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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Applicants for Harley's affections need to have a motorcycle endorsement. I wonder if Kim even has a driver's license! Maybe she'll just ride bitch all the time if those two stay together.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud. I really needed to write a few "fun" chapters after the two involving deaths. Next chapter we're back in DC until classes end, and then we're off to London.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    Un the next chapter we find out the scene with the bikers in front of the bar was all a dream. I think it's called the Bobby Ewing Dallas approach to telling stories.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    I'm working on the third chapter and we're still finding out who was at the wedding. I didn't want to post a guest list or anything like that so we're still finding out details 3 months afterward.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    I was going to get in touch when I was there in March but it was a short trip and I spent most of my time in Daytona. I've driven OBT countless times and it still always confuses me, you have no idea how long it took me to figure out the proper turns on Google Maps. LOL
  6. Carlos Hazday


    What's that old line about still waters running deep? That's what I think of whenever I write Harley. Well, except for instead of a placid exterior it's a hyperactive one. There's a calm, serious, and loyal person inside the caffeine-induced motor mouth. Been to the restaurant once and the fried chicken was REALLY finger licking good.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    I KNEW you would enjoy this chapter. I think after Owen, he holds the #1 spot in CJ's heart. I think I'm going to do a survey in the discussion thread to determine fans' favorite Elite and Squad member. I have a feeling Harley will have lots of support.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    You better make your move before Kim locks him up!
  9. Carlos Hazday


    That ancient biker gets around. He gets another cameo during the wedding weekend. And I finally used his name after all this time.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Have I mentioned how much I love you comments? Short and sweet but regular as clockwork. Thank you, bud.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    I'll share a couple of pictures of Parliament House later. I'll also look for one of my old ones of the bikes lined up against the pool fence the way I described it. Harley's special; I love writing him. He's one of the easiest characters to play with. Maybe it's because he's a laid-back, pot-smoking, gear-head. His enthusiasm for life is contagious.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    I discovered the campus when I was elected a national officer of my fraternity. I visited the chapter at FSC and led an initiation in the chapel. Been back several times and each visit I discover new details.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    LOL Lots of readers thought Harley would be CJ's boyfriend since he was the first high school friend introduced. There was a Team Harley for a while to be replaced by Team Chipper, and eventually Team Owen. We know who won!
  14. Carlos Hazday


    I choked up when I stopped by the place this past March. Take a look at the pictures I posted on the CJ discussion thread.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    Daytona Bike Week's always a fun time. I was there this year at the same time CJ and Owen but didn't run into them
  16. With the sun low on the horizon making it difficult to see through the glare, CJ carefully steered his father’s Ford F-350 through the motel’s parking area. A casual observer might have found it hard to believe the vehicle was ten years old. The pristine black and orange paint of the Harley-Davidson Edition truck gleamed in the late afternoon light. After slipping his feet into flip-flops, Owen opened the passenger door. “I’ll make sure the trailer’s not blocking anything.” The chill
  17. Carlos Hazday

    Now or Never

    I quite enjoyed that. Nice little story.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    Not bad. But I don't do romance stories. 😜
  19. In the beginning, there was the world wide web and it was good. The internet engendered gay porn, which engendered male-male romance stories. Somewhere in between those two, Gabriel Morgan created Stonegate Stable--a love story with sizzling hot sex scenes. If explicit descriptions of intercourse between two or more men are not your thing, feel free to speed read through them; you'll cheat yourself but the remainder of the tale is worth it and can stand on its own. To paraphrase Deadpool in his second movie: This story is all about the f-word. Family. A large cast of characters surrounds Sean, the main character, and the author takes us on a wild ride with them. Vincent and Matt are the other two stars of the novel and young Matt summarizes it best: “Your real family doesn’t have to be the one you were born into. Sometimes your friends love you more.” The characters and their actions are true to life and relatable. Many of us have found comfort, support, and sexual gratification amongst our friends The ending is bittersweet and you may want to have a bandana handy to dab your eyes. Forget the tissues, this is a story about men and their horses. However, the tears are balanced by good writing and enough humor you will chuckle often. I've read this story at least three times and I'm certain I'll do it again. Once again, I was smiling when I was done reading.
  20. I should be finished with my second or third reading today. I honestly can't recall how many times I've enjoyed it. I'll review it after I'm done!
  21. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB V

    He'll be back soon. After all, he has to officiate at a wedding I like the character and may use him again at some other point.
  22. Ooops. Did I do that? @danield There's little new under the sun and history repeats itself way too often. I hope I wasn't too political.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    Yep, loved Lions too and I've 'followed' you since then hoping for more. Nice surprise to see two stories post today. It's great to read a story that is well-written and flows easily. It's a breath of fresh air in a literary world full of stink bombs.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB V

    @JeffreyL You're welcome! Back atcha for the unwavering support.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB V

    Ugh! Don't even kid about that LOL No divorce for the kids. There might be another set of parents divorcing but not sure about that yet. You may have notice time has lapsed much faster in the College books than before. I wanted to age CJ since writing teens isn't my favorite thing. I did this before and can't remember with certainty, but I think I timed the events of this book so the wedding chapter would post the same weekend as it would be taking place. I think it posts on the 22nd and the wedding takes place on the 23rd.
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