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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Confounded: Part I - 20. Chapter 20

CHAPTER 20 --==Taylan's POV==--

He dropped me off at my apartment complex around 7:45am, and after a long parting kiss, I got out of the car and shut the door behind me.

"See you tonight," he grinned, having lowered the window, winking. I sent him a surprised look.

"Tonight? Mitchell...I really will be busy. I have a lot of stuff to take care of, since I haven't been able to do anything this weekend. We'll see, okay? Maybe Frid..."

"Like hell...I'll see you tonight," he said, pointedly, "do you really think I'll settle for just weekends? Dream on. I'll pick you up around six. And here's a little suggestion; bring clothes, because you're spending the night again."

Before I could think of a reply, he drove off.

Oh boy; I'd gotten myself into quite something, here.


I hadn't lied when I had told him I had stuff to take care of; my apartment was a real pigsty because I hadn't felt like cleaning up, even when I had spent one night of the weekend here. I didn't know where to begin, such a mess as it was but, thankfully, the choice was taken away from me when the phone rang.

It was my dad, asking if everything was okay, because I usually came by their house on Sundays, and since they hadn't heard a peep from me...

"Yeah, Dad, everything's fine. I just...it seems I made a bit of a mess of things at work."

"What happened?" he asked.

"I umm...I quit my job."

How the hell was I going to explain this one?

"Just like that? That's not a very smart move, kid. I wish you weren't so impulsive, all the time."

I held the receiver far from my ear, shaking my head; why did everyone always assume it was my fault, whatever it was that had happened?

"Dad...the job just wasn't, I dunno...it was kinda repetitive," I lied.

They didn't need to know the truth, just yet.

"But can I come back and work for you, for a while? To tide me over until I find another job? I gotta start somewhere, and I still have a mortgage to pay."

I could hold out for quite some time, but I really didn't want to delve too deep into my savings.

"You'll never need to ask that, son, you know that; we'll always have a spot for you."

I felt relieved at that, not having to go out and find another job, equally challenging as the one at BSL had been. That'd take a while.

Dad even offered to match the pay I had received at BSL, which I declined; that was a bit too steep, even for him, but we'd come to some sort of arrangement, I was sure of that. Dad always paid his employees well, family or not.

Promising him to call my mom, who'd also been worried about me, I hung up and immediately dialed to my parents' home, assuring Mom that I was fine, and then listening to her chatter about my nieces and nephews, who'd visited over the weekend. I also told her that I'd be working for Dad again, telling her the same white lie, which calmed her down (she was a bit more vocal about my ‘impulsiveness' than my dad had been).

After those calls, I forced myself to get to work on the mess in my apartment, and I was just about to fill the washing machine with a load of laundry when my mobile began to vibrate; a text message.

*Whacha doin'?*

Mitchell. I grinned and sent a message back.


Not a minute later I received another one.

*lol! That was nothing. Only the beginning.*

I blushed, thinking about this morning. There was no one here and yet I was blushing. Tsk.

*Don't you have anything better to do?*

It didn't take long for him to answer. The laundry lay, completely forgotten, on the floor.

*Why? Am I disturbing you?*

I snickered.

*Kinda. I was just about to entertain my other lover.*

*Oh good; tell that idiot that you're off the market. ;)*

Butterflies fluttered in my belly.

*Pffft! Who the hell do you think you are? :)*

*Someone who's in love with you. You know, that guy from this morning?*

Cute. And more butterflies.

*Oh, him. Yeah, vaguely.*

*Jerk. But ehr... how ‘bout you? In love?*

He didn't mince words, did he?

*Just a tiny bit.*


*Oh, OK. A tiny bit much. Don't be pushy.*

*Sorry, can't help it; grinning like crazy here. I think they think I'm sick or something.*

I laughed loudly at that.

*Hah! Better be careful, they might just think you're human after all.*

*You're all I think about. It's your fault!*

Jesus; now I was sitting here, grinning too!

*My fault? But I didn't do anything. :)*

*You don't know half of what you've done. But gotta run. C U 2night.*

I threw my mobile on the couch with a sigh, and stooped to pick up the laundry. I couldn't wait ‘til tonight.

Oh man, I was really going soft!


Around 1pm I checked my email, and found a note waiting for me that Mitchell had sent, along with a load of unimportant other emails. Almost instantly, just from seeing his name, the butterflies returned. He had sent it from his private account, therefore (thankfully) not over the company servers.


This grinning business is really something. They're all looking at me weird.

But I wanted to tell you that I had a great time, last night, and again this morning. I think you're an amazing lover, and I never met someone as equally passionate and open in bed as you are. Thinking about it again (well, constantly really) is making me horny again, and makes me wish I was there with you.

I know that it's all moving very fast and that it maybe frightens you a little, or maybe I'm coming on too strong. I'm sorry. NOT!

I always say what I think and I think that you're an amazing guy.


I've fallen heavily in love with you, and I can't wait to see you again, tonight. I'm leaving an hour earlier. Two. THREE! Oh hell, I'm coming over right now!

Long kiss,


P.S. They can't do without me, for some reason. So I guess I won't see you until tonight. :(

I wasn't completely taken by surprise, but his honesty did frighten me a little, yes. He seemed so sure of how he felt. That had to be a great quality, and I found myself envious of his ability to be that way. I'm a much more careful person when it comes to telling someone how I felt. I envied him for that, and it only seemed fair to tell him so. To try and meet him halfway, so to speak.


I envy you, for your ability to say what you feel, when you feel it.

I, myself, am not such a person; I don't say such things as easily as you can. That doesn't mean I don't feel them, or think about you the same way. I just want to be damn sure I do, when I finally say it. I have to admit that it feels VERY good to hear it; it gives me butterflies and all that. I like the feeling. :)

As far as last night and this morning, umm... *blush*


I hesitated before pushing the ‘send' button and then grinned stupidly when I did do it. Jerk; it was his fault I was feeling this way. And to think that not even a week ago, I had thought he'd been a first-class asshole.

He answered the email so quickly that it startled me; the volume of the speakers was set to ‘insane' I guess, so when the program notified me that a new email had arrived, I started to laugh at myself, my heart thudding like crazy from the scare. It was another message from Mitchell.


I'm glad that you liked hearing how I felt. I wasn't planning on holding back what I feel for you, anytime soon. :)

You know that you're really cute, acting all shy and such, right?

Not believing that for a second, of course. It was amazing.

Again soon?


Nuts. Now my stomach was making hoolahoops around my ass. I wiggled my fingers, and started typing my reply.


Can I get a little time off? I wasn't lying when I said I needed to recuperate. ;)


I started laughing loudly when he almost immediately replied; he'd been waiting for it, huh?


No, I'm horny.


Tsk. What were we doing!


Stop being so...crude. *hehe* It's obscene.


But it was also exciting.

His answer didn't take long in coming.


No it isn't; it's honest. I'm horny. I want you. Now. This evening.

Tonight. Tomorrow morning. I have an unbelievable hard on right now.


I felt my cheeks warm up as soon as I read it. What was this; cybersex? And what was worse; I totally dug it!


I totally feel for you. And now you can't leave! So sorry. ;)


I sniggered when I pressed ‘send'. It had a dangerous element to it, exciting, and I so didn't care. And it had its own effect, on this side of the conversation.


*grrrrr* Come over, then. I'll let you blow me.


Oh man! The things he said; I'd never thought he'd be the kind of person to say them. Conservative? My ass!

Behave! *blush*


I was slowly shaking my head; this was going from silly to downright stupidity. And I was participating like a pro, with an erection pressing hard against my zipper!


I am! I'm just telling you what I want.

Enough! I'm coming over, right now!


What!? Oh shit, was he insane? I snickered, biting my lower lip. Of course he was just trying to rile me up.


*hehe* Sure you are. Fine. I dare you. :P


I sat there, patiently waiting for his answer. It took a long time in coming, and I waited, waited, beginning to move uneasily in my chair. He wasn't really going to...

Then the video-com beeped, incessantly.

Major edit; made the messages highlighted so it's easier to discern who speaks. Not sure about the colors, but they do the job. :)
andr0gene 2005-Present; All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

AWESOME chapter! :) leave them alone.. I was grinning like a fool.. :P i was waiting for this for so long.. :P i was thinking abt sending u a PM asking for more chappys.. :) thanks.. :) wanna know more.. Mitch is so so so adorable too.. other that the virtues u mentioned.. ;) he he

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  • Site Administrator

They're both obviously madly in love :) I waiting for Mitchell's reaction to finding out that Taylan has a job already, even if only as an interim measure.

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The colors are gone after the big update, but there is now a new feature which can make text messages and mail stand out. I think it's the button to the far right on the editor box.

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4 hours ago, Timothy M. said:

The colors are gone after the big update, but there is now a new feature which can make text messages and mail stand out. I think it's the button to the far right on the editor box.


Alright, see if this works?

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