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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Strange Life of Jonas Marks - 20. Chapter 20

Lu meets the family, Opie talks to Mr. Marks, and things come to a conclusion.

The whole family was a bit surprised that I wanted them at the first date.

“Are you out of your mind? The twins will make this a disaster.” Jenny just shook her head and stared at me.

“You finally have a date?” John and Kyle asked for the fourth time in unison.

“Would you all leave him alone?” Mrs. Meyers stopped them from further questions. “What are you cooking? Do you need help? If so the boys and Jenny can jump in. I have a birthday party I am catering today, but I will be home around four thirty.”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well, we have steaks in the freezer as well as a chicken. If you need something, send the boys. They will be underfoot, otherwise.” Mrs. Meyers smiled and watched her sons as they started edging toward the door. “If you boys go out, then don’t be back before me. I don’t need Jonas any more nervous than he is now.”

The slamming door told me the boys had made a run for it before they got roped into chores.

“I have work, but I can swing by The Little Blue One's Bakery on my way home and pick something up for you, Jonas.” Jenny kissed me and headed toward the door.

“Lucky you. You have the whole place to yourself. Couldn’t have worked out better for you. If you need anything, call me, hon. I want this to go well for you.” Mrs. Meyers hugged me tight and followed Jenny out.

I decided I wanted to make my mother’s version of chicken cordon bleu. I cleaned up the house quick and made a run to the grocery store. I grabbed some fresh vegetables and fruit, hit the deli counter for ham and Swiss cheese, grabbed a large package of chicken cutlets, and some bottles of soda and seltzer.

As I stared at all the food while I waited to check out, it occurred to me I was going to get fat quick by eating this way. Hell, if I was going to eat like this, I was really going to have to start working out more or I would never make it for wrestling in college. I would end up far above my normal weight class and not in shape for the guys I would be wrestling.

I wasn’t able to keep ripping myself apart because the checkout girl quickly rang me through. I grabbed my bags and headed to the car. The ride back was uneventful and it wasn’t look before I was home.

It took me moments to get into the kitchen and start making a huge fruit salad. Soon enough, I was putting it in the fridge and deciding which vegetables I wanted to use with dinner. I decided I would use asparagus and make a butter sauce for it, and then some corn on the cob, mainly because I knew the twins loved it. I dug around in the cabinets and found all I needed to make biscuits too. I was a nervous wreck, because I honestly didn’t know what Lu might enjoy. I wasn’t sure this was going to be a good idea, but I needed my family to like Lu or it just wouldn’t work out.

I was so lost in my preparations that I didn’t hear Jenny arrive home. I nearly jumped out of my skin when she put her hand on my shoulder.

“Whoa. You alright?” Jenny asked as she watched me try to calm down.

“Just a bit nervous.”

“I could tell.” Jenny giggled and pointed to the boxes on the table. “I wasn’t sure what to get, so I bought a cake and a bunch of different pastries. Everything smelled and looked so good.”

“Thanks Jenny. I really appreciate.”

“So what do you need help with?”

I looked up, dumbfounded.

“Oh lord. You are nervous, aren’t you?” Jenny smiled and shook her head. “I’ll set the table and clean up the dining room for you..”

I smiled, relieved. I was so focused on the food and worrying about Lu I hadn’t thought about the table at all.

I didn’t really get a chance to do much because the twins arrived, followed by Mrs. Meyers. She helped make the biscuits while I finished up the poor man’s chicken cordon bleu that my mother created. I slipped it into the oven and looked around, finding nothing left to do.

“Why don’t you take a shower and get ready? I’ll watch the food. That goes for the rest of you. I want you all nice and neat to meet Jonas’ date.”

The boys raced down the hall, while Jenny came over to me.

“So, what are you wearing?”

“I guess I should have you help pick it out.” I looked at her, waiting for her suggestions.

“Nope. Not going to mess this one up. Wear what you are comfortable in. I’m going to grab a shower and figure out what I am going to wear.” Jenny started to walk away and stopped. “You said he is blue, right?”

I nodded.

“Then maybe something green. I’ll figure it out.” Jenny walked up the hallway leaving me on my own.

I was going to wear work clothes but then figured, if Lu really knew me, then I could be me. I picked out my favorite blue jeans, a nice dark blue polo with green stripes, and sneakers.

I carried my load up the hall and slipped into Mrs. Meyers’ master bath again. I showered quick and got dressed.

Mrs. Meyers just smiled when she saw what I had chosen to wear. “Alright, I took the biscuits out. The chicken isn’t done yet, and the corn is boiling away. I’m going to shower and change quick. Your date should be here in about ten minutes.” She paused to kiss my cheek on the way past me.

The boys showed up as soon as Mrs. Meyers was out of sight. I expected them to tease me, but the boys looked me over and hurried into the living room. They took my bags down the hall and did another quick clean up in there.

Jenny came out wearing a green dress. She looked good and I laughed because the dress matched the green in my shirt.

Before I could say anything, the doorbell rang. Suddenly, I stood there, nervous and shaking. Luckily, I was never like this before a match.

Jenny just looked at me and turned to get the door. The twins came and sat at the counter, watching the doorway. Mrs. Meyers barely entered the kitchen before Jenny came in, with Lu right behind her.

Lu carried a huge bouquet of flowers which he handed to Mrs. Meyers. “Something for the lady of the house.”

“Thank you. They are beautiful. Boys, get me a vase, please.” Mrs. Meyers smiled at Lu.

Kyle ran out of the room and a moment later, came back with a huge vase just large enough to hold the bouquet.

Lu walked over to me and handed me a small box. “Just a little something for my date.”

I blushed as I opened it to find chocolates.

“Look at Jonas blush,” John said as he hit his brother and pointed at me.

“Boys!” Mrs. Meyers shot them a look that silenced them for a second.

Lu laughed, and soon, everyone was peppering him with questions about where he was from, what he did for a living, and why he had decided he wanted to date me. I was so embarrassed, but managed to catch some of his answers before I ran to check on dinner.

“Call me Lu. I was never a fan of Lucifer. I work in my family business. Mainly, I agreed to meet him because Jonas seemed so straightforward. He didn’t play games and his answers seemed to be the first thing that came to mind. I found it endearing.”

The questioning continued, but Mrs. Meyers met me in kitchen to help out.

“He seems very nice. Are you okay, though? You seem nervous.” She watched me as I set the chicken on a serving plate.

“He is nice. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. My luck hasn’t been so great and my last date, as you remember, was a disaster.”

“Lu is very different from him, Jonas. Just relax and enjoy dinner. Besides, between Jenny and the boys, I doubt Lu will have very little left as a secret before the night is over.” Mrs. Meyers laughed as she finished piling the corn into a bowl and carried it back to the dining room.

The whole family seemed to accept Lu. He joked and kidded with everyone. Yet his eyes never seemed to leave me for any length of time.

Dessert came and went. Finally, I found myself alone with him outside the closed front door.

“I’m glad you decided to try this, Jonas. I really do find you attractive.”

“I’m … well, to be honest, I’m scared.”

“Why are you scared?” Lu reached out and gently held me.

“Because, I’ve never had a relationship. My father threw me out of the house for just saying I’m gay, never mind dating.”

Lu smiled at me and rested his head against mine. “I don’t think the Meyers family minds at all.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “No, I am simply Jonas to them. They want me happy. That is why I wanted them to meet you.”

Lu leaned in and kissed me. I felt myself reach out and pull him to me as I tried to slip him the tongue. He opened his mouth and my tongue gained entrance. I found myself wanting to hold him tighter. It was all like a dream.

I finally broke the kiss and stepped back.

“I wasn’t expecting such a goodbye kiss,” Lu said, as his strange eyes seemed to take in my whole body.

“I sort of got carried away.” I blushed and felt a bit foolish.

Lu grasped my chin and lifted it so he could stare into my eyes. “I liked it, Jonas. A lot!”

I smiled and watched him walk down the walkway to the street. Before I could ask how he got there, he simply faded from view.

I went back inside to find Jenny waiting for me.

“Well?” She was nearly bouncing on her feet as she looked at me.

“Well, what?”

“Ugh! Men! Did you kiss?” Jenny looked at me carefully. “Oh lord. You kissed. Yes! Go, Jonas.”

I blushed. “Would you please stop? My god, you make it sound like I never had a date.”

“Not one where you kissed.” Jenny hugged me quick. “I like him.”

“So do I.” I blushed as I realized I had said it out loud to Jenny.

Opie called early the next morning to tell me I had the next two days off. There was no inventory in, and all he was doing was giving out the things we had already processed. I secretly suspected Opie wanted to give me time to get to know Lu.

Lu spent nearly all that time with me. I had to admit it he wasn’t only gorgeous, he was sweet and intelligent, too. He joined me on my morning runs, helped me to start working out again, and wanted to learn to cook from me. The family enjoyed all the extra food and snacks we kept creating.

It was right after Lu left and we were all just sitting down to watch TV that my life took another really strange turn. The doorbell rang and Mrs. Meyers was the one who went to answer it. As soon as I heard her scream at whoever was there, I got up and ran to help her. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting the scene I found.

My father stood, blocking a blow from Mrs. Meyers. “I told you if you ever came near him again I would put you in the hospital,” she screamed as she launched a vicious kick to his knee.

My father grunted and went down in a heap.

“Mrs. Meyers, stop.” I hurried over and grabbed her arm as she wound up to deck him.

“Jonas, he hurt you and threatened to do the most degrading things to you if you ever went home. Just let me finish him off.” She looked at my father and actually growled.

“Mom!” Jenny came out and hugged her. “Mom, calm down. Come inside and let Jonas handle this.”

The twins came out and between the three of them they urged Mrs. Meyers into the house leaving me alone with my father.

“What is it you want, Dad?” I stood shaking, just looking at him.

My father slowly got back to his feet. “For a little woman, she really knows how to fight.”

“She taught a self defense class, remember? That is one of the classes Mom took.” I found myself scared of what he might do this time. I hugged myself to keep from running back inside and ignoring the man standing before me.

“Your boss came to see me.” My father looked at the ground when he spoke. “Made me see what I’d done to you and how ashamed your mother would be of me. He made me face some things I didn’t want to admit to. Finally made it clear I owed you an apology.”

I stood there, unsure what I was actually hearing. “What is it you want?”

“Nothing that you can give other than forgiveness.”

The years of living in fear of him, of telling him who I was, and the pain he caused me froze me in place. I thought of what names he called me and suddenly all the hurt and pain came to the surface. I saw him looking at me and I gave voice to that hurt.

“I told you who I was, and you beat me. I loved you, and you treated me like I was fucking garbage. I tried to talk to you, and you spit on me and called me fag. How am I supposed to forgive you? How do I know this isn’t just another chance for you to rip me apart?”

My father finally looked me in the face. He was crying and his face was blotchy. He sniffled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief and blew his nose. When he finally spoke his voice was soft, occasionally cracking as glanced at me and wiped at his face.

“Because, when I was young, I dated guys, too. I met your mother and decided to deny that part of me. I never dated another guy while I was married to your mother. She took good care of me, loved me, and showed me I could be a good man. When she died, I saw far too much of me in you, but you had luckily taken after her, and not me. I couldn’t believe you might want a guy. I was determined you wouldn’t have the issues I did. You would be straight. Your boss talked to me…”

I waited as my father grew silent. What had Opie said to my father?

“Your boss asked me some tough questions. Had I dated since your mother died? Had I wanted to date a woman? Was it really a man I wanted to date? Didn’t I realize I was bisexual? Why did I take my problems out on you? He got me to admit your mother knew you were gay before she died and made me promise to look after you and help you accept it. Instead, I lashed out and punished you, even though I knew. I had known for years. How could I deny you happiness? I needed to make this right for you. For the promise I had failed to keep to your mother. For the chance that I, too, might find happiness again.”

I was stunned. My father had known? My mother had known before she died? I couldn’t help myself; I walked forward and hugged my father. The man I’d always thought of as steel broke in my arms and cried like a child. In that moment, I forgave him. We would have to work to rebuild a relationship, but I no longer feared him or his rejection of me. When the tears stopped we agreed to meet again to talk. I watched him get into his car and drive away.

Mrs. Meyers met me inside the door. She had been listening and she hugged me tight. There were no words.

The next day, I returned to work. Opie was happy to see me, and I began to work through the new things that arrived. That night, Lu met me after work. We talked for a long time and I finally gave into the feelings I had for him.

It’s funny to think how this all slowly fell into place. Lu and I moved in together before the week was up. Within six months, he had proposed and I accepted. Jenny and Mike followed our lead and were engaged a month later.

It took a while to build a relationship with my father. His only question now is when are Lu and I getting married, so we can give him a grandchild. Unfortunately, Lu likes that idea and is pestering me as to when we can adopt, and whether it should be from my world or his. I’ve told him it will have to wait ‘til I graduate from college. Opie finds the whole thing amusing and has said he will officiate at the wedding. I wonder if a dragon can marry us legally here. Knowing Opie, he will find a way.

Okay so all that is left is the epilogue. Hopefully it will answer any lingering questions. Comments as always are welcomed. Thank you so much for reading. Any mistakes you find are my own.
Copyright © 2015 comicfan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

  • Site Moderator

This was a delightful chapter. All the typical anxiety that goes along with that important first date. Jonas made a good choice by making it a get to know the family dinner. Lu gets along well with the people that mean the most to Jonas and that is vital to him. I do wonder what 'the family business' could be. I admit that I suspect what it probably is given his impressive name. Fire's unease is still a concern.


Opie made good on his promise of talking to Jonas' father and was able to get to the heart of the problem just like he makes matches. It is hard to forget the past, but that is a hurt that he can let heal now. Mrs Meyers landing blows on Jonas' father was quite funny. Now for the last chapter and all those unanswered questions.

  • Like 1
On 07/27/2015 05:53 AM, Valkyrie said:

I'm sad to see the story end, but I'm glad that Jonas has finally found some happiness. The chapter felt a little rushed to me in places. There was a lot that happened. It was nice to see Jonas and his father make peace. I'd love to see a sequel. Maybe Lu could introduce Jonas to his world...;) I look forward to the Epilogue.

Well originally it was to be the final chapter, but I listen to my readers. A number contacted me with questions and I am trying to make sure they don't go unanswered in the epilogue. Glad you enjoyed it Val.

  • Like 1
On 07/27/2015 06:15 AM, drpaladin said:

This was a delightful chapter. All the typical anxiety that goes along with that important first date. Jonas made a good choice by making it a get to know the family dinner. Lu gets along well with the people that mean the most to Jonas and that is vital to him. I do wonder what 'the family business' could be. I admit that I suspect what it probably is given his impressive name. Fire's unease is still a concern.


Opie made good on his promise of talking to Jonas' father and was able to get to the heart of the problem just like he makes matches. It is hard to forget the past, but that is a hurt that he can let heal now. Mrs Meyers landing blows on Jonas' father was quite funny. Now for the last chapter and all those unanswered questions.

While the story is fantasy I do try to ground it in reality. Jonas depends on his family, the Meyers. Lu accepting them, and them approving him was very important to Jonas. Fire will be addressed in the Epilogue as will Lu's family. Like I said I try hard to tie up the loose ends. Thanks for reading and commenting Dr. Paladin. Means a lot to me.

  • Like 1

I loved this story from the beginning. I really couldn't wait to meet his match. I'm always honest, so I have to say I felt a bit like the end was rushed. I would have liked to know a bit more about Lu. Where was he from? Would he be able to visit Lu's world ever or meet his family? It seemed like we got the part where the story had been heading and it was quickly ended with more of a list of his future than a development of the relationship. We really ended up knowing nothing about Lu. What was 'the family business' or does his name say it all? Though of course it was about the whole experience and that part of it was well done. It was overall an enjoyable story. It was one of my favs which is why i was so excited about the end.

  • Like 1

I have to agree with Cannd. I've really enjoyed this story, but this chapter seemed very abrupt. Just taking another paragraph or two to show how Jonas's next day at work went, or the actual exchange between Jonas and Lu about moving in together would have been a little gentler of a conclusion. But, I digress - it was very creative and entertaining and I look forward to your next story. Thanks for the read!

  • Like 1
On 07/27/2015 05:51 PM, Slytherin said:

What a lovely story. I was hooked from the beginning so it's a bit sad that it has to end.. I'm very happy that Jonas and his dad are now talking to eachother :) Jonas deserves to be happy, I'm glad he "found" Lu and can't wait for their wedding (a blue wedding cake from "The Little Blue Ones Bakery" perhaps :funny: ) Thank you for sharing this story :hug:

All good things come to an end. Glad you enjoyed it so much Sly. Just have the epilogue and hopefully it will add to the story and help it end on a positive note for everyone.

  • Like 1
On 07/27/2015 06:01 PM, Cannd said:

I loved this story from the beginning. I really couldn't wait to meet his match. I'm always honest, so I have to say I felt a bit like the end was rushed. I would have liked to know a bit more about Lu. Where was he from? Would he be able to visit Lu's world ever or meet his family? It seemed like we got the part where the story had been heading and it was quickly ended with more of a list of his future than a development of the relationship. We really ended up knowing nothing about Lu. What was 'the family business' or does his name say it all? Though of course it was about the whole experience and that part of it was well done. It was overall an enjoyable story. It was one of my favs which is why i was so excited about the end.

Some of your questions will be answered in the epilogue Cannd. Hopefully that will be what you need.

  • Like 1
On 07/28/2015 04:15 PM, blb4bed said:

I have to agree with Cannd. I've really enjoyed this story, but this chapter seemed very abrupt. Just taking another paragraph or two to show how Jonas's next day at work went, or the actual exchange between Jonas and Lu about moving in together would have been a little gentler of a conclusion. But, I digress - it was very creative and entertaining and I look forward to your next story. Thanks for the read!

Well hopefully with the epilogue it will help. Thanks for the review.

  • Like 1

Hmm I don't especially like the ending...it feel's cleche in the idea that his dad is secretly bisexual, and the reason he was such a homophobe is because he was trying to denie in his child what was in him.
Lets face it there are lots of reasons besides one's own denial of gay tendancies to cause one to be a homophobe.
what I'd like to know is what Lucifer's family business is, running the Angelic Mafia, or maybe hell :P or maybe his family are the owners of Little Blue Ones Bakery.... :P although fire's unease is also a problem.

  • Like 1
On 08/31/2015 10:03 AM, Celethiel said:

Hmm I don't especially like the ending...it feel's cleche in the idea that his dad is secretly bisexual, and the reason he was such a homophobe is because he was trying to denie in his child what was in him.

Lets face it there are lots of reasons besides one's own denial of gay tendancies to cause one to be a homophobe.

what I'd like to know is what Lucifer's family business is, running the Angelic Mafia, or maybe hell :P or maybe his family are the owners of Little Blue Ones Bakery.... :P although fire's unease is also a problem.

Hmm. Maybe the epilogue will answer all those questions for you. Trust me, I wouldn't do anything to the Little Blue Ones Bakery. Don't forget Fire and Lugh's family are back for the conclusion.

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