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    Romance adventure

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  1. peterattheloft


    A truly fitting end to an outstanding saga of a story... Small beginnings to a superb and onward going conclusion... Have been almost glued to screen thoughput.
  2. peterattheloft

    AOC 12

    A truly superb story, well told and kept me reading to the end. Peter@theloft Milton Keynes U.K.
  3. peterattheloft

    Shad Chapter 1

    A re-read as home unwell ( not covid) been enjoying much that is on offer in your catalogue... This one I really like. Regards from the U.K. Paul Jamison, author on Awesome Dude.
  4. peterattheloft

    Chapter 1

    Great start I just know I am going to enjoy this story.🙂
  5. peterattheloft

    Chapter 1

    Brilliant read, many thanks for a witty, 😀well told, story!
  6. totally held me to the last sentence. truly amazing story. There are other's of similar vein but nothing I feel quite a comprehensive as this superbly crafted story. Peter
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  7. peterattheloft

    Chapter 26

    Read my story "William" on Awesome Dude I write under name of Paul Jamison... Enjoy the trip!! P
  8. peterattheloft

    Chapter 26

    Great Story loving it ... From my limited boat owning experience ( Narrow Boat on the U.K. Canal system) ALL boats are expensive to repair and maintain!!!
  9. Indeed not the Guards regiments are trained to withstand any tourist frivolity and they are extremely adept at so doing. The other sight so well worth seeing is the Horse-guards of the Household Cavalry Made up of the Blues & Royals quite a sight when on parade and guard duties. Peter
  10. peterattheloft

    JV Chapter 7

    Well now as a Brit I can say thast the last serious flood of the River Thames was in 1928 ... So, I doubt they need to worry. Ohhh and Vegemite is called Marmite in the UK and we thought of it first then it travelled across continents and became Vegemite in certain former colonies😄
  11. My secomd reading of 'The Castaway Hotel' I find it just as fresh and totally absobing as I did 'first time round'. The characters have depth and the storylines are just so good. Being a Brit I'm not all that familiar with the American Education system but I get the basics and I'm sure I'll learn more as I go. I've read it all once a few years back perhaps when it was still coming out. I do recall waiting for the next chapter!! Regards Paul Jamison DD P.S. I've written two stories myself, they can be found on the Awesome Dude site.
  12. peterattheloft

    Chapter 12

    There's something gone wrong with the HTML typesetting here in this chapter. Really hard to read
  13. I can wait... I think the story so far is just amazing . Peter
  14. They were excellent. I have discovered that all the pictures for the first 68 chapters are missing they are not in the gallery. From Chapter 69 onwards they appear in the text as one would expect and the previous chapters indicate they should be there but they are not as the link ( picture description ) just does not work anymore. Shame as it would seem I've missed quite a bit of the story and explanations of the navigation. Peter
  15. Hi Many thanks. I've just discovered the story and it seems there were pictures included but they are no longer there in the chapters, just a description of what the pictures showed, Yes, the Atlantis page link seems to just loop back to what seems to be an abandoned old site. I hope that CJ, now he appears to be back and active, might know what's gone wrong? I am only on chapter ten so think I have a week or two'w good reading ahead, Peter Milton Keynes UK.
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