Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
To Sammy With Love - 14. Chapter 14
Even though he sounded confident talking to Maria, Karl wasn’t confident that Elaine would let him stay. Sammy might object too. After all, Karl wasn’t blood kin, whereas Maria was. And blood is thicker than water. In fact, he felt very apprehensive as he knocked on their front door, and then was invited in.
Settling into a lounge chair he tentatively started explaining the reason why he’d come -
“Um - I’ve got a big favor to ask. I wonder if you can put me up for a few days, maybe longer. I’ve decided to separate from Maria until we can sort our problems out. I need a place to stay while I get organized. Would it be possible? - Oh, of course I’ll pay my share of the rent.”
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry that it’s come to this,” said Elaine with compassion. “You’re such a lovely couple. But not that I can blame you Karl. I’m afraid I don’t have a very high opinion of my Melbourne relatives”, and she paused for emphasis. “All of them. But, of course you can stay here. I’m only pleased to be able to help.”
“Thanks Elaine.” Karl was genuinely pleased. “I promise I won’t be any trouble and, of course, with you guys, help is my middle name but what about you Sammy? Would it be a problem?”
“Nah - Of course not, let’s just say it’s a done deal.” But Sammy was thinking -
Why do I suddenly have this strange tingling and feeling of anxiety? It’s almost fear. I don’t understand. And my heartbeat. I can almost hear my heart thumping. Why?
But continued out loud with -
“Umm, Mum’s just had a call from my father. Mum, you’d better tell Karl your news. It may alter things a bit.”
“Oh yes, I forgot,” said Elaine. “I’ve just heard that my husband needs me back in Perth. He has to go into hospital for a hernia operation. He’s deteriorated all of a sudden. Is this going to be a problem, Karl? It’s possible that you could stay on, just you and Sammy, it would be a great relief for me - it really would.”
“No, of course not. Actually that works for me. I told Maria that we’d split for six months. Who knows after that - ?”
“Hey - this is great.” exclaimed Sammy enthusiastically. But then added. “Oh - I’m sorry Karl. I didn’t mean to enthuse over your problems. When do you want to move in?”
Sheepishly, Karl answered - “I’ve got most of my stuff in the car. If I couldn’t stay here I would have gone to a motel, so, you see, I came prepared - Is now OK?”
“Hey, look at that.” Karl enthused. “I never get tired of that sight - It’s just beautiful”
Coming from Melbourne airport, they were driving across the Bolte Bridge with Port Philip Bay spread out before them and Melbourne proper raising itself from the Yarra river flats.
“Yeah, it is isn’t it?” Sammy said wistfully. “I wish Mum had spent more time sightseeing. Melbourne’s got a lot more to offer than dreary old Perth.”
“Oh come on Sammy, Perth’s not so bad. I’m sure there’s a lot of great places and sights to see.”
“Karl - have you ever been to Perth?” Sammy asked with a smile. “No, but I’m sure . . .”
“Well - Belt up.”And they both laughed. It felt real good.
It was a beautiful day - A great day for flying as he told to his mother. Whilst not wanting to leave, she was keen to get back to be with his father. As they drove on towards Frankston, Sammy relaxed and let his thoughts wander.
“Uummm - when we get back home it’ll just be the two of us. I wonder how it’s gonna pan out. Karl and I have become close, especially since he moved in. He doesn’t seem at all troubled by the split with Maria. He’s a strange one - you never know what’s going on inside of Karl. He’s the original quiet man.
The trouble is - I really do like him. When I’m in his company I feel relaxed and happy. It’s no wonder that women and men are attracted to him - he has a very infectious personality. Look at him now driving happily along as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. And the way he fills out those jeans -
Karl broke into his thoughts with -
“Want to go for a drink before we go home?” Seeing Sammy nod yes, Karl continued -
“Somewhere close to home. I don’t want a long drive after I’ve been boozing. If I got breathalyzed and suspended I’d really be in the shit.”
“Well. You’re right. How ‘bout we buy some booze and go straight home. Remember, Mums not here and we’ll have to get our own meals now.”
“True,” Karl responded. “We should plan how we’re going to sort out the domestic duties. With your mother there, we were spoilt.”
“OK, but Karl - I insist on doing the cooking. I’ve tasted your pathetic attempts to cook and - I’m doing the cooking. Agreed?”
“Done.” laughed Karl.
They were sitting outside on the porch boozing before lighting the Bbq. Karl had changed into board shorts and singlet. After a long silence Sammy said -
“Karl, you never really talk about yourself. I’ve just realized that I don’t know a lot of how you grew up. Is it a personal thing?”
“Nah - Not really. I suppose I tend to be a very private person. My background is not very exciting. You know, a son of German immigrants. Unfortunately, I didn’t adopt all the old country traditions. I fell in love with the Aussie lifestyle. I’m not a very good German - as my father keeps telling me. Before I met Maria, I was wild. Experimented sexually, even with a guy at one stage. But Maria seemed solid and safe, so we went together for three years before we finally wed.”
After a long swig at his beer Karl continued -
“I wasn’t a good student but loved working with my hands. So I looked around for a trade and somehow, don’t ask me how, I ended up as a roof tiller. I’ve run my own company now - did you know that?”
“Well no - But I assumed you would. How do you reconcile going from a wild lad to settled married life? You never strayed from being completely faithful?”
“No - I haven’t. I suppose that seems a bit strange to you. I know that I’m attractive to women as well as guys but physical attraction can be a problem. I want to be loved for myself not just to gratify someone else’s fantasies. I’m not just a piece of meat. The person I settle down with will have to want me for myself - warts and all. Maria will never understand that.”
“Well, I really wish I could satisfy your needs. I feel good with you. All I can offer you is friendship.”
Karl suddenly leaned towards Sammy and looking intently into his eyes said -
“Sammy, why do you say that? You . . .” And at that moment Karl’s mobile rang and spoiled the moment. It was Maria, and Karl straightway went into a hostile mode.
The next day, Karl took Sammy to his current job and introduced Sammy to the work gang, as his cousin.
Regrettably, a golden moment had been lost. Sammy kept wondering what Karl was going to say when Maria called. Some of Karl’s remarks were distinctly unsettling. For several days now, they went about establishing a domestic rhythm and the chance to touch on personal issues never arose. Sammy was angry with himself.
You stupid little shit. The very thing you promised wouldn’t happen - HAS. You’ve fallen in love with Karl. And just because he admitted to a homosexual experience doesn’t mean he’s Gay. Oh, you want him to be Gay - don’t you? You’re an idiot. Lots of straight guys have same sex encounters as they grow up. It’s all part of the experimentation process. Get your act together Samuel or you're gonna end up being miserable. Peter is Gay and Karl is straight. Get that through your stupid head - idiot. Take a deep breath -
Sitting together in the gloaming, Karl and Sammy were enjoying their usual evening booze-up. It just seemed more pleasant to drink at home than at some pub. And of course, they didn’t have to worry about the booze-bus. Offhandedly Karl asked -
“Have you heard from Peter? Do you know what he’s doing?”
“Oh - I hear from Billee every day. By the way, she sends “hellos” to you. I’ve kept her up to date with events. But, as to Peter, we both agreed that it wouldn’t be a good idea to socialize whilst he goes through his split with Brenda.”
“Do you miss him?” asked Karl casually.
For a while, Sammy didn’t respond; it was a fair question - one he was mulling over in his mind.
“Nah - Not really. I hope that doesn’t sound callous. I mean Peter and I could only have been together on a casual basis. He has too much to sort out in his life without trying to have another relationship. It’s strange, but Brenda’s nasty phone call actually helped me see the reality of Peter and myself. It didn’t help her in any way, but made me realize my true relationship with Peter could only be casual. After Peter left that day, I felt sure he understood we had to ‘cool’ it. I guess we’ll always be close friends. Anyway, I’m really happy here Karl. Peter wouldn’t fit in.”
Feeling a little guilty Karl said reflectively “I really should call him. He’s probably waiting for me to call. I can understand that. And we’ve been good mates for a long time. I won’t forget how he put himself out over my surprise party.”
That made Sammy a bit cranky and he responded, “Well why don’t you. It’s been nearly three weeks now. He must be feeling low and shitty. Don’t wait too long Karl. Good friends are hard to get. And, as you say, he’s been very supportive to you.”
“Ok - Point taken. I’ll call him tomorrow. In the morning.” “Bullshit,” exclaimed Sammy. “Call him now. You can always reach him on his mobile. Do it now while I go inside and get dinner ready.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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