Don't worry, you'll hear about them again.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, tim! My mourning over the characters took place months ago when I finished writing GMA. And you're right, I needed a break. I do have a large, interesting cast and some of them deserve more air time so I may revisit some of them. Unfortunately, I can't seem to quiet the voices in my head. CJ and Owen constantly whisper suggestions so we may see them pop up again at some point in the future.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Chris! And thank you for sticking with me from the start.
  9. Carlos Hazday


    You're welcome! And speaking of Ritchie, I understsnd he's taking a cross country trip on Defiant. I hope he safely makes it to Colorado.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you, Richard. I do intend to keep on writing. As a matter of fact, I'd like to post something every month for the remainder of the year. I have a one chapter story completed for July already. The one for August is in the hands of an editor and beginning in September I'll share a multi-part story. If they're half as popular as CJ's stories, I'll be happy.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks buddy! My Fridays are never complete unless I see a message from you.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks m8! Had to throw in a little Aussie slang. If you don't already do, you should follow me (go to my profile) so you can get notifications on future stories. The next one is already in the system and will go live the first Friday in July. I think you're gonna want to read it.
  13. Your boy's right, you're too young to allow this to bother you for the rest of your life. Talk to as many people as you need to and keep fighting back.
  14. Carlos Hazday


  15. The sweep of events had carried CJ aloft to heights uncommon for someone his age. His ethos helped propel him into the limelight more than once. A reluctant public figure at first, in time he settled into a grudging acceptance of his soaring popularity. CJ was the highest-ranking, elected member of the Georgetown University Student Association in the 2020 Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service graduating class. Invited to sit on the dais during commencement exercises, he declined.
  16. Most enjoyable. The kids are a little unbelievable, too may together, but then again this is fiction. Great rainy afternoon treat.
  17. I had to stop reading. It's difficult to see words through tear-filled eyes. I will try to finish in a bit. The disbelief is back. So are the pain, the anger, and the tears. But I will not be defeated and I will not be quiet. I will keep fighting. So should you. Thank you, Mr. Landon. You done good.
  18. Nice job, tim. Congratulations!.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you, Jeff. If the last scene's an indication, Liebe will be smothered with love. CJ and Owen will benefit from the input of all those around them and so will their kids. Thanks for sticking with me all the way!
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you. I know I'm repeating something I've said before, but I think it's wonderful when something I write rings true and evokes happy memories. I just hope the guys don't have to listen to something like Baby Shark ad nauseum.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    My rep as a hard ass is going downhill! I swear calming CJ down has had the same effect on me. Glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to involve the entire family, that's why I started with Aba. With young parents, Liebe's lucky; she has four grandparents and four great grandparents to spoil her. I was lucky to have one great-grandmother alive, and I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with her. Of course, I say that as a 60-year-old. At six, spending time with old people wan't half as much fun. Make sure you tune in next Friday, I think you'll like the finale.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wanted the chapter to be all about Liebe so I guess it worked.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    Since this series is so intertwined with real life, that may be tough. So far, three events have screwed up things I've written. A restaurant in LA closed before the chapter I wrote with CJ and Owen dining there took place. The Orlando football game between UMiami and UFlorida the guys attend Labor Day Weekend in 2019 has been moved to the last weekend in August. And now Bradley and Irina have separated, there goes the New Year's Day brunch I had the guys, Spencer and Tilda attend. Writing in the future is a gamble. It's why there has been no mention of sports championships or politics lately. Anyway, my next two offerings are written. The second one is with an editor. The one following those is mostly written and Kitt's been editing alonf the way. I'll post something every month for the rest of the year, I hope.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    Glad you followed me to GA, Dan? LOL Liebe's going to live her life in a fishbowl. With a power couple as parents, she'll be followed like few kids are. Let's hope she can handle the attention and the hoopla. I'm just sorry I won't be around twenty years from now to see how she turns out.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    I want you to keep these words in mind when you read the next chapter. Or did you sneak a peek already? This is too coincidental to be accidental. (My rhyming for the day. Mike drop!
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