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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. There is a sequel in the pipeline. Perhaps we will find the answers there. If The Scar is alive, he will be seeking revenge.
  2. I would never wait in line like that, but more power to you if that's what you like to do.
  3. I think he was trying to say that his uncle's death was contributed to unsafe sexual practices, most likely of the male-to-male variety. There is an undeniable higher risk associated, but that does not mean all who have HIV/AIDS are into male-to-male sex or that all of us have it. I don't think Sacha meant it that way.
  4. I think it looks awesome, Kurt. FYI, tattoos are not for me personally.
  5. My aunt was a lesbian. I have two cousins who are gay and one I suspect of being bi. Other than that, they're all straight as far as I know.
  6. I liked the epilogue as well. I guess Helen isn't all bad. She does a good job at keeping them in line. I also like how Brandon and Chase no longer have to hide who they are. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
  7. Well, it's something that's happened to me several times in the past, and it includes my own family (and no, not like that). Trust is a big issue for me, because I prefer to be able to trust people when I can. When I have to question whether people are being honest with me, then I have to take a look at myself and my interactions with the person(s) in question. It's just something that I think about sometimes. Life is far from perfect. I'm in a mode where I reflect upon the past and gain understanding. Some wounds just take time to heal.
  8. I generally tend not to trust people or believe everything they say for quite a while. This is one of my defense mechanisms as I have been burned a lot in the past. Generally speaking, I'm not to the point where I think every word is a lie. However, it does take me a while before I believe all or most of what a person says to me. I make it a habit to look for certain patterns before I make a judgment call. This tends to save me from a lot of undue drama and even pain in some cases. While most people don't go out of their way to lie, they're not always 100% honest. Given my past experience and people who have hurt me in the past, I tend to take people's words with a grain of salt. This may not necessarily be a good thing, but it's just part of survival for me. I try not to be to the point where I won't accept help or advice from a person, but sometimes my defenses are too strong. Once in a while, someone comes along who unknowningly is able to break my defenses and eventually get me to feel comfortable and maybe even really start to like that person. At this point, I tend not to be as skeptical as I normally am. This can create a problem, because sometimes I accidently put my trust in the wrong person and end up paying the price. This pattern seems to be one I cannot break no matter how hard I try. It's like I have some kind of self-destruct mode that leads me into a den of lions. I end up feeling the pain of disappointment and humiliation. I even carry around bitterness. I cannot figure out why I keep falling into this pattern. It seems like there's nothing I can do to stop it. I hate having to doubt people's sincerity. I know it is not necessarily normal. Once someone's actions seemingly negate their own words, I have no choice but to question sincerity. Hopefully, I will eventually find someone worthy of my trust, but I doubt it will be any time soon.
  9. I never did like Zone Alarm. Personally, I feel safe enough with the encryption from the router and Windows Firewall. If I ever felt as though I needed more protection, I would certainly not choose Zone Alarm.
  10. That is called handfasting. It is a Wiccan marriage ritual. The origins of handfasting can be traced back to the Celts. The phrase, "tieing the knot", comes from the handfasting ritual. I have always been fascinated by the ritual myself. Even though I am not a Wiccan, I would consider having such a ceremony.
  11. ?... I have no idea, Benji!?
  12. That post was back in 2003. The story probably had yet to progress that far up until that point in time.
  13. I like my therapist so far. She's really nice. Dion, I hope that if you ever need one in the future, you find a good one.
  14. You might end up giving the goat some warts.
  15. I guess I am the lone dissenter.
  16. Where have I heard this before? :wacko:
  17. It's still to early to tell with the Wellbutrin, but I did have my first therapy session today. She seems to think I am already making some good progress. I also told her that I was gay, and she had no problem with it. I know there are still some who go by the old way of thinking. I had to make sure.
  18. Add me to the list of I votes
  19. I sometimes venture to Awesome Dude, because it is a good site with authors like Graeme. Overall, I prefer GA, because I love the sense of community we have here. There are also more active authors and plenty of variety. GA is, IMHO, the best.
  20. That's horrible. If there's anything we can do, let us know EMoe. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I know how it feels, and it's one of the worst feelings a person can have.
  21. It was not said if Helen was dies or not. She was in critical condition.
  22. I wasn't around at that time, so I was not one of the people on the boards. That does sound amazing. Imagine if we had that many on a regular basis. That would be wonderful.
  23. What about Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath?
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