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Enigma II. Fighting the Man - 39. Epilogue


I have been such a fool. Sam was the first to tell me and the last to let me live it down. I was more than a fool. I almost lost the best thing that ever came into my life because I didn’t know how to hold him, how to let him grow and be himself.

I was so proud of Silver at the funeral. I knew how much he was hurting and yet he held his head high and looked everyone in the eye. His friends surprised me. Ariel is an angel. He’s an evil little minx but then I’ve always thought that angels are dangerous. He was a good friend to Silver, I can see that. I can see, too that he is in love with him. I don’t know if Silver sees it but if he does he makes absolutely sure he does nothing to encourage it, whilst still maintaining an easy friendship that I envy.

The others are more solid and... real but every single one of them holds their head high and acts with dignity at a very difficult time. They all cry. They are all genuinely devastated and they all clearly adore Silver. He could so easily have walked away, gone back with them, taken his share of the club, but he told me clearly and often enough that his life isn’t there and never was: his life is wherever I am. I understand that completely because my life is him. I believe him now.

They all walked straight and tall when they carried the casket to the grave and then stood erect, listening to the words of the priest, words which meant very little to me but obviously a lot to them.

The journey home in the car was a lot less tense than the journey there had been. We talked and I listened. It was something I had been failing badly at doing but I doggedly listened as Silver talked. I watched the way he lit up, the way his eyes gleamed when he spoke of Ash and Ariel. For the first time I didn’t feel jealous, I didn’t feel guilty. I felt glad. The sun shone through the window and made the red in his hair glow. It glinted off the silver in his ears and around his hips and waist and it wasn't strange any more. It wasn’t threatening.

That was part of it, part of the reason I had been so closed, so afraid. It wasn’t the way he looked, it was never the way he looked. Hell I have to admit that after the shock wore off, I goddamned loved the way he looked. No, it was what that look represented. It represented the fact that he had changed and that I believed part of him had been taken away from me.

Of course I was an idiot. Nothing had been taken away, nothing at all... only a burden that had been crushing my heart. No wonder I didn’t recognise it when it was gone... it just hurt too much.

That was the beginning of the healing. We went straight back to Sam’s and we all talked. Then we got drunk and we talked some more.

When I took Silver home that night we made love in a way that we never had before. It was gentle and sweet and cleansing and we took our time... we took all night.

In the morning there was a surprise waiting for us on the mat. The psychological assessment had come early, very early. It was glowing. The psychologist couldn’t see any reason whatever why Silver, Ben and I couldn’t be together as a family.

Of course things didn’t change overnight, they never do. There were assessments, investigations, reports and another conference that was very different to the first. For one thing Silver was sitting at my side throughout. There was no more cowering in the waiting room. He was still very nervous. He held my hand so tightly but he told me before we went in that he wasn’t afraid of them any more because there was nothing they could say or do to him that was worse than what he’d already experienced. That thought gave me strength too.

In his short life, Silver has been through so much. He has watched his lover die violently... twice. He has been abused in every way imaginable. He has been tortured, beaten, violated...and through it all he has retained his innocence. He’s looked into the jaws of hell and come back stronger than before. If he can do all that then we, together, could face down a room full of sour faced hags and walk away with our heads high.

Except that this is not the same room as before. These are not the same people. These people all have smiles and are full of praise for us.

They had the effrontery to offer us help. To say that they could remain involved and help us access services, to find help for Ben. I laughed at them. The only help that any of us needed was to be left alone to find our own way... and we were.

I could barely believe it when we walked out of the meeting, picked up Ben at Sam’s and went home, as a family.

It all happened so quickly in the end, so quickly that my head was spinning by the time we closed the door and threw Ben’s bags onto the floor in the living room.

Silver and Ben threw themselves on the couch as if there had never been a moment they were not together and I was sent to get menus for takeaway. I watched them chatting and sparring. I saw the way that Ben looked at Silver, and I saw the way that Silver looked at him. It had changed. They weren’t equals any more and they both knew it. Ben was a child and Silver wasn’t, not any more. But they were still friends and they have always been friends.

It’s dark now; dark and cold. I think I must have left the window open because there is a deep chill in the room and the smell of snow. Snow?

Sliding carefully out from under Silver’s arm I cross to the window and open the curtains. A cold but very bright moon shines through and lights up the room. I stare in wonder. Impulsively I slip out of the room and without even putting my shoes on I open the front door and step out into the moonlight and the swirling white flakes that land on me, catching in my hair and eyelashes.

It’s beautiful. Everything is clean and fresh and new and... I look around quickly, taking in the garden, the street beyond. It was all the same but so different. The blanket of snow made everything different, the whole world magical, beautiful, enhanced. It hits me like a brick. This is Silver. He is different, on the outside he is different. The way he dresses, the way he looks, even the way he thinks... but that’s just snow. Underneath, everything is just the same as it always was.

The rose bushes are beautiful, glittering with crystals, white and sparkling like diamond. But they are not as beautiful as when they are blushing pink, their petals swollen by the attention of bees. The lawn is an expanse of soft whiteness, but when we walk across it there will be holes and in a few days it will melt and disappear... but the grass will always be there and the snow could never smell like cut grass on a warm day. It was different but it was all...still... there.

“What is it?”

Silver is always so silent. As usual I jump. If I had been holding a coffee cup I would have dropped it. He wraps his arms around me and I lean back into him with a sigh.

“It’s snowing.”

“It’s beautiful. Have I seen snow before?” He asks thoughtfully.

“I don’t know. I expect so.”

“I don’t remember. I like it.”

“It’s water, frozen mist.”

Silver holds out his hand and watches the fat white snowflakes land on his palm. He laughs and the sound of that laugh, that sweet, unrestrained laugh melts the very last of the ice around my heart. In this moment I am happy, as happy as I have ever been. I am his and he is mine and there is nothing... nothing else that matters. Well almost...

I smile at the sound of heavy footsteps running down the stairs behind us.

“River. Silver. It’s snowing. Have you seen the snow?”

“Yes, come and see it.” Silver calls. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“I love it, I love it, I love it.” Ben sings, and we both wrap him in our arms, clinging together to keep warm.

Suddenly Silver laughs as if he’s been trying to hold something inside that won’t be held any longer and then... then he dances. Under the cold blue moon, with the swirling snowflakes and air so cold it crystallises our breath, he dances. Like a snow angel, red and black with wings on his feet, he dances. My Silver... dances.

Copyright © 2011 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Quite surprised that we got the epilogue today, I feel sad that the journey's ended earlier than I thought :(

I was looking forward to a final confrontation between Silver and Uncle Ray/Aunt Sophy where he gives them a huge f.u rather than wilt away like the old Silver did.


Thanks a lot for the amazing story, it's been very absorbing and I've loved very chapter even though sometimes it was hard to read them.worshippy.gif

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On 07/24/2011 07:23 AM, Percivial said:
Quite surprised that we got the epilogue today, I feel sad that the journey's ended earlier than I thought :(

I was looking forward to a final confrontation between Silver and Uncle Ray/Aunt Sophy where he gives them a huge f.u rather than wilt away like the old Silver did.


Thanks a lot for the amazing story, it's been very absorbing and I've loved very chapter even though sometimes it was hard to read them.worshippy.gif

I wasn't sure that I would post both but when I checked the epilogue was only just over 1000 words long and i thought that it would have been a let down if I built up the last chapter and all you got was that. I really don't think that we need to see Sophy and Ray again. They got their when they lost Ben. BUT they may well cross up again in Book III
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On 07/24/2011 09:28 PM, phana14 said:

Thank you, Nephy. Hugs!


I really loved this chapter. I'm glad you did too :)
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Nephylim, Enigma and Enigma2 have rocked my world. The writing and storytelling are by far some of the best I have found on this and other linked sites. What a gut wrenching and emotional ride...I dont think i was prepared when i started reading. Thanks, I am going to take a few days and recuperate my emotional state and hope to enjoy more of your stories.


Greetings from Kansas City, Missouri, USA............Medvedik

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On 08/10/2011 12:17 PM, medvedik said:
Nephylim, Enigma and Enigma2 have rocked my world. The writing and storytelling are by far some of the best I have found on this and other linked sites. What a gut wrenching and emotional ride...I dont think i was prepared when i started reading. Thanks, I am going to take a few days and recuperate my emotional state and hope to enjoy more of your stories.


Greetings from Kansas City, Missouri, USA............Medvedik

Thank you so much for your kind comments. River and Silver are my favourite characters and it is easy to write them. I don't know why but it alwyas surprises me when someone says something that nice. There are so many great storytellers on this forum and I wouldn't presume to suggest that I am better than any of them; in fact I am very much still a learner. But... thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my boys and taking time to tell me so... hey that was allitteration; maybe I'm a writer after all :)
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hey..remember me from yesterday?

I spent this weekend in practically no-sleep mode to end up reading all the story :)

well lets see : 4 microwave pizzas and 6 bottles of Cola-Cola

in sending you the diet pills bill, kaiiz?

oh....and btw do you write professionally ?

if you dont you SHOULD.... i would love to pass a book store and see at the vitrine "Nephylims new sold out book (i wanted to specify but idk whats on your mind....please forgive me for not figuring out such an eeeeeeeeasy thing ;) )

and hey...loved the story <3

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On 10/15/2012 05:46 AM, Ponche said:
hey..remember me from yesterday?

I spent this weekend in practically no-sleep mode to end up reading all the story :)

well lets see : 4 microwave pizzas and 6 bottles of Cola-Cola

in sending you the diet pills bill, kaiiz?

oh....and btw do you write professionally ?

if you dont you SHOULD.... i would love to pass a book store and see at the vitrine "Nephylims new sold out book (i wanted to specify but idk whats on your mind....please forgive me for not figuring out such an eeeeeeeeasy thing ;) )

and hey...loved the story <3

I certainly do remember you. You're the one who writes such lovely reviews :) I am published actually. You can check out the books at my blog nephylim-author.blogspot.com :)
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On 10/15/2012 05:46 AM, Ponche said:
hey..remember me from yesterday?

I spent this weekend in practically no-sleep mode to end up reading all the story :)

well lets see : 4 microwave pizzas and 6 bottles of Cola-Cola

in sending you the diet pills bill, kaiiz?

oh....and btw do you write professionally ?

if you dont you SHOULD.... i would love to pass a book store and see at the vitrine "Nephylims new sold out book (i wanted to specify but idk whats on your mind....please forgive me for not figuring out such an eeeeeeeeasy thing ;) )

and hey...loved the story <3

I certainly do remember you. You're the one who writes such lovely reviews :) I am published actually. You can check out the books at my blog nephylim-author.blogspot.com :)
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OMG...this story made me smile, cringe, get angry, feel despondent, get lost, and then shed many tears of joy! I love River and Silver. This story is so well written. I found myself transported to the city and actually being there watching all this unfold. What a truly masterful writer you are...no pun intended!!!

Thank you once again!!!

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On 10/25/2012 12:41 AM, Gene63 said:
OMG...this story made me smile, cringe, get angry, feel despondent, get lost, and then shed many tears of joy! I love River and Silver. This story is so well written. I found myself transported to the city and actually being there watching all this unfold. What a truly masterful writer you are...no pun intended!!!

Thank you once again!!!

Sorry I missed this. Thank you for your comment. I love River and Silver too. I adore them and this is my absolute favourite story I've written so maybe it comes across in the writing :)
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Nephy this was an amazing journey and I am so pleased that in the end the family is together.

It seemed short and sweet but after everything they have gone through they deserved to have a break.

Brilliant writing, amazing characters and the storyline well is/was and always will be supurb :worship: :worship: :worship:

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On 01/29/2014 03:51 PM, Sonya said:
Nephy this was an amazing journey and I am so pleased that in the end the family is together.

It seemed short and sweet but after everything they have gone through they deserved to have a break.

Brilliant writing, amazing characters and the storyline well is/was and always will be supurb :worship: :worship: :worship:

Thank you so very much for sharing the journey with me. I love these boys and these stories, so much so they just won;t let me go, and I'm delighted when others fall for them, too.
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Your story moves me deeply and I am sorry it's come to an end. I shall be a little lost without it. It's been like a friend and the characters in it have become somehow my friends too, and I am sad to be parting now from them. I do look forward to meeting them again when that Book III comes to light. Thank you for sharing them with me. I feel that I have grown too as both River and Silver have. Thank you.

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On 02/15/2014 04:30 PM, Jaro_423 said:
Your story moves me deeply and I am sorry it's come to an end. I shall be a little lost without it. It's been like a friend and the characters in it have become somehow my friends too, and I am sad to be parting now from them. I do look forward to meeting them again when that Book III comes to light. Thank you for sharing them with me. I feel that I have grown too as both River and Silver have. Thank you.
That's one of the most wonderful reviews ever. To think my darlings have made a friend warms me so much. And for you to say you have grown with them is a dream for every writer.Both these stories are released as ebooks and are listed on Amazon, Smashwords and Goodreads. It would mean an awful lot if you would review them. (I'm not sure if you can leave a review on Amazon without buying the book so Goodreads and smashwords would be just totally awesome.)
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As i've told you before this is probably one of my favourite books ever written. Your writing has come on leaps and bounds and i'm so proud to be helping you with developing this for further publishing. I'm excited that all the characters have a good ending, even the ones that have left us forever. You made me cry, laugh and smile all in the same moment.

Good work Nephy, good work.

I look forward to Book 3.

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I've read book one and book two in one go with nothing to distract me. The characters are so natural and well made, it feels very, very real, disturbingly so. Although it's too close to reality for my tastes (reality is hurtful and depressing), I couldn't stop reading until I was finished, but I also couldn't stop myself from choosing sides.

I feel very, very sorry for River. He's the one who's really alone. He has to carry all the burdens, maybe he chooses to carry them with force sometimes, but he still carries them. And when he finally breaks down beneath all that emotional clutter, nobody helps him up. Instead he gets criticised and told how wrong his deeds are, and yes, maybe they are, but what the hell? Was it really that unreasonable to say just one or two encouraging words to him?

And in the end he gets stomped on again, this time by Silver, and to save the relationship River has to bend. It's always River who bends so other people can be happy. It stinks. Poor River has been given the role of Atlas.

You see what you did? I'm getting all worked up over fiction! :D

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On 09/13/2014 07:39 AM, Johnathan Colourfield said:
As i've told you before this is probably one of my favourite books ever written. Your writing has come on leaps and bounds and i'm so proud to be helping you with developing this for further publishing. I'm excited that all the characters have a good ending, even the ones that have left us forever. You made me cry, laugh and smile all in the same moment.

Good work Nephy, good work.

I look forward to Book 3.

How did I miss this :) Thank you for your ongoing support. I would never have come this far without friends like you :D
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On 10/23/2014 12:14 PM, metajinx said:
I've read book one and book two in one go with nothing to distract me. The characters are so natural and well made, it feels very, very real, disturbingly so. Although it's too close to reality for my tastes (reality is hurtful and depressing), I couldn't stop reading until I was finished, but I also couldn't stop myself from choosing sides.

I feel very, very sorry for River. He's the one who's really alone. He has to carry all the burdens, maybe he chooses to carry them with force sometimes, but he still carries them. And when he finally breaks down beneath all that emotional clutter, nobody helps him up. Instead he gets criticised and told how wrong his deeds are, and yes, maybe they are, but what the hell? Was it really that unreasonable to say just one or two encouraging words to him?

And in the end he gets stomped on again, this time by Silver, and to save the relationship River has to bend. It's always River who bends so other people can be happy. It stinks. Poor River has been given the role of Atlas.

You see what you did? I'm getting all worked up over fiction! :D

Yay! River is one of the most underrated character I think I've ever written. I have to admit I'm on 'team Silver' because I'm in love with him, but I get really happy when someone roots for River because you're absolutely right. River always bends. Yes, he makes mistakes but that's human. He always does it with the best of intentions. He does the best he can which is what everyone has to do. River is a rock and as much as I love Silver it would be great to have a River to rely on.
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I've just finished reading both stories and am a little overwhelmed. I really was rooting for Silver since the beginning but when he fell for asher I couldn't anymore. Asher was such a perfect, well rounded character for the situation and I did love him but I was stuck between wanting him or river to be with silver. Obviously, I did at heart want river to be the outcome and felt deeply for his character because no one, especially Sam would cut him some slack and he really deserved better at times than what he got and was also left feeling like crap about it.
I think the ending was perfect but I feel there was a lot of things unsaid between Silver and River that really should have been resolved. However, ya know it's your story and I'm so very grateful that I got the chance to read this. It's really a work of art,
Thank you.

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On 02/16/2016 11:58 AM, Imjustasnormalasthenextt said:

I've just finished reading both stories and am a little overwhelmed. I really was rooting for Silver since the beginning but when he fell for asher I couldn't anymore. Asher was such a perfect, well rounded character for the situation and I did love him but I was stuck between wanting him or river to be with silver. Obviously, I did at heart want river to be the outcome and felt deeply for his character because no one, especially Sam would cut him some slack and he really deserved better at times than what he got and was also left feeling like crap about it.

I think the ending was perfect but I feel there was a lot of things unsaid between Silver and River that really should have been resolved. However, ya know it's your story and I'm so very grateful that I got the chance to read this. It's really a work of art,

Thank you.

You're right. There is an awful lot unsaid. There are now 5 books altogether, and I'm still deciding what to do with them. Very tidied up versions of I and II are now published in ebook and I think I'll be looking to getting book III and IV out this year. I'm not certain about V because that's set 10 years in the future and is a definite end, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to let go of Silver yet.


With regard to Silver and Asher, I think it's something that had to be. The relationship with Silver and River was unequal from the start. Silver (as far as he can remember) has never had a relationship. The one with David doesn't count because it was doomed from the start and could never have been a natural one. To a great extent Silver was totally reliant on River, and I don't think they could ever have stood a chance of having an equal relationship until he had been with someone else. Put simply Silver needed Asher in order to find SIlver and until he found Silver he could never have a proper relationship with River, if that makes sense.


Please remember that Silver is not a normal person and cannot react in the same way a normal person would. He has lived the whole of his life that he can remember as a conditioned slave and he has no experience of independent living. He relied on River for everything and is literally cut adrift without him. Silver has no experience of normal life or even of making decisions for himself. He has no frame of reference and no chance of understanding the situation with River and Ben. River, is caught in a difficult situation, literally stuck between a rock (Ben) and a hard place (Silver) He naturally feels a strong protectiveness about Ben because he's his brother and because of what they've been through BUT what he's refusing to acknowledge is that Silver actually needs him more. Ben, even though hes much younger than Silver has a much better grasp of the situation and is happy staying with Sam, while Silver is not. In my opinion River was cruel to Silver - unintentionally so, but cruel nonetheless. Silver had to lave or he would have been irreparably damaged because River could never have given him what Ariel and Asher did. Freedom in a way that he could understand.


I hope that makes things a little clearer.

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Well finally am done started last night very happy I finally read it it was great I like this better I love the growing up ou of Silver and the fact that he finally stood up for him self about time anyway thank u again for this 

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I struggled with the dark moments as their relationship fell apart, but waded through it.  Fantastic tale that cost me a lot of sleep....  Thanks for sharing your talent

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I will say since I have found this site, I have quit reading at other sites. I Love this site, the stories, and the authors. You are one of the best here. Thank-You for that. I will be reading more of your stories. 

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59 minutes ago, James B. said:

I will say since I have found this site, I have quit reading at other sites. I Love this site, the stories, and the authors. You are one of the best here. Thank-You for that. I will be reading more of your stories. 

Thank you. I'm honoured. I hope you enjoy the rest too

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