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Everything posted by Mawgrim

  1. A very satisfying chapter. If Don doesn’t leave then he’s even more stupid than we all suppose. interesting comments about Corbin when thinking about his relationship with Leah; feeling on edge because of thinking she was much more attractive than he is and could have had anyone. He feels the same way about Troy, too. Clearly Corbin isn’t an unattractive person himself but his self esteem has been so knocked down he can’t recognise it.
  2. Mawgrim

    A Deadly Tithe

    It would certainly make 'Gone Away, Gone Ahead' a very different story! I know what you mean, though. Having written the second story first, I hadn't really explored S'brin's character fully save as 'dead love interest' and having written so much about him since, I'm not looking forward to his demise. And Zemianth, of course.
  3. There’s no way he can go home and be safe with his dad there. Poor Corbin, no wonder he had a meltdown. And although I can see how Corbin's mum has been conditioned over the years to try and keep the family together at all costs, Leah doesn't seem to have much of a grasp of reality either and Zoe just lives in her own imaginary world. Good to see Corbin is now admitting his attraction to Troy.
  4. Well, Corbin's dad is a murderous bastard. I think Corbin was right about him working up his anger so that he could actually go through with it. If Troy hadn't been there, he'd have been dead for sure. And Corbin finally realises what Troy was trying to hint at. As Troy saw the incident, at least he can make a statement to the police when they return to land. I’m sure Corbin's dad will try to make it seem as if Troy attacked him, but the police are probably local too and will tend towards believing members of the community like Jerry and Troy rather than a man who hasn't exactly done much to endear himself to anyone in the village.
  5. Mawgrim

    Chapter 40

    The truth (and Jason) begins to come out! Finally, some progress. I hope his hand isn’t too badly damaged.
  6. Mawgrim

    A Deadly Tithe

    There must have been many occasions when there were close calls. One might have hoped M'nan would have grown into the job, but sadly that didn't happen. He won't have an easy time of it now he's back in the Wings.
  7. Mawgrim

    A Deadly Tithe

    It's like waiting for something to happen which you know is going to be unpleasant and having it rescheduled all the time.
  8. That sounds like a really interesting modern interpretation of the fairytale.
  9. Mawgrim

    A Deadly Tithe

    Hebiri took them to a side room, away from the chaos of the main infirmary. ‘You’ll have some peace and quiet here.’ She poured out klah from a kettle atop a small stove. ‘Give yourself a break. I’d best get back.’ ‘Thanks,’ D’gar said. Agarra had already composed herself. She cupped her hands around the mug and sipped slowly. ‘I couldn’t believe how quickly that all happened.’ D’gar had heard of similar situations, but he’d never seen - or been involved - in one before. ‘Me neith
  10. So Corbin is going to be forced to go out on the boat with his dad. I see a couple of possible scenarios there. 1) His dad, knowing basically nothing about trawling(but arrogant enough to think he does) gets them into disaster from which they are saved at the last minute by Troy. 2) Corbin's dad starts to get nasty again when they are out at sea, there is a tussle and he falls overboard, making Corbin feel like a murderer. 3) The boat won’t start so they can’t go to sea. Corbin's dad blames him (of course) and lays into him again, but other fishermen stop him and Corbin goes to Jerry's boatyard, where Troy consoles him.
  11. Mawgrim

    Chapter 1

    Great characters and descriptions. I haven't read your previous story, but it's all making sense so far.
  12. Corbin's going to learn a a lot about trawling (and maybe other skills!) There will come a time when he is more knowledgeable than his dad and I can see that causing conflict. Also, as @drsawzall pointed out, he will be working for the competition.
  13. Although Corbin's dad is a nasty piece of work now, something made him that way. Perhaps his own dad forced him into a career he hated and he couldn't bear to see his son doing something he enjoys when he never had the chance. Corbin is definitely missing the vibe with Troy. And honestly, learning how to trawl from an online course? A recipe for disaster.
  14. Mawgrim

    Chapter 1

    Sounds like a unique and quirky cinema. I remember hearing about one cinema built in the UK where they forgot to build a projection room, so had to find somewhere on the roof and use mirror projection.
  15. If Corbin's dad is so inept at driving a boat on a trailer, I hate to see what will happen when he actually gets it in the water. He's made himself a laughing stock already; bet all the locals are talking about the incident in the pub. As Zoe has fallen for Troy in a big way, if he and Corbin become involved later, there will be more rifts within the family.
  16. Twenty three years is a long time. It must have been so painful for Will to see Mitch risk death so many times. And now, when they meet again, Mitch doesn't want him to know that this time there'll be no getting better. What a sad situation.
  17. Mawgrim

    Chapter 39

    A tumultuous chapter. Jason has told the truth to Nathan at last. I'm now waiting to see if Nathan reveals his own secret in turn.
  18. Mawgrim

    Chapter 38

    I'm beginning to feel a tiny bit of sympathy for Aiden now. He's got a lot on his plate. Yes, that photo is going to turn up at the worst possible time.
  19. Mawgrim

    Absent Friends

    I am worried about Corbin. He's just managing to cope with life in a familiar place with friends and a support network. When all of that is gone, he's either going to become deeply depressed or explode.
  20. Mawgrim

    A Little Space

    Another interesting set of characters and conflicts set up right from the start. Corbin's dad must have a lot of confidence to think he can step from selling fish to becoming a trawler man. Let’s hope he’s bought a dodgy boat.
  21. Mawgrim

    Gains and Losses

    No, it's getting worse as the Pass draws to its close. Most of the Wings are under-manned, there are fewer weyrlings to fill the gaps and Threadfall is becoming unpredictable. Getting a wounded rider down from his dragon has to be one of the most dangerous things that needs to be done.
  22. Mawgrim

    Gains and Losses

    I know. I wanted to show all the normal details of day to day life and then how something horrible just happens out of the blue.
  23. Mawgrim

    Gains and Losses

    It was near the end of eighth month and the weather had a feel of the seasons beginning to turn. The sunlight seemed softer, the clouds covering more of the sky. For the past few days, the wind had been too high, but today it was perfect. D’gar examined Herebeth’s wing yet again. The new hide had grown back a couple of shades lighter than the surrounding area, but all of the oiling and massaging looked to have paid off. There were certainly no cracks or other defects. Sure it feels all righ
  24. So, it's going to be a trilogy! TBH, I felt as if the epilogue was a bit rushed, had this been the actual end. I'd have liked to see Dean's conversation with his parents and how they worked it out. As there's going to be another part, I'm sure there'll be new problems, even as the old ones are resolved.
  25. I haven't read this book and I don't know if I want to after this review. Although I probably should, just for the historical aspect. Sometimes the most depressing books are the ones that stick in your memory.
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