Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Cinderfella 2: A New Life - 34. Chapter 34
I had thought about what we needed to do. I spoke with the men gathered to see if my handling of my brother’s health would work.
I spoke with the captain of the palace guard and the doctor. “What happened to the man that died? What was done with his body?”
The doctor frowned. “We burned him and his bed sheets and him. We wrapped him in the sheets and threw the whole contents in the incinerator.”
I nodded. “That’s procedure. What about his belongings? His clothes and jewelry…things he brought with him.”
The captain of the guard shook his head. “His room has not be searched. We didn’t know if someone would get this…sickness from anything there.”
“See that two guards are posted at the door to that room and no one.” I said firmly. “I mean no one is to go in or out. We need to find what it was that scratched Christian and cut this man.”
The captain was not understanding. “I don’t get it.”
“This person got an audience with Christian. He had to have papers telling why and who he was. We need to know who he was.” I explained. “But more important, I need to know what it was that scratched my brother and cut him.”
The doctor shook his head. “But it wasn’t an infection.”
I shook my head. “No. But something he scratched Christian with had some small creatures that used that scratch to make Christian sick.” I frowned at the doctor. “I’m treating Christian for that reason and am winning. Do you have a better plausible explanation?”
The doctor was trying to understand. “Small creatures? They must be very small.”
I nodded. “So small a human can’t see them at all. But they were used to attack my brother. And they almost worked.”
“Someone used these small creatures to try to kill our king?” The captain of the guard asked. “And this man used a delivery system to give it to the king? I’m not totally convinced.”
“Again. If there is something that makes more sense. Tell me, I’m all ears. But I’ve given Christian medicine to fight these things, and its working. I offer that as proof.” I said. “This was something used to limit these creatures to only Christian. I even think they can be transferred by close contact. This means Queen Ella. She would have passed them to her children. Eliminating the entire royal family in one attack.”
The doctor was looking very frightened hearing this. “Who would come up with this sorcery? Why?”
“It’s not sorcery. That’s why I’m having that room the man used blocked off. I need to find out who and why.” I explained. I pointed to the captain of the guard. “Do as I tell you, Captain. Get it done. No one, not even one of the guards is to go in. Understand? I’m still Prince Erik. Please don’t argue with me.”
The Captain nodded. “Of course, Your Highness.” He bowed and hurried off to have done what I asked to be done.
“How do we fight something we can’t see?” The doctor asked.
I shrugged. “We’ll have to find a way.” Then I put the breather back on and went back to Christian.
To be safe, Christian and I waited until the next morning to see if the fever returned. He was still cool. I knew that fevers often got higher as the day progressed. But he had been cool the night before. I had slept in the same bed with Christian. I was a little wary, but I sighed as I removed the breather.
Christian rolled over and looked surprised at me. “You look terrible.” Then he smiled.
“At least I can breathe better now.” I looked at his unshaven face. “And you don’t look so good either.” I rubbed my brother’s bearded face. “It’s already soft!”
Christian swatted my hand away. “Quit.” He groused irritated with the smile and then grabbed me to him. He buried his face against my neck. I felt his kiss on the side of my head as his breath hitched. “I didn’t know I could love you more.” He sobbed. “I owe you my life. I would have died if you hadn’t come. I was sure I was going to die. I will always be there for you as you are always there for me. I love you, Erik.” He cried softly.
I was crying now, too. “I would move Heaven and Hell, make a pact with Devil himself. I’d give my very life for you, Christian. I love you, too.” I hugged him back. Then I sat up wiping my face, then his. “Now, do I help you shave? I don’t want you to slash your own throat shaving.” I brushed his hairy face again, which he didn’t stop this time.
He chuckled and nodded. “I’ll let you do it.” He held up a shaking hand. “I think that would be better. Can you shave another man?”
I shrugged. “We’ll see.”
That got his eyes to grow in concern. Then he shrugged. “Save me from those little creatures only to be killed by that same brother?” He shrugged. “I’ll risk it.”
I chuckled at that. “Are you sure you don’t want Ella to help you now that it’s safe?”
Christian rubbed his bearded face. “Understand when I say this, she can help me later, with the day to day stuff.” He said sadly. “This would be too much. I’d scare her. I want to be at my best possible when I see her.”
I nodded. “Sure.” I went to the door again and opened it to those gathered in the hall. “Okay, the danger has passed for now.” I saw several of the faces relax and a few sighs were heard, all in relief. “My brother is going to be fine.”
The elderly doctor stood. “How did you do this?” He asked in amazement. “How did you get here so fast?”
I nodded. “It was planned. And fortuitous. Now, I need Christian’s shaving supplies and a clean night shirt. He still needs to gain strength. I want a meal here as well. I’ll help him. Tell Ella she will be seeing him soon, but don’t let her in until I say so. Christian doesn’t want her upset.” I smiled at them. “I’ve breathed the same air, even hugged and kissed him, I’m fine. Then danger has passed. You can spread the word.”
I got a few bows and I watched as some were now rushing to do what I asked.
“Can I see him?” The doctor asked hesitantly. “I’m still his doctor.”
“Sure.” I opened the door wider to let the man in.
The doctor gasped a little at seeing Christian. “Forgive me, Sire.” He bowed to Christian. “I’m not used to seeing you so…pale.”
Christian laughed. “Or hairy, I imagine.” He rubbed his face.
The doctor smiled. “Actually, the unshaved face is not your usual presentation, but I’m relieved you seem to be recovering.” The doctor looked at me. “Can I ask by what magic you cured our king?”
I shrugged. “It was not so much magic as the magic of science. His own body had to be given strength the….disease had stolen from him. Then his body cured himself.” I turned the doctor back to the door. “I’m going to clean him up before Queen Ella arrives, so…excuse us.”
The doctor stopped as he was leaving. “I am so sorry about how you found your brother. I didn’t know what to do…”
I nodded. “I know. You must forgive me, too. I was angry, but not at you, but what happened. We’ll talk about what should be done if this occurs again. From what I understand, this is a new kind of warfare. We’ll need to be ready.” I pushed him gently. “Now scoot.” I waved for him to exit.
Lighting the tank so the water would heat. Things were being brought I needed to clean my brother up. I got him washed, shaved, shampooed his hair and I have to say he looked a thousand percent better. He was almost the man he was before the creatures attacked. His color was better and he ate the full meal I was given to feed him. And he was hungry! These were all good signs. I finally stood back looking at him.
“I think Ella will be happy.” I said smiling. “Overjoyed that you’re alive, but happy to see you. I’ll go get her.” I began to walk away when Christian stopped me. I looked at my brother.
“I owe you my life. I knew I was going to die. I’d never see Ella, you, my children again.” He said softly. “But you brought me back. I can’t thank you enough. If you want the whole kingdom, I’d gladly give it to you.”
I chuckled. “Well then. Do me a favor then.” I grinned. “Keep the kingdom, please. This headache is yours alone, okay? Promise me you’ll never give it to me.” I kissed his temple. “But we’ll have to find out where and who this Jean Claude Raimere was and what this attack was about.” I smiled. “But I love you, Christian. You can’t die. I won’t let you. Not yet.” I squeezed his hand. “Now, I’ll get Ella. I’ll have the kids brought in a little later. Your partner in this life needs to see you alone now.”
Christian nodded.
Opening the door, I saw Ella sitting in a chair brought for her in the corridor. I smiled. This was the Ella I remember. She was dressed almost like she was going to a party or something. The green dress was clean and pressed. Her blonde hair done to perfection. She was beautiful. She rose from the chair as she saw me.
“Christian needs you, Ella.” I said smiling. I waved to her. “You look spectacular.”
Ella smiled. “This a favorite dress of his for me to wear. He likes to see me in it. So, I thought he should see it.” Then she hugged me. “Thank you.”
“He’s not completely well. His strength needs to return, but he’s over those creatures. Don’t be surprised if he’s not strong yet.”
Ella nodded. “But he will be.” Then she opened the door and went in, closing the door behind her.
I saw a servant passing. “Excuse me. Do you know where my husband Seth and my children are?”
She nodded. “They’re in the playroom.”
Going to that room, I opened it to see a beautiful sight. There were my four nieces and nephews and Toby playing. Thomas was reading a book, Ada and Ana were playing with Edward and Toby. Dennis was asleep in the arms of Seth who was rocking him in a chair. All eyes looked to me as I came in.
Seth smiled at me. “Is it over?”
I nodded. “He’s gotten rid of those things.” I said going to him. “He’s getting his strength back. He will be fine.”
Thomas stood instantly. “Can we see him?”
I nodded. “Yes, but give your mother a chance to see him alone first. Someone will come soon to take you to him.”
Seth stood with Dennis and then handed him to a woman that kept the children when the parents were busy. “Can you watch them a few minutes?”
The woman bowed. “Of course. Take your time.”
Once free, Seth grabbed me and embraced me fiercely. “Thank God you’re okay.” He said sighing. “I was so worried.”
I hugged him back. “I know you were.” Kissing him gently. “I’m so tired.”
Seth nodded. “I see that.” He smiled. “I’ve not seen you this tired since we had that outbreak of measles with Toby and Dennis. You should rest.”
I nodded taking his hand. “I need you.”
“I’ll always be with you.” Seth nodded coming with me out of the playroom. “I’ll stay with you as long as you need.”
In our chambers, I got cleaned up and then put on one of Christian’s night shirts. Seth was relaxing on the bed we’d shared whenever we were in A’Dore.
I stretched out beside Seth. “Just stay till I go to sleep?”
Seth nodded circling his arms around me. “I won’t leave at all. Toby and Dennis are well cared for. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“We’ve got some things to do later. What note did you leave Grace?”
Seth shrugged. “I just said we had a family emergency, we’d taken the children and I wasn’t sure when we’d be back.”
I nodded feeling sleepy. “That’s good. They don’t know if it was your side of the family or mine. So no one will be suspect if we stay a while.” I breathed heavily. “We’ve got a long road ahead.”
Seth kissed the side of my head. “We’ll do what we need to. You helped me in Blethos. I’ll help you in A’Dore.”
I had slept, sort of, with Christian, but it wasn’t a restful sleep. My hand inevitably on Christian’s chest to comfort myself he was still breathing. Every time Christian moved or let some sound out, I was awake to be sure he was okay. True to his word, Seth never left me. Seth had taken his shirt off and removed his shoes, but he remained as I felt him in his usual position, spooned behind me, his arm over me to protect and just keep us in contact.
“You’re awake.” Seth said softly behind me kissing the back of my neck.
I rolled to face him. “I am.” I kissed him fully and gently. “You know? I think this has been the longest we’ve ever been apart.”
Seth chuckled. “Apart as in we’ve not made love?”
“That’s it.” I nodded.
“You were kind of busy.” Seth smiled. “Saving your brother’s life was a bit more important.”
“Well, he’s going to be fine now.” I said crawling over him, pinning his arms down. “Shall we make up for lost time?”
Seth kissed me hungrily. “I think that’s a great idea.” He looked at the bedside table. “We have what we need.”
I smiled sitting up more and pulled the nightshirt over my head. “I have what I need right here.” My hands released his arms and ran over his naked chest.
We did make love. At first it was quiet and then it became more urgent with the touching and just being together.
We made love twice and while I was making love to him Seth came again! That’s three for him and me. We both collapsed panting. Seth held his head as the swooning finally lessened. “I don’t remember anything…so intense.” He said in gasps.
I chuckled. “But we’re never going this long without again.”
He nodded. “But making up for lost time was pretty good.” He smiled at me. “I’m hungry.”
I looked out the window as the sun was setting. “It is dinner time.” I sat up. “And I need to see Toby and Dennis. Are they okay?” I asked looking at Seth. “I don’t mean are they physically okay, but do you think they knew what I was doing for so long?”
Seth nodded. “I told them. They’re fine.”
Seth and I cleaned up and dressed quickly. We got our boys, who were very happy to see Dad and Daddy together again.
Toby signed to me. Is Uncle Christian okay now?
I nodded. “He is much, much better. In fact, I’ll introduce you now. Okay?”
Toby nodded with a smile. I have a lot of uncles and aunts.
I chuckled. “You do.” I looked at what he had on. It was almost too big. Then I remembered, we didn’t exactly pack. This must have been Edward’s clothes.
I knocked on Christian’s door.
“Come in.” Christian said stronger than before.
Entering, Christian sat straighter when he saw Seth carrying Dennis and I had Toby.
“I thought you needed to meet your nephews.” I said smiling at Christian.
Christian smiled at us. “I wanted to for so long.”
I turned to Toby. “This is your uncle. King Christian. My brother.” I said and signed. Then looked at Christian. “Toby can read lips, so don’t worry. Just make sure he can see your mouth.”
Christian smiled as I lowered Toby to the bed. Toby needed to trust Christian and decide to go to Christian himself. I guess he did for he crawled over to my brother. “Ella told me. She even showed me some signs.” He pulled Toby into his lap and looked directly at Toby. “Your Aunt Ella also told me you were very smart.” Toby just smiled bigger.
I turned to Seth. “And this is Dennis. Who’s already talking and trying to run.”
Christian looked at the two boys. “They’re beautiful!” Then he looked at Toby, then Dennis, then Seth and me. “I swear, and I’m not lying. They look like your sons.”
Seth smiled. “Because they are.”
“I mean, they look like both of you.” Christian clarified. “Hi, Seth.”
I looked around the room. “Where’s Ella? The kids?”
Christian laughed. “Thomas was hungry. Then Ada and Ana wanted to eat, so Ella took them to have dinner.” Then he got a look I knew. “In fact, I’m hungry, too.” He waved to the end of the bed. “I’m breaking a rule, but hand me my robe. I’m going down to dinner.” He looked at Toby again. “I’m hungry. Are you hungry?”
Toby nodded.
“Let’s go eat.” Christian said scooting to the side of the bed.
I chuckled picking up Toby. “Are you strong enough?”
He smiled as he took the robe I handed him. “I know if I can’t, you’ll be there.” He said confidently. “ I trust you with my life.”
I smiled when he said it again. “Well, you made the rule about dressing for dinner.” I said as he put the robe on. “You could go naked and no one would say a word. This is your home. You’re king!”
Christian chuckled. “I won’t go that far.” He put on his slippers. “I’m pushing it only this time.”
When we walked into the dining room all eyes were widened as Christian walked in unaided.
“Dad!” His children all said happily seeing their father up.
Ella stood instantly coming to Christian. “Honey! You shouldn’t be here. You’re not strong enough yet. I would bring you dinner.”
“I’m fine.” He looked at me. “My brother is here. No problems.” Christian said as he kissed her. “I was sick of that room anyway.” He confessed. “I’ll get better faster if I have my family with me.” He said looking at his children, then Seth and me and sat at his usual place at the head of the table.
A servant came in as we were sitting. She looked at Christian surprised. “Your Majesty. I didn’t know you were coming down!”
I grinned at her. “Neither did we.”
Christian shook his head. “Sorry about the robe.” Then he grinned at her. “As much as I liked the soups, can I have dinner? I mean a real dinner?”
The woman nodded with a bow. “Certainly, Sire.” She hurried off to get him his dinner.
I growled with a smile. “What about us?” I asked my brother.
He smiled. “She’ll be back.” His daughters were now on either side of him hugging their father who kissed each on their head. Thomas, though he tried to be a man, he was still happy to see his father and gathered with his sisters. Even Edward wanted to go to his father, which of course Christian smiled taking his little boy in his lap.
“Children, don’t tire your father out.” Ella warned but looked pleased to see him enjoying their family.
Christian shook his head. “I thought I’d lose them. It’s okay.” He said placing a kiss on his son’s head. Dennis clung to his father. “They’re the next best medicine.” Then he smiled at me. “Yours was the best.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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