I went through a similar kidney stone incident 20 years ago. Except, for me, they took me from CT Scan straight into emergency surgery. Though I was out of the hospital after two nights. I found out that I'm allergic to Demerol, which is kind of funny.
I was in the ER in pain with said kidney stone. They gave be Demerol and it was near instant I projectile vomited on the doctor. (I didn't get the nurse that gave the injection as she was off to the side.) So, apparently, projectile vomiting on the doctor while in the ER is a cause to have you admitted. who knew?
And to wrap that up... upstairs that night when it was time for more painkiller, I stopped the nurse to ask what she was giving me. It was Demerol. She got puked on too. It's now my medical record not to give me Demerol. go figure.
Get well soon and get out of your hospital domicile.