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Cards on the Table - 9. Chapter 9 All In

You have to show your hand to claim the pot.

Chapter 9



The Chinese food really hit the spot for both of them. Underlying tensions and emotions were as close to forgotten as possible, all things considered. Colleen was so right; food first, talk later. Kendall was pleased to see the injured man chow down with such relish. It made everything seem almost normal. But like all things, there was an end, and Michael putting his fork down and making satisfied noises, signaled theirs. Kendall had reached a comfortable level of fullness as well. Getting up from the kitchen stool with a groan, he stretched out the kinks of a very taxing day. “Are you done?” Those words broke the relatively easy silence.

“Yeah, I’m stuffed. That was top notch. Thanks for getting all my favorites, buddy, and thanks for everything you did for me today. It means a lot.”

“They’re my favorites too, and you’re welcome.”

Kendall slid Michael’s table out of the way, and started the cleaning up and putting away process as silence settled back in. Michael looked deep in thought when Kendall glanced over. Tension was seeping back into both of them now that their stomachs’ distraction was over. “Do you want the television on, or some music?” The silence seemed to escalate the tension.

“Ah, no that’s okay, unless you want it on?”

“Maybe I’ll put my i-pod station on low. It seems awfully quiet in here.” Michael didn't respond. “So how come you took a shower when you were all alone? That was kind of stupid don't you think? I mean, what if you took a header? I can’t be worried about you doing shit like that. You have to take this seriously, okay?”

“Sorry... yeah... you’re right. I was kind of worried after you left and you know how I get... I needed to do something, and besides, I couldn’t stand the stink anymore. It was stupid, but I was really careful, I swear. I figured you’d be pissed if I fell and fucked up my knee any worse so I made sure it didn’t happen.”

Kendall had a hard time staying mad at the adorably contrite look on the man's face. Changing the subject, Kendall asked what he'd been worried about. The answer caught him off guard.

“I figured you went to see Moondoggie... shit, I mean Chet.” His gaze lowered for a few seconds and he turned a deep crimson from neck to hairline.

“Moondoggie? Why the fuck would you call him Moondoggie? And why the hell would it worry you that I might have gone to see him?”

“So did you go see him?” The regret showed on his face as soon as that question left his mouth.

Kendall walked around the counter and sat on the stool, facing Michael from a couple of feet away. He looked past his head to the big window behind him, reminded that Beauty was down in the underground parking spot. He needed time to think of his response. “I’m not really sure that is any of your concern, at least not till you explain all this to me. What's going on, Ace?”

Michael exhaled a huge sigh, an embarrassed sigh. “Okay, you’re right, it is none of my business, but this has been really hard for me, you know?”

“Actually, no I don’t know. What’s the problem with Chet?”

“Damn! If you must know, I’m jealous of him, and I know I don’t have the right to be, but that means shit because no matter what I tell myself, I still am... jealous I mean. I hate even saying his name, and when Sandy told me about you guys being so close, I had a hard time dealing with it.”

“I see. So, why Moondoggie?”

“Well, you know all those Gidget and beach movies you made me watch?”

“Made you watch? I didn’t make you watch anything, you jerk... you loved those movies. You sure got into them. You even suggested watching them a few times.”

“Okay, yeah, maybe so... well anyway...." He sighed as he met Kendall's curious gaze. "This is going to sound really stupid, but all the guys in those movies had names like Biff and Chad and Chuck and Chet, and Moondoggie was in, like, all of them, so in my head it was easier to call him that rather than Chet. I’m sorry... I haven’t even met him, and I’m sure he’s a great guy, but hearing his name just pisses me off.... told you it was stupid," he said sheepishly. "I get that you like him, and I know you guys are close, so I figured you went to see him or at least talked to him. I know it’s not fair, and I know I’m being an idiot.”

Kendall got an answer he wasn't expecting, and got up and nonchalantly walked around the counter to turn the soft music up a little bit, trying to contain his amazement. “I feel grimy so I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be right back... and Ace?"


"You’re right about you being an idiot.”

Kendall grabbed some fresh clothes from his room and went into the bathroom and closed the door, turning on the exhaust fan. Sure that Michael couldn’t hear him, he began to chuckle as he thought about what he'd just heard. Who'd have thought? Fucking Moondoggie! That was hilarious. Soon he was laughing hard enough he had tears running down his face, and he felt a welcome release of tension. His shoulders sagged in relief for the first time that day. Even in the shower, he kept chuckling at the idea of Michael renaming Chet. As funny as it was, though, it also touched him the man felt the way he did. Being so jealous of his friendship with Chet made Kendall feel guilty too, though, and his mood sobered. As thankful as he was for the diversion, he realized maybe he was being cruel, leaving Michael alone out there to wonder what Kendall was thinking, so he took a speed shower. He made it back to the living room in record time, feeling somewhat composed.

Walking toward the bed, he noticed Michael had his head turned to the right, looking into the kitchen. He approached the foot of the bed and waited till the man turned back to look at him. He saw a few wet marks on Michael’s cheeks and instantly felt like a jerk.

“Are you mad at me, Kendall?”

“What? No... of course I’m not mad. I just really needed a shower. All that sweat from hockey made me pretty ripe, you know? Why would you think I was mad?”

“It felt like you wanted to get away from me again, like when you left earlier... and I guess I insulted someone important to you, and I had no right to do that. I’m really sorry.”

Kendall studied him for a minute, wondering why they had to be so careful with what they said to each other. Kendall didn’t like this new part of them, and he felt responsible for it. “I get it. It’s sort of understandable you would be jealous of Chet, and I don’t think you insulted him. Maybe it looks to you like I replaced your friendship with his... but I didn’t do that, man. You are still my best friend.”

Michael’s eyes lit up briefly, and then the light faded. “That’s not really what it’s about. I don’t think I’m jealous of your friendship. I’m jealous because I can picture him touching you and stuff, and I can’t handle it. I want to be the one doing that. I want to be the one loving you, kissing you, and holding you. I hoped you'd want to hear that, but I get the feeling you don’t.” Raw pain radiated from his eyes as he locked his gaze on Kendall.

“Jesus, Ace. It’s not that I don’t want to hear it... not at all.” He rubbed his head in frustration. “It’s just that I have a hard time believing you know what you’re talking about. I know you. I feel like I know you better than I know myself. Part of me wants you to convince me you really are in love with me like you said, but another part of me is saying there is no fucking way Michael Aceto is gay. Not the one I know.” He stopped to take a deep calming breath. “So why now? I told you how I felt about you over a month ago. All my instincts tell me you really miss our friendship, and that you’re confused. I can’t even wrap my head around you even being possibly bi-sexual. That doesn’t fit the picture either.” He moved over to sit on the stool so he could be closer and look his best friend in the eye. “I can’t imagine you ever going without a woman for more than a week, and that’s stretching it.”

“So you’re saying I’m a slut? That I have no control over my actions? That I’m just some shallow pussy-hound who only thinks about getting his rocks off?” He looked truly distraught now, and Kendall was taken aback.

“No, fuck... that’s not what I’m saying at all. Women throw themselves at you all the time and you just take advantage of the opportunities... that’s all. You’re not a slut. You simply enjoy women. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Well thanks for telling me what I enjoy or don’t enjoy. You know women throw themselves at you too, and you used to be fine with it. But now you have control over your actions and I don’t? How is that a fair thing to say?”


“No, wait, please. You excused yourself from my life and you have no idea where I’m at. You don’t get to tell me what I enjoy or don’t or what I feel or don’t. I’m sorry if I sound angry... I'm just... frustrated... mostly with myself. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but please don’t tell me how I feel. I finally know how I feel and I can’t put it back in any box. I... I just won't! I'm sorry it took me such a long time to get a clue, but I am in love with a man." His voice shook with emotion, but he kept going. "You are that man and I understand why you have doubts, but trust me, there is no fucking confusion on my side of this. I don’t know what my label is, but I can tell you for sure that I am not bi-sexual... I’m one-sexual, Kendall-sexual... that’s all I know... and I do know it. I get it, man, I do... you’re worried about my past as a womanizer, but fucking don’t be! Do you want to know when the last time I had sex with a woman was?”

Kendall was stunned at the emotion pouring out of the man. Never, in all the years he'd known him, had he seem him this way. Yeah, he'd seen him fired up before, but this was something totally different.

“Deuce, do you want to know?”

“Ah, it’s not any of my business.” The intensity on Michael’s face held him in such thrall he could barely think, let alone talk.

“Like hell it isn’t your business. That’s what this is all about. You and me.” His voice softened at that. “I’ll tell you anyway. The last time I had sex with a woman, with anyone, was with Candy, two nights before you told me you were in love with me.” He was practically vibrating as he stared hard into Kendall's eyes.

“But that’s like, over a month ago.” The revelation was stunning to him... and ‘Kendall-sexual’ kept repeating over and over in his brain.

“Yup, over a month ago, and I haven’t given it a second thought. The only sex I’ve had since then was with me, jerking off to a memory of you sprawled out naked in the moonlight.” There was a moment’s hesitation after that astonishing disclosure, but it didn’t last. "Do you believe me?" His gaze had softened but it was still pinning Kendall down.

“Ah, Michael... I guess you’re right that I shouldn’t presume to know how you’re feeling. I know I should trust you, and despite what it might seem like, I’m really trying here. I do want to believe what you are saying... and well... look, I’m sorry. I'm having trouble understanding what you just said. Can you explain it to me?”

“Explain what? Which part?” Amusement crept into his voice, and Kendall responded.

“You know what I mean, asshole. The jerking off, naked, moonlight part. Are you just trying to freak me out? Because if you are, it’s working.”

“I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said that the way I did, but I want to lay all my cards on the table the same way you did. I need to tell you something first, though.”

Kendall opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it and nodded, letting Michael say what he needed to.

“Remember me asking you about when you fell in love with me?”

“Ah... yeah. I... ah... I told you it was when I woke up from being sick and you were holding me. You held me all night.” That memory enveloped him for the thousandth time.

“Okay, well something happened to me that night too. I didn’t understand it at the time, though. I just knew that I liked holding you, and having you hold me. It was the first and only time I’ve ever felt that way. I felt so close to you when I was stroking your hair and kissing the top of your head.”

“I thought I'd dreamed that.”

“No, you didn’t dream it. It was real and it felt so special that I was almost sad you got better... I mean I was happy you felt better, but it meant you didn’t need me anymore. I didn't want that feeling to end." He sighed as if remembering it too. "We were two straight guys, so I just chalked it up to us having such a great friendship... that we were connected like brothers, you know? I know now it was way more than that.”

Hearing this touched Kendall deeply, and emotions rose. “I was confused for a while myself after that. I knew what I felt but I didn’t know what to do with it.” Kendall stared at Michael with a kind of wonderment... this conversation was so surreal.

“Maybe I should have kissed you then, huh? It might have saved us some trouble.”

“You obviously weren’t ready. I might not have been ready then either.”

Michael looked dubious. “Well, I’m ready now.”

Kendall evaded the direct look he was getting. “So, are you going to explain the moonlight thing or what?”

Michael slowly nodded his head. “This is really fucking hard to talk to you about... but I want you to know why I’m sure about what I’m feeling and what I'm saying. Just please don’t judge me too harshly, okay?”

Kendall could see how nervous he was getting. “I won’t judge you, I promise.”

“Okay. Do you remember the party we had in second year, when Paulie got drunk and pulled our blinds down?”

“Yeah, we didn’t fix them till after Christmas. What about it?”

“Well, it wasn’t that party. It was the weekend after that. You and I hit a few keggers, and we got separated somehow. Anyway, by the time I got back to the dorm, you were passed out on your bed, and I was feeling no pain. I had a pretty good buzz on.”

Kendall noticed him start to shake. “Are you okay? Are you cold? I can turn up the heat or get you another blanket?”

“Yeah... I’m not cold. Just freaking out a bit. I have to get this out so you understand.” With obvious effort, he continued. “Anyway, because the blinds were down, our room was lit up by the moon, and it was big and bright. I walked... or maybe stumbled, over towards your bed, and you were naked. It hit me like a ton of bricks how perfect you were. You were the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. It was like I was staring at a sculpture and I couldn’t look away. I wanted you, Deuce. I really wanted you, more than anything. It was everything I could do not to touch you. I was hard as a rock and that freaked me out. I didn't feel drunk anymore, and I started feeling very, very guilty, so I backed away and got into bed. I convinced myself I was just horny, you know?”

Kendall was hanging on every word, and his breathing had gotten heavier. All he could manage was a nod.

“I started jerking off and trying to picture Darla the Dish, but it didn’t work. I needed to see you. I jerked off watching you! I finally got back out of bed to get a better view, and man, I blew the biggest load I had ever blown, and I don’t think I've ever matched it.” Michael looked sheepish and vulnerable, but Kendall was stuck on this unexpected revelation. He wasn’t sure what to feel... to think Michael had done that... felt that way about him.

“And you carried that around all this time, and didn’t tell me when I poured my heart out to you? You kept this from me... these feelings?”

“That’s the thing... please, please listen to me. I kept them from myself. I felt so guilty... like I had betrayed you somehow. You were my best friend and you were straight, and I had done this awful thing. I was so ashamed, and the only way I could handle it... the only way I could look you in the eye, was to bury it. So I did, and I didn’t let it out again till last Friday night when my mom did her magic. I fell apart last week, and it was because I missed you so much. I knew something was going on with me, but I couldn’t figure it out until Mom and Dad helped me. They told me they always knew how you felt about me. Say something, please? Are you pissed off at me?”

“No, I’m not pissed off. I’m listening. Keep going. I need to hear this.” There was a tremble in his voice he couldn't control as he spoke the words.

Looking uncertain, but also determined, Michael managed to go on. “Mom and Dad both said it became obvious to them I felt the same... the way I looked at you, and the way I always wanted to look after you. They said I was the same way with you Dad was with Mom and they could see I was in love with you. And Kendall, I knew they were right. Mom asked me some questions that made me think, questions about whether I ever thought of you sexually... it was weird, but after that, the memory came back out. I was kind of stunned at first, but all of a sudden I remembered every single detail.

"It wasn’t about being horny, or having too much to drink. It was about me loving you. You said it yourself when you talked of all those women I went through. How come not one of them ever made me happy? What my mom said was right. You’re the only person who does that. I got everything I needed, from you, Deuce, except for the physical part, because I didn’t think it was a possibility. Don’t you see it? We’ve been in a relationship for years... and... and now I want more. We can have it all if you just trust me... and believe in us the way I do.” Tears leaked out of Michael's eyes at a steady rate now, as if in quiet release, and Kendall took note of the almost desperate look he was receiving. The intensity forced him to look away.

He slowly absorbed everything he'd heard. Colleen had been right about his own feelings, so he trusted she was right about Michael loving him. The woman was never wrong. Any doubts that might want to linger, couldn’t survive the earnestness in the face and voice before him. Michael was right to tell him about the memory. Kendall believed him. His heart and mind were convinced. Michael was in love with Kendall. Ace was in love with Deuce. He was Kendall-sexual. Joy bubbled up unbidden, and the smile that grew on his face was a confident one as his glistening eyes rose to meet those of the man he'd loved for so long.

“I believe you." He blew out a long stream of air. "I know now you really do love me. I can hardly fucking believe it... but I do believe it. I believe you, Michael Aceto.” There were tears, but they were happy ones from both of them. Michael held out those powerful arms and Kendall sunk into them carefully but completely, and for the first time, they held on to each other equally, fully aware, as two men in love. No more secrets and no more confusion.

“I love you so much, Deuce, and I promise I always will.”

Kendall’s ear tingled at the sound of that deep voice saying those words. The feel of Michael’s breath delivered in such an intimate way was mind-blowing for him. His own breath caught at the sensations such a small act produced.

“I love you too, Ace, and that will never change, I swear.” He thought back to the night he'd told this man how he felt. Saying those words this way was so much better.

Pulling back slowly from the most satisfying hug Kendall had ever had, they stared at each other with goofy smiles... smiles that held a bit of shyness in them as they tentatively explored this change between them. It was exhilarating and not a little scary. They were connected physically to the extent that was possible, with Kendall draped over Michael as much as the bad knee would allow. The heat each felt from the other was both calming and incredibly sensual. This was new, and it was welcomed as they reached that feeling of belonging to each other. It couldn't have felt more right.

“Can I kiss you now?” Michael’s breath on his face was intoxicating, and Kendall started to lean into it, like a moth to a flame.

“Wait. How’s your head feeling? Is it okay?”

“Which head are we talking about?” Michael smirked as he continued to float his sweet-smelling breath over Kendall’s face. “Both of them are hard as rocks.”

Kendall’s chuckle was laced with a sexual tension as desire was building between them. “I know, I can feel one of them.” And he could, as it lay between them, so very near his own. “I meant the big one.”

“Hey, the other one can get pretty big!” Michael’s tongue sneaked out, like a hit and run, to lick Kendall’s lower lip, making it hard for his brain to function. It was so unexpected, and so erotic.

“I know, I can feel that too. No headache or any kind of pain? This has been a stressful day,” he whispered, an inch separating their lips.

“Not kissing me would be stressful. You have an obligation as my caregiver to prevent that from happening.” The anticipation was killing both of them but it was delicious, as they shared an intimacy neither had ever felt before, not with anyone.

“Well, if I must, I must,” he murmured, and with that he eliminated that last inch between them, and softly and gently claimed Michael’s lips with his own. It was everything and more than he’d ever allowed himself to hope for. There was a surge of adrenaline throughout his body as he felt the tenderness and love coming through the kiss. The same time he reveled in the beauty of it, he felt a frantic need to devour Michael as well. This man touched every part of him, his soul, if that was the right word, and turned him on so much he had to deepen the kiss and turn it into something more demanding... more primal.

Michael matched his aggression with a burning intensity of his own, starting a rhythmic thrusting of his cock against Kendall’s aching hardness. Their motions were restricted, but they didn’t need much movement as their pleasure was as much mental as it was physical. Years of deprivation of the thing they wanted most, was making itself felt in the completeness of their connection.

Kendall, amidst a wondrous process of exploration with his lips, tongue and hands, heard and felt at the same time, a loud sound of distress coming from Michael, and he felt him stiffen in pain beneath him. In a fraction of a second he was up and off Michael, worried about the damage he had caused to this now-allowed center of his universe. Michael looked to be in the throes of agony, before he finally relaxed back into the bed.

“Oh fuck, I am so sorry. Is it your knee? Did I hurt your knee? I’m sorry, I should have known better.”

“Hey! Calm the fuck down... you didn’t hurt me.” It sounded like he was squeezing the words out. “You put me through the wringer but you didn’t hurt me.” He started laughing. “Lift up my shirt.” Kendall was shook up, and confused at the laughter. “Seriously... lift up my shirt,” he repeated.

So Kendall did, to be greeted by the sight of a few inches of Michael’s very hard cock reaching well past his waistband, sitting in an impressive puddle of cum. He began laughing too at the realization Michael’s throes of pain were actually throes of orgasm.

“Dude, that was fast. Do you always act like you’re in pain when you cum? You scared the crap out of me.”

“I was in pain, you doofus, and it's been a while, so no judging me. The waistband was cutting off the circulation in my dick when I was coming. I tied it too tight. I thought my head was going to explode.”

“Which head are we talking about this time?” Kendall was mesmerized by the sight of the part of the cock he could see. It was beautiful.

“The one that’s drooling cum. My other head is fine, thank you.”

Kendall snapped out of his daze. “Okay, I guess it’s clean-up on aisle five. I’ll grab a towel. Don’t go anywhere,” he said with a huge grin.

In seconds he was back with a wet towel. He tried to tug down Michael's sweatpants, well, actually his sweatpants, and couldn’t. He had to undo the tie first. No wonder Michael’s cock hurt when he came. The perfection of what he revealed when the pants came down caused him to hold his breath. The look on his face must have been revealing.

“See something you like, Babe? It’s yours... every part of me is yours. I belong to you in every way possible. We belong to each other, right?”

Kendall nodded as he bent down to start to clean up the pool of cum on Michael’s stomach. Looking over into those dark blue eyes, he saw the truth and commitment there. “Yes, we do belong to each other, in every way possible.” And with truth came the realization there was no reason to hold back from this man, or his own desires. A smile lit up his face as he proceeded to do what he really wanted.

When Kendall leaned over and swiped his tongue through Michael’s lukewarm cum, he thought he had died and gone to heaven. Michael's gasp made him stare up into a face mesmerized by his actions. Fingers reached out to lightly stroke his hair, and the look on that face made him feel warm all over as he turned his attention back to Michael's essence.

Kendall became lost in sensations. The taste was intoxicating, not just on his tongue, but in his heart and mind. This was pure Michael, and it and he belonged to him. The thought filled him with a satisfaction he never imagined would be his, and he flew with it. He finished consuming the pool, and turned his focus to the source. It was still hard, bobbing up and down every few seconds, and it seemed to be staring at him in expectation. Kendall was not going to disappoint. Grasping the far bed rail with his right hand, he wrapped his left around a cock other than his own for the very first time. It was big and solid and heavy, the silky soft skin sliding easily up and over the head. Michael was right; it was a big head, perfectly shaped, and still wet. The sight and the scent sent Kendall’s senses through the roof, but he needed the taste to complete the picture, and nothing in the world would deny him this. He looked up as he lowered his head, maintaining eye contact as he crouched down and held Michael’s cock up straight, wanting him to have a good view as he opened his mouth wide and wrapped his lips around that perfect, oozing cockhead. The blissful look directed at him was all he needed as he put all his focus into sucking his man’s cock for the first time. A hiss told him Michael still felt the sensitivity from his first ejaculation. He looked up questioningly, and the response was all Kendall needed.

“It’s so good, Babe. Please don’t stop.” Need for this was prevalent in Michael’s plea.

Kendall was in his glory, enjoying the freedom to finally be the man he was born to be, with the man he was now certain he was born to be with. Everything about Michael assaulted his senses, as he savored the taste... the flavor of him. The scent too, undeniably masculine in a fresh and potent way, was now imprinted on his brain for all time. The feel of his cock, in his mouth, in his hands, rubbing across his lips, his entire face, made him want to always worship it and the man it was attached to. The intimacy of holding his balls, large and mobile, in their loose heavy sack was powerful. It was like holding this man’s secret treasure, that which made him a man and created the essence Kendall was already addicted to. Hearing the sounds Michael made, the ones he was causing him to make, gave him a sense of control he would never abuse. He now lived to please this guy, to make him produce those sounds over and over again.

He felt like he was born to do this. The rhythm of sucking Michael’s cock was a natural thing he mastered immediately. His mouth was the right size for the task at hand, and served him well as it slid up and down, building and releasing suction in a pattern that was instinctive. He had no hope of taking it all yet, but he knew someday he would, he had to. The large head pushing against his throat didn’t bother him... in fact, he loved the feeling, and knew it was only a matter of time before his lips would meet Michael’s groin. The groans and whimpers of approval were increasing in frequency and volume, and Michael’s tentative hands on his head were all signs of the inevitable climax approaching. Kendall watched those impressive balls pull upwards, and prepared himself for Michael’s explosion. An explosion it was, as Michael shouted his pleasure and named it Kendall. Spasm after spasm shook him as Kendall swallowed his reward for a job well done. While Michael slowly relaxed, Kendall finished cleaning up all signs that an eruption had occurred, and it was tough to say who was the most pleased. One final swipe of his tongue had Kendall’s head being pushed away from an ultra-sensitive cock.

“Fuck, that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Even better than the moonlit one.” A sensual, seductive looking smile grew on his face as he stared into Kendall’s eyes. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I love you so much, Babe.”

“That’s the third time you've called me babe.”

“Is that okay? I can stop doing it. It’s just that it feels right... like I can finally show you how I feel. I can let it out now, you know?”

“I get that. I feel the same way.” He leaned forward to kiss him tenderly, putting everything he was feeling into it. “Don’t you dare stop. I love you calling me that. Now I’ll have to come up with something to call you. How about ‘muffin’?” A very impish chuckle came out of Kendall, and Michael raised his eyebrows.

“You can call me anything you want... just don’t call me late for sex.”

“Oh Lord,despite that really corny line, I think you’re wrong... I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

“Well, you aren’t yet, but you might be once you bring your sexy self closer to my face.” Michael waggled his eyebrows. Kendall pictured Groucho Marx, and snorted.

“Don’t worry about me, okay? I’m fine for now, and you need to get some rest. You do have a concussion you know, and you just came twice in a row. I think you need to get some sleep. As a matter of fact, I insist on it.” He leaned over to give his patient another kiss which was immediately deepened. They eventually came up for air.

“Are we about to have our first fight as a couple? Does it seem like I’m too tired to you?”

“No, but I really think....“

“Kendall, stop thinking.” Michael grabbed his own dick and shook it. “Who does this belong to?”

“Me... it now belongs to me.”

“That’s exactly right, and who does this belong to?” Reaching out he gently grabbed a very prominent hard-on through Kendall’s sweats. He let out a desperate-sounding groan as Michael moved his hand firmly up and down.

“Oh fuck, you. It belongs to you. Oh shit... only to you... it’s yours, all yours.” Michael smirked at the reaction his hand movements were having. Kendall was putty right now.

“Come closer, Babe.” Michael pulled him forward by his cock and Kendall complied, all his focus on the feel of Michael’s hand.


Slowly pulling his waistband down, Michael finally accomplished the freeing of Kendall’s very hard cock. He was struck by both the impressive size of it, and the feeling it gave him. He wasn’t just captivated by it; he immediately started to crave it. This was the most personal part of Kendall, and his mouth watered at the thought of possessing it, taking it in his mouth and sucking on it. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to want to do this. There was no reservation, just eager anticipation as he studied the beauty of it. Not that it would have mattered, but he was pleased they were equal in the size department, both in thickness and in length. Like his own, the skin was intact, and felt almost delicate in its softness. Maybe that was because it was covering something that felt so powerful. Looking up at Kendall, he knew he owned him at that moment, and he was going to do his best to make him happy he was owned.

Shifting his body slightly, he was in a perfect position to slide his lips over this cock he needed, even more than Kendall needed release. It was incredible, how much he wanted this, and when Kendall groaned low in his throat, it made Michael’s cock stiffen and jerk. He took as much as he could in his mouth until the progress was stopped by the entrance to his throat. It felt so erotic and freeing to be able to show his love in such a way. The desire to take it all was put aside after a few attempts, and replaced by the need to taste the ultimate Kendall. He started a steady rhythm with the base of Kendall’s dick in one hand while the other guided him with a roaming grip on his gloriously-muscled ass. Everything about the act was intoxicating to Michael as his mind absorbed every detail... taste, smell, sounds, the feel of Kendall’s cock filling his mouth, the texture of the hair that dusted the ass beneath his hand, the swing and slap of Kendall’s balls, and the incredible closeness he felt to this amazing guy. Kendall had never stopped loving him, even when there was no discernible hope, and he wanted to spend a lifetime making him happy, and this blowjob was only the beginning.

Kendall was getting close. The fingers massaging Michael’s scalp were tightening into a pulling motion, gentle but insistent. The sounds he made became more frantic, his breaths were now throaty gasps, and his hips started jerking out of rhythm. Michael dove down as far as he could, and, increasing suction, he started quick little bobs on the thick length that, in almost no time at all, brought Kendall to the edge. He warned Michael, but that only made him tighten his grip on Kendall’s ass, kneading it as Kendall unloaded, just as vocal as Michael had been. Pulling back a little ways, Michael allowed himself to savor Kendall’s cum. Although it was a challenge, he managed to get all of it, swallowing furiously, and nursed his man's cock until he was forced to let it leave his mouth. Even then, it still swung back and forth, showing no signs of softening, looking more like a weapon than a body part. Michael went to reclaim it again, but Kendall pushed him away with a yelp.

“If you touch it again, I'll have to kill you. Good God, where did you learn to do that? Holy fuck that was... that was unbelievable! I have another reason to call you Ace.”

“What can I say? You bring out the best in me. So really, it was good?”

“Fuck... it couldn’t possibly have been any better. Any better would kill me.” His breathing finally coming back to normal, he found Michael’s lips with his own and kissed him for all he was worth, relishing that taste that included him. “I love you, Sunshine.”

Michael smiled as he relaxed back into the bed. Sunshine... he liked it. He felt really great knowing some of Kendall was inside of him. His neck was a little sore, but it felt like a badge of honor. “I love you too, Babe.” A minute later, he was sound asleep.


Kendall sat on the kitchen stool under dimmed lights, watching Michael sleeping. He was overcome with the love he felt for this man, his man. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined this could happen. He thought Michael wasn’t meant for him, but now he knew differently. They were an ‘us’ now; a couple. As Michael had said, they belonged to one another, and he believed him. He trusted his best friend completely. No one could question the integrity of Michael Aceto. His wholehearted enjoyment of their mutual lovemaking couldn’t be faked. Kendall felt love in every movement and every gesture. The gorgeous man lying here loved him back equally, of that he was sure. He had chased the darkness out of every corner of Kendall’s mind with his now obvious devotion. Thinking back, Kendall could now see Michael had cared for him more than as a friend. It didn’t matter, though. However it had come about, they had found their way to each other. And Michael was Kendall-sexual. He chuckled to himself as he realized he was Ace-sexual.

It was time to wake him up. Two hours had passed since he'd drifted off to sleep. Kendall hated to wake him because he looked so peaceful, like a little boy; well, maybe more like a great big boy. That thought caused a substantial twitch in his cock. Down, fella. Reaching over, he lightly touched Michael’s shoulder and said his name. His eyes opened immediately.

“Hey. You’ve been watching me.”

“How do you know that?”

“I could feel it... I swear.” He reached for Kendall’s hand and held onto it. “Kiss me, Babe. I missed you.” Michael's words made Kendall laugh but he did as he was asked, enjoying the contact immensely. “Now I feel better.”

“Speaking of which, how do you feel? Any headache or pain at all, or vision problems, like blurriness or spots?”

“Okay, mother hen, I’m fine. My head feels okay and my vision is good. My knee hurts but it’s no worse than it was. I would like to take the sleeve off for a bit though. It feels pretty tight. I have a bigger problem though.”

“What kind of problem are we talking about?”

“I have to piss like a race horse and I think I need my caregiver to hold my pee-pee for me.” Michael gave him his best innocent look, which got him a laugh.

“I think I can handle that, big guy. Let’s get you up and taken care of, and then it’s off to bed.”

Standing at the toilet, leaning on his partner, Michael insisted on the follow-through, so Kendall obliged him after rolling his eyes at him. It wasn’t like he minded holding onto that part of him. He would hold his cock all day if he could. The problem was that it grew to majestic proportions when the long noisy piss was finished. That caused Kendall’s to do the same. They ended up laughing hysterically and Kendall wasn't even sure why. It just felt so good to be together like this. They were just like any other couple sharing the bathroom. They had a hard time keeping their eyes and hands off of each other. Kendall had to be the spoilsport, insisting they needed rest, even though he would gladly have gone another round. It was Michael he was concerned about, and his patient accepted it. Teeth brushed, faces and junk soaped and rinsed clean, they went out into the hallway. When Kendall tried to direct Michael back to the living room, he wouldn’t budge.

“Where are you sleeping?”

“In my bed.” Kendall was confused.

“Okay, so let’s go. I’m sleeping with you.”

“Oh no, you’re not. You have to sleep in the hospital bed because of your knee. No argument.”

“I am not sleeping in the living room while you are all the way in the bedroom. I don’t care what you say. I’m sleeping with you and that’s that. We can use cushions to prop my knee up, and we’ll put the knee sleeve back on. Look, man, I don’t want to be separated from you, not tonight, not ever. We’ve waited too long to be together, and I can’t imagine anything better than snuggling up against you and going to sleep, knowing you’re there beside me all night. Please don’t fight me, because we deserve this, and my knee will be fine. If it causes any problems I promise I’ll go back to the living room. Besides, you won’t have to get up every two hours to check on me.”

Damn. Kendall couldn't fight that little boy look directed at him. “You know as much as you piss me off, it makes me happy you feel this way about us. Just don’t expect that puppy dog look and those blue eyes are gonna win you every argument. I’ll give you this one because I want to be close to you too. Now let’s get you off these crutches and on the bed, and I’ll go get the couch cushions.”

Michael smiled smugly, while Kendall was secretly blown away by the need Michael showed to be near him. Yup. This was real.

Five minutes later they were cuddled up in bed, naked at Michael’s insistence, his knee comfortably situated with Kendall pressed up against his right side. Their hands were clasped.

“Happy now?”

“Very, very happy, Babe.”

“Me too, Sunshine.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

As always, thanks to Tim!
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Chapter Comments

Holy hot as hell M/S virgin scene Gary! :lmao::wub: I'm sure the drool proof covers have been put to good use! I am very happy they have talked and that Kendall now believes that Michael is in love with him. I did really feel badly for Michael though when he thought that Kendall might be running from him again because he insulted "moondoggie" Happily that didn't last long. Great job Gary!

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An amazing chapter, but that Kendall's a bit too playful – and it wound up hurting both of them. His getting up in the middle of a conversation and saying he was taking a shower was a jerk move, but so was making Michael admit that he suffered from jealously. Kendall knew very well what was going on – he figured it out rather dramatically in the last chapter when he was able to equate the a-hole hockey player's jealousy to Michael's display of it towards hearing that Chet dropped Kendall off at the rink. So, playing this double game with Michael's feelings – and laughing at him behind his back in the shower – got him hurt when he stepped out and Michael mowed him down with a simple but tearful “Are you mad at me, Kendall?”


Then, the bullshit was dropped, and Kendall's last pre-conceived notion got abandoned to what both Michael and Michael's mom was telling him, and love opened like a flower. How beautiful is that!


I love the teasing right before the kiss – it is so life-like and real. Love it. "... like I can finally show you how I feel. I can let it out now, you know?” Yes, I know, and it's perfect.


This line is one I wish like hell I had written: "An explosion it was, as Michael shouted his pleasure and named it Kendall." Fantastic.

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Awww. I don't know if I could pick a favorite part of this chapter... Kendall arguing that Michael wanted to watch the Annette Funicello movies; the yelping in "pain"; the happy acceptance of a new kind of lovemaking; picking out new endearments; Michael being the loving, affectionate partner he's always been capable of being. Yay for sappiness :wub: It's a perfect chapter for this Valentine's day week, Gary! :worship:

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On 02/10/2015 07:10 AM, LitLover said:
Holy hot as hell M/S virgin scene Gary! :lmao::wub: I'm sure the drool proof covers have been put to good use! I am very happy they have talked and that Kendall now believes that Michael is in love with him. I did really feel badly for Michael though when he thought that Kendall might be running from him again because he insulted "moondoggie" Happily that didn't last long. Great job Gary!
Thank you Lit. My first sex scene... so scary. I could onlot take from what I knew. I wanted it to be beautiful, hot,rather quick, and slightly awkward.I hope it worked.I was sorry for Michael too, but I felt it was necessary for Kendall to reach a certain point, to realize he WAS being cruel. I think it allowed him to be contrite, and thus more receptive. Kendall is fighting a lot of fear and himself at that point. Thanks for a wonderful review, Lit...I love your enthusiasm for this story...Cheers
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On 02/10/2015 07:46 AM, craftingmom said:
Yes, yes, yes, yes! Finally! ;)
LOL. Exactly how I felt CM. I hope it went over well. this chapter was a labor of love for me. Thank you for all your delightful support...Cheers
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On 02/10/2015 08:10 AM, AC Benus said:
An amazing chapter, but that Kendall's a bit too playful – and it wound up hurting both of them. His getting up in the middle of a conversation and saying he was taking a shower was a jerk move, but so was making Michael admit that he suffered from jealously. Kendall knew very well what was going on – he figured it out rather dramatically in the last chapter when he was able to equate the a-hole hockey player's jealousy to Michael's display of it towards hearing that Chet dropped Kendall off at the rink. So, playing this double game with Michael's feelings – and laughing at him behind his back in the shower – got him hurt when he stepped out and Michael mowed him down with a simple but tearful “Are you mad at me, Kendall?”


Then, the bullshit was dropped, and Kendall's last pre-conceived notion got abandoned to what both Michael and Michael's mom was telling him, and love opened like a flower. How beautiful is that!


I love the teasing right before the kiss – it is so life-like and real. Love it. "... like I can finally show you how I feel. I can let it out now, you know?” Yes, I know, and it's perfect.


This line is one I wish like hell I had written: "An explosion it was, as Michael shouted his pleasure and named it Kendall." Fantastic.

Great review,AC. You know those times when you feel incredible tension in a situation, and you know you shouldn't laugh, but irrationally, you need to? An episode of Mary Tyler Moore comes to mind(the funeral episode).Kendall needed that release. He also needed to realize that what he did could be classed as cruel. In that process, I pictured walls coming down, and he deserved the hit when M asked him if he was mad at him. From that point he was more conducive and actually started reaching out. It became a little more of a two way street, where he tried harder to understand. There were some very important lines in this chapter for me... and I like that you picked out two of them.The process HAS been painful for both of them, but I think the culmination in this chapter, healed all the pain...at least that was my hope...Cheers and thanks
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On 02/10/2015 08:39 AM, Irritable1 said:
Awww. I don't know if I could pick a favorite part of this chapter... Kendall arguing that Michael wanted to watch the Annette Funicello movies; the yelping in "pain"; the happy acceptance of a new kind of lovemaking; picking out new endearments; Michael being the loving, affectionate partner he's always been capable of being. Yay for sappiness :wub: It's a perfect chapter for this Valentine's day week, Gary! :worship:
Thank you so much. Irri. I have to admit that this chapter consumed me. It was my reward to my sappy self lol.It was along chapter, but I wanted them to get there for myself and for the readers...I love that you can't pick a favorite part,because I can't either.Babe and Sunshine...it was meant to be. Thank you kind lady, for you review and your support. Cheers
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  • Site Administrator

There is so much to love about this chapter that I don't know where to begin! "Kendall-sexual"...that is awesome. Like AC, I loved the line where he named his orgasm. I knew it would be steamy when they finally got together, but damn! Great job, Gary!

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On 02/10/2015 09:10 AM, Valkyrie said:
There is so much to love about this chapter that I don't know where to begin! "Kendall-sexual"...that is awesome. Like AC, I loved the line where he named his orgasm. I knew it would be steamy when they finally got together, but damn! Great job, Gary!
Thank you Val! I love every word of this review. Kendall-sexual just poured out in a flow of words, without me thinking about it. I loved the intensity of Michael pulling out all the stops to get his point across. He was my hero in this chapter. He climbed a mountain for Kendall, and they both are laying on top of it, all cuddled up! Thank you, thank you...Cheers
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I love these guys interaction. It's like regular guys do. There isnt a load of delicate emotional nuances because thats not how they'd act. Their behavior is open, raw, and genuine. Great job Gtary!!!

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On 02/10/2015 09:54 AM, Gene63 said:
Wow...this was fantastic!!!
Hey Gene. Thank you...Fantastic...I'll gladly take that. Thank you for the review and for feeling that way. I really liked writing this chapter. Stick around , buddy...Cheers
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On 02/10/2015 09:59 AM, Cole Matthews said:
I love these guys interaction. It's like regular guys do. There isnt a load of delicate emotional nuances because thats not how they'd act. Their behavior is open, raw, and genuine. Great job Gtary!!!
Thank you, Cole! These ARE regular guys and they are very real to me.You know just what to say...open, raw and genuine is just perfect...it's what I wanted to hear...Much respect and many thanks...Cheers
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On 02/10/2015 11:39 AM, charlieocho said:
A truly triumphant ending....conquered by love.
LOL That wasn't the ending charlieocho...there is still more to come...this chapter was just a plateau in their story...so please stick around...I love your support...Cheers
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On 02/10/2015 12:15 PM, starboardtack said:
Thanks for a grand story. I really look forward to reading more of your work.
You're welcome, starboardtack...but that was not the end...there is more to the story of Michael and Kendall...thanks for the review and the support...Cheers
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It's always interesting to read the reviews and get a totally different perspective on the same story. AC's comments about Kendall being too playful was not the way I saw it at all. Walking out to laugh about Moondoggie (and in fairness to have a shower and a break from the tense situation) was a bit of bad timing but it would have been worse if K had laughed in front of M. Kendall was still not believing that his world had completely changed until those puppy dog eyes looked at him and Michael asked is he was mad with him. It really hit home then.

And big likes for LL's comments about the sex scene (very drool worthy) and Irri's comments about a Valentine's Day chapter.

I can hear Mrs Ace saying about bloody time...

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On 02/10/2015 04:18 PM, Bucket1 said:
It's always interesting to read the reviews and get a totally different perspective on the same story. AC's comments about Kendall being too playful was not the way I saw it at all. Walking out to laugh about Moondoggie (and in fairness to have a shower and a break from the tense situation) was a bit of bad timing but it would have been worse if K had laughed in front of M. Kendall was still not believing that his world had completely changed until those puppy dog eyes looked at him and Michael asked is he was mad with him. It really hit home then.

And big likes for LL's comments about the sex scene (very drool worthy) and Irri's comments about a Valentine's Day chapter.

I can hear Mrs Ace saying about bloody time...

Hey Bucket! I'm glad you got that it wasn't the time to laugh. Michael was feeling bad enough all ready. Intense interactions are tricky. K did think that what happened in the rink hall, when M shut down, was jealousy...over frienship...and they hadn't yet talked about it...K wasn't playing any games. He needed a break from the tension, and I am happy that you get that...and that fact is, it was funny...the Moondoggie thing. It dawned on him in the showerthat he might be being cruel, and thus he rushed...everything changed when he came back. It looks like I might have touched your sappy side. Writing the sex scene for the first time, was not so bad..I may have drooled a little too. Thanks for a thoughtful review, Buddy...Cheers
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I hate showing up late for reviews--other people have said what I was going to, even he 'kendall-sexual' line. :( Not one single bit of this chapter was anything but true and openly honest...as it should be between lovers, or indeed friends. The sex scenes were achingly tender, and I was smiling my head off during them.


I can see AC's point, but I don't agree with it; yes, Kendall seemed insensitive, but it allowed Michael to safely discuss every lingering issue that lay between them, rather than keep it hidden inside. In their long relationship, there had only been one secret--their love for each other--and so there could be no more secrets between them for this to work on both sides. Michael would have 'fessed up' eventually about the jealousy, but at what internal agony? Kendall knows Michael needs to be up-front to be focussed, and gave Michael the chance to do that. As an added bonus, it brought home for him just how true Michael was being in revealing his love for Kendall...there were now no nagging doubts or reluctant hesitations between them.


When Kendall called him Sunshine, I cried. That is such an apt name for Michael, as it is his true inner self. I hope Michael comes up with something personal too, besides Babe--that is sorta generic although I'm sure the emotions in it are extremely felt. Maybe I've been reading too much gay fiction? :) Relating the 'moonlight sonata' scene was the clincher for Kendall--to realize that Michael had loved him for that long was a true revelation, and the culmination of his dreams.


Tears and laughter in one chapter...I am so glad there is more to come!

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On 02/10/2015 05:54 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
I hate showing up late for reviews--other people have said what I was going to, even he 'kendall-sexual' line. :( Not one single bit of this chapter was anything but true and openly honest...as it should be between lovers, or indeed friends. The sex scenes were achingly tender, and I was smiling my head off during them.


I can see AC's point, but I don't agree with it; yes, Kendall seemed insensitive, but it allowed Michael to safely discuss every lingering issue that lay between them, rather than keep it hidden inside. In their long relationship, there had only been one secret--their love for each other--and so there could be no more secrets between them for this to work on both sides. Michael would have 'fessed up' eventually about the jealousy, but at what internal agony? Kendall knows Michael needs to be up-front to be focussed, and gave Michael the chance to do that. As an added bonus, it brought home for him just how true Michael was being in revealing his love for Kendall...there were now no nagging doubts or reluctant hesitations between them.


When Kendall called him Sunshine, I cried. That is such an apt name for Michael, as it is his true inner self. I hope Michael comes up with something personal too, besides Babe--that is sorta generic although I'm sure the emotions in it are extremely felt. Maybe I've been reading too much gay fiction? :) Relating the 'moonlight sonata' scene was the clincher for Kendall--to realize that Michael had loved him for that long was a true revelation, and the culmination of his dreams.


Tears and laughter in one chapter...I am so glad there is more to come!

It doesn't matter when you show up...you always say the right things when you do.I'm glad you see that Kendall wasn't being intentionally mean...he thought M was jealous of a friendship... he laughed as a release and because he found it funny...he wasn't pissed off at all and once he realized it wasn't a fair thing to do , he hurried and went back out to make it up to Michael...M's wet face and question was the catalyst towards resolution. I am so pleased that you see the sense in that. 'Sunshine' was always going to be his pet name...Like you, it's how I see Michael. 'Babe' sets M free. Telling K about the moonlight scene was pivotal in getting through to K...and right now they are snuggled up together, secure in what thet have in each other...Thank you CG, for always understanding me, and where I am coming from...It means so much...Cheers
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On 02/10/2015 05:56 PM, kevinchn said:
Im late to the bandwagon... but WOW. You really write well!
Wow Back, kevin...so do you. Thanks for getting on the bandwagon and for the really nice compliment. This is my first story, but I am loving the writing thing. Thanks for the review, and I hope you stick around...Cheers
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Very very satisfying! "shouted his pleasure and named it Kendall"

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Well done oh master. :worship: Is this it now? or does it continue?


Ben H

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