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    Reading, writing, learning everything, MMORPGs, good conversation, music of most typed. Working back up to running, walking, dancing.

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  1. Seth, the house spirit, upon seeing Henry, licked his lips. “Ah, fresh tears.” The Prescotts dropped quite the bomb with Henry. I can understand Alice being upset and maybe feeling betrayed for having him dropped in her lap. Yet another reminder of what was taken from her and this is, what, supposed to make them square or something? Frank concerns me too. Henry’s the embodiment of why Frank is the way he is and that’s got to be tough to see every day. Whether Dante went about it the wrong way or not, he’s right: they shouldn’t blame Henry for what his uncle did. If you look at it pragmatically, Henry being there is an opportunity to make peace with what happened and let go of the pain. Maybe that’s one of the reasons Carolyn agreed to it. Regardless, I’m glad that boy has a big brother like Dante looking out for him. If anyone will take that responsibility seriously, it’s him. And yeah, maybe keep Henry away from Tom …
  2. Well, f*ck you, Marcus. First you break Alex’s spirit and then you delight in the naïveté that should have made you want to protect him. Instead you sold him out. You better pray Solomon survives and that you’re long gone by the time he does. Better start running because Jacques will never forgive you for this. And Alex, the only one with a big enough heart to maybe understand — well, you probably destroyed him. My heart breaks for Alex. Every time his self-esteem begins to recover from the last low blow, Marcus manages to shatter it again. Even worse, he “helped” start to build Alex back up first! I’m kind of glad Alex will have more pressing matters when he wakes up so he doesn’t have to contend with this right away. You’re a meany, @Jack Poignet! Hehe.
  3. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Frank was trying to pair up Alice and Matthew of the Pierced Pecker so she wouldn’t need to take Dante to bed any time soon. Someone is jealous. He knows what he’s doing. I sorta hope Tom didn’t explain the purpose of (I’m assuming) the wooden toy Frank found because it’ll only come back to bite Dante in the (rear) end. Then again, maybe Dante wouldn’t mind a little plug-and-play with Frank, who’s less likely to abuse him like Tom did. It seems like Henry’s placement wasn’t something Carolyn could readily refuse. My instinct tells me that’s what the argument was about, and Alice being his master was a compromise to avoid Britney breaking the boy. Maybe he’s here for his own protection. Carolyn really must be worried if she let Dante know about their guns. Is it wrong to think it’s also testament to hee growing acceptance of her daughter’s slave?
  4. Since this was a somewhat somber chapter, I feel the need to lighten the mood: 🎵 Matthew has a Prince Albert! Matthew has a Prince Albert! (It’s a rumor and I’m starting it.) 🎵 On a more serious note, we all have our rituals and for different reasons — mostly, though, to comfort ourselves somehow. With the chapter beginning on what is essentially All Saints’ Day, the house and the family’s reverence was easy to see.
  5. Road trip! This one’s gonna keep me up at night, I can already tell. The interplay between the boys will stick with me like the ghost of Nate’s member deep inside his son’s guts. Nate planned for this, maybe from the first time he met Ryan. While Caleb has the means to find him, he’d shut down without someone’s firm hand guiding him forward — by force if necessary. And even though Ryan has the drive and knowledge from his delinquency, he needs someone like Caleb to keep him from flying off the handle. Plus, together, maybe they’ll be alright without him. They’ll bond in the way they should have from the start, with Ryan’s strength being rewarded with Caleb’s undying loyalty. Oooooh, so good!
  6. Oh ho ho! Lessons within lessons seem to be Marie’s bread and butter and Jacques is slowly catching on. I can’t say I would’ve reacted any differently, hindsight being 20/20 and all. Our boy at least took her words to heart. I love the quarterback analogy, how it mirrors both his emotions and, I suspect, his magic.. As the one who guides the play, Jacques does indeed take a step back, view all the moving parts, and finally makes it happen. When he broke down lighting the candle into physical components , ignition, then fire, it was sort of with a quarterback’s mindset. If Marie is correct about his clairvoyance, then Jacques is essentially enacting plays in real life. He sees the field, the players on it, and steers them toward the desired result, even if his goal is subconscious. In this case, he couldn’t let go of Alex’s hurt and wanting to make Marcus eat his words, and so Jacques’ vision became one of an awkward car ride with Marcus’s humor falling flat, Alex suffering in silence, and Solomon (maybe) stewing. The shadow may be danger coming for the shoppers or the festering ill will Marcus caused given form in Jacques’ mind. I’m hoping for the latter but bracing for the former ‘cause we know how interested the city’s supernaturals are in Alex. Personally, I hope Jacques’ next vision is of a wedgie Marcus can’t pull out no matter how much he digs. Tee hee hee. On a positive note, Jacques sensing Alex from afar is fantastic news! Confirmation their connection is strong and ongoing. Do you suppose part of Alex’s discomfort is because he can feel his lover beating himself up about him?
  7. Danners

    Chapter 1

    This story is already sultry and all they’ve done is have beer and burgers. They’re definitely an intellectual match, with similar interests and razor sharp wits. I can’t wait to see where this goes …
  8. “Aahahaa! Bet he wasn‘t too tight earlier…” “Good luck surviving that, Jacques. We’ll bring you back a souvenir—maybe a big plug for Alex here. Don‘t need any more hands sneaking in, right?” Jacques is a better man than I am. Marcus would have a fat lip and/or a black eye if he said those things to my lover. Alex’s self-esteem was already in the toilet and he was just beginning to accept the changes to his body. (Okay, to be fair, I’m only theoretically violent. I’d more likely use my words and make him swallow his own tongue, but you get the picture.) Since Solomon is accompanying them to the mall, perhaps he can suggest the appropriate muzzle or ball-gag for Marcus to wear from now on. The Mind-Body-Soul revelation makes perfect sense for the lovers. Their instant connection and how they balance one another. I can’t wait for them to explore this as their relationship grows.
  9. Danners

    Chapter 27

    Thank god for fluff! With all the heartache and mayhem in their past, and all the chaos your devious mind has cooked up for their future, these boys deserve at least one good day. Shaun’s come a long way since we first met him. I dare say he’s even grown since shutting Erin down last chapter. He came out, tentatively, which is huge, showed his softer side to the brothers and Brian, and even reconciled with Ruth. What takes the cake for me, though, is when he stood up to Monica and gently — for him — urged his boyfriend to do the same. I’m so glad Brian’s parentage was such a non-issue for the boys. What a relief for Jesse. Heh, and Shaun’s little “my other dad” shock was terribly cute. This chapter was pretty much positive and I loved it. Monica couldn’t ruin it and hell, I’ll even thank Erin for the raunchy scene in the garage. We could all use this kind of fluff in our lives, especially if it comes with two types of lube!
  10. Danners


    He wants to have his cake and eat it too. Hehe. If you ask me, Nate wants Caleb to be strong enough to survive/stand on his own two feet if and when he’s gone. I think he also wants to mold Ryan into a man who will stand with his (biological) son instead of against him and maybe take some of the weight off both boys’ shoulders. But until that happens, it’s …
  11. Danners


    All these delicious layers; I’m positively giddy. It’s a treat to watch Nate discover the conviction hidden beneath what he thought was dependence. Caleb’s been holding back almost as much as his father and the irony is how he hesitated out of self-preservation while Nate acted in desperation. Who’s the weak one here? For all that he’s caught in the crossfire, I can’t help but suspect Ryan put himself there. What I’m curious about is if it’s self-sabotage or genuine jealousy. Is his new family too much of a good thing or does he feel he isn’t good enough for his new family? You never fail to impress!
  12. Danners

    Fangs of the Past

    Assuming she died at the bottom of the stairs. Maybe just bedridden or locked in the basement. That could work, right?
  13. Frank’s got a little devil in him after all. The way he plays up his innocence and leans into his family’s image of him as a simpleton. What a manipulative little chit. Good boy! Let them underestimate you. It’s too bad Alice doesn’t see the brilliant mind inside Frank. Not that he’d let her, ‘cause he doesn’t want her to leave either. Maybe once he finds out what his sister gave up for him. I kinda feel bad for Blaise. The sadness in his eyes seeing Alice seeking comfort with Dante instead of coming to him, that was rough. I get the impression he knows a thing or two about missed opportunities and this … this was another one. (Hey, at least he has … Tom.) On the other hand, look at Dante breaking down walls. He’s closer than ever with Frank (and his fellow slaves) and, I guess, morals be damned, but that was making love. I can understand the mixed emotions warring inside him — his morality, of course, but also his loyalty to Alice vs this growing intimacy between the two men. His lust too, naturally, since Frank gives rise to certain parts of him in a way others haven’t. This was a full chapter — a great chapter!
  14. Danners

    "Hug It Out"

    Why was his dick still hard? Girl, you ain’t the only one. This is gonna be fun.
  15. Danners

    Guilt and Pain

    To me the problem isn’t whether the brothers still love one another or how much stronger that feeling is for one of them. It seems to me it’s the nature of their love that is in question. Maurice loved the comfort and stability he found in his older brother. Them having sex — I think part of him sought control over some aspect of his circumstances and their “off screen” incest allowed that. His quiet rebellion. And now that he has relative autonomy, Remy doesn’t have room in his life for Anduin. Meanwhile Anduin’s love is possessive, a claim he staked — stakes, present tense — on his younger brother. His brother. His lover. His special person. (His hole.) His. It doesn’t surprise me he’s selfish and inconsiderate of Remy’s feelings, they don’t occur to him. So it’s easy for him to slip back into this dynamic. The one nice thing I’ll say about Anduin is he sincerely seems to feel responsible for Remy in the past. Maybe that balances out his raw need — like, if he’s going to have Remy, he has to take care of him. Ooh, or if he’s going to take care of his brother, he gets to have him. Anyway, Remy’s acquiescence says enough about their relationship for me. Him feeling obligated to love his brother, to let Anduin sake his lust — makes me sad … for them both, honestly. That isn’t love. Pretty powerful stuff here. I wonder how long he’ll put up with it. Pretty soon his feelings are bound to leak out and somebody’s going to notice. Hopefully Bella but probably Therese.
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