Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Cinderfella 2: A New Life - 38. Chapter 38
Now we knew that Anastasia had been seen and we had something to look for. But there was still the mystery. Who was Jean Claude? Then I kicked myself, the first thing I thought of was to call Demetrius. I had surrendered a lot when he helped me and I was not liking the dependence.
But we kept looking. Dr. Warren was so excited about this whole new little world we’d shown him. He had the craftsmen make more Seers. He chosen a select number of minds he trusted to form a group that was going to research all they could find and catalog them. Then he shared some of his concerns and even some new breakthroughs. It even made him appear younger.
“I had a problem with some of the samples.” Dr. Warren said to me and Seth. “It seems that some our gathered samples are easily drawing other creatures that we had not taken. I fear our techniques for cleaning the glass containers need to be improved. Also, the room itself must be cleaned thoroughly.”
I nodded. “That makes sense.”
“There are chemicals that seem to work better than others, we’re trying them to find one that will rid all glass containers of any little creatures before we add our sample.” Then he motioned to a new Seer. “And this….works the best.” It was a Seer, but it was encased. The magnifiers were completely wrapped in a metal container. “It keeps light to a minimum where we don’t want it and with these reflectors…” he pointed to little mirrors he had underneath where the samples would be placed. There was a larger one by a lamp that reflected light on the little mirror below the sample. “We have more light to see the sample. Thus the little creatures are more easily seen.”
I looked through the Seer. Now these little creatures could be seen much, much clearer and more defined. “This is great work, Doctor.” I smiled at the man. I looked again at the sample and I didn’t know this one. “What is this?”
The doctor chuckled. “It’s the Common Cold creatures. One of my men had one and offered his sputum and nasal discharge.”
I chuckled. “We’ve all had them little creatures.”
“And not hard to kill.” The doctor nodded. “On surfaces, inside the body may be a lot trickier. The other problem is the creatures seem to change a little with each person, we had another with a cold. The creatures were the same, but not totally.”
Seth smiled. “That may make killing them a challenge. We want to kill those creatures, not the man that has them.”
Dr. Warren nodded. “That’s it exactly.” Then he looked at me. “King Christian seems to have recovered fully from his little creatures.”
I smiled as thought of my brother. “He has.”
“How are we going to protect him and the family against a world so small?” Dr. Warren asked.
I gave a shrugging nod. “That’s a good question. He’s being cautious.”
“A little over cautious.” Seth grumbled. “Not that I blame him, but everyone that comes to the palace is searched. No vials of any kind are allowed in. Jewels and anything sharp is taken from guests.” He shrugged. “But I’d be the same way if someone threatened you, Erik, or our boys.”
“No further word about this…Anastasia?” Dr. Warren asked.
I shook my head. “She’s around. We’ll find her.” I just hope my faith was realized before anyone else got hurt.
Christian’s caution was also the cause for tension between him and Ella. I was coming down the corridor going to Seth’s and my room as Ella came from the room she and Christian shared.
“…no, Christian!” She shook her head as Christian came behind her into the corridor. “I can’t cancel.” She turned to her husband. “I am Queen. This whole campaign to deal with educating our young was my idea. We’re opening a new school, I have to be there.”
“But you need to be careful.” Christian begged. “Anastasia is out there. Whoever is out to get our family is out there.”
Ella nodded. “I know that.” She hugged her husband, kissing him. “I will be careful, but if we show any sign that they can change things…or alter our plans. They win. My going is important. If for nothing more than show these people they can’t intimidate us.” She kissed him again. “I’d say not to worry, but I know you will so I won’t bother.” Then she smiled at Christian, kissing him again lovingly as her hand stroked his face. “I love you, too, honey. Worry. Just trust me and the guards assigned to watch me.” Then she nodded to me as she walked down the hall.
Christian smiled at me as I got closer. “She’s a great queen.”
I chuckled. “You picked her. And you did a great job.”
Christian sighed. “This whole situation just smells like horse dung on a boot.”
I nodded. “It does stink.” But I put my hand on Christian’s arm. “For the most part, almost all the people love her. I can’t imagine how anyone wouldn’t, but if someone tried to do something to harm her, they’d have some very angry people to deal with.”
“The problem is those little creatures you found.” Christian pointed out. “Someone could…use those things, have them infest one of us and it could be hours…even days before we know.” He sighed and was about to walk off. “I feel like I’m paranoid.”
I stopped him. “Paranoia is when the threat isn’t necessarily there. This time the threat is there. That’s not paranoia.”
Christian nodded. “You’re right.” He smiled. “Now, I have to meet with the delegation from Slovania.”
“Keep your distance!” I said which he nodded and kept walking.
And that was the thing. To try to protect Christian, Ella or any of us guests were told they could in no way touch a member of the royal family and the family and mostly Christian were watched when meeting with other people. The guards were ready in an instant if someone got too close. A distance of several feet was to be observed at all times. Even those on staff at the palace were told to keep their distance and when serving food or drink, it was to be tasted first.
It was at dinner when Christian had just about had it when the goblet he was handed was taken and tasted.
“It’s like we’ve regressed thousands a years!” Christian wailed. “Tasters!?”
I felt his discomfort. This was not how A’Dore worked, but until we found who and why someone wanted to hurt Christian, Ella or anybody else, what else could we do? I was again to my brother’s left side at the table as I was all the years he had become king. Seth to my left and Ella to Christian’s right. The children had been fed earlier and were being watched in the nursery and the watchers watched. I put my hand on Christian’s hand. “What choice do we have? We can’t take any risk.” Christian took my hand and squeezed it tightly and smiled, but it was grim.
“I know.” Christian nodded. “This really, really stinks!” He nearly exploded as he angrily swiped the table of his plate, crystal and silverware. I had never seen him so upset. Then he rose and began pacing. “I can’t work like this. I can’t have my family live like this! This is maddening!”
Ella was not shocked by Christian’s emotional outburst, neither were Seth and me.
“What alternative is there, honey?” Ella asked quietly.
Christian turned angrily. “As of this moment. Nothing takes precedence. We will find whoever is behind this. I mean every guard, soldier and every citizen of A’Dore is to find Anastasia. No stone unturned, every corner searched. If she had nothing to do with it. We’ll find out. But if she is, no, she must be found!” He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest as he heaved. “My kingdom was one of trust. I trust those that work in the palace with me, I trusted the citizens. We will have that again. Mark my words, this will happen!”
The decree went out. Everyone was to look for Anastasia. That was not just for the capital, but every town in A’Dore! Guards were needed to protect the palace, but every guard and soldier available was now looking. Citizens were more than willing to help, opening their homes to be searched and even willing to help. We wanted any document or letter, any information about Anastasia or Jean Claude searched for. And of course, there were those who didn’t like a neighbor and thought reporting the neighbor as being seen with Anastasia was done just to make trouble. Those were quickly deal with, but never doubting that someone might report the truth they were investigated. Tensions were high now, but the search was going to happen.
This went on about two weeks before a few guards rode in quickly and immediately dismounted, coming again to the throne room. I was with Christian, if for nothing more than moral support. The kingdom needed to be run and things had to be decided and things mitigated.
“We have her, Sire.” A guard reported as he quickly lowered to a bow. “Anastasia had been found. They’re bringing her here and will be here momentarily. Where she was living is being searched now as were your orders.”
If Christian was happy to hear this, it didn’t show on his face. The tension had made some lines on his face. Lines I hoped would go away. “Why is she not with you?” Christian asked.
“She insisted on a carriage, Sire.”
Christian nodded, but he wasn’t happy. “Of course she did.” He muttered, but smiled at the guard. “Thank you. I commend you on your service. You and you men should enjoy some wine or something else.” He waved to a man nearby. “See to their needs, Curtis.”
I grinned at the guard reporting. It was Delbert, he’d gone up in rank. He looked up at me and smiled. I winked at him. He’d always been a friend. Now I walked up next to Christian. “I was a child when the ball and all this happened. She’s the eldest, right?” This tension was really showing on Christian’s face. Who was the best person to distract him from this tension? Me. I knew him better than anyone, except Ella, of course. I knew what buttons to push to get a rise out of my big brother.
Christian was thinking, but nodded. “She was. And not ugly as I remember.” Then he smiled. “But there was Ella.”
I chuckled. “How can I forget Ella’s entrance to the ball?”
Christian’s eyes widened. “You saw that?”
I nodded. “Of course I did. From that place above the ballroom, I sure did. I looked between those thingys in the railings. The banister.”
Christian sighed contently. “She was a vision.” Then brightened. “And still is.”
“I knew my duty, I had to check on who you might marry.” I said simply. “You were having the ball so you could be going doing something with someone at night. I thought I should see who. Married people and unmarried, but I just knew a little about it then.”
Christian frowned. “Doing something…?”
“And you did three times!” I grinned as I knew I was getting to him as he turned pink.
“I have four children.” Christian corrected.
“Ah, but that one was a double shot.” I nodded liking as his face got redder.
“You know, you may go down in history as my favorite brother and my least favorite brother.” Christian growled.
I shook my head. “Good thing I’m your only brother then.” I leaned closer. “But you love me to death!”
Christian swatted me on the head with the papers in his hands. “Yes, I do. Why don’t you go annoy your husband?”
I shook my head again. “I can do that later and will, but right now I wanta stay with you! It’s my job to get your mind off things. I’m your little brother!” I grinned as he smiled, his face relaxing. “Is it working?”
Christian chuckled and hugged me. “Yeah, it’s working. You do a good job.” Then he pushed me away a little. “Just be….” He waved away again. “…over there.”
I smiled bumping our heads together lightly. “Nah, I’ll stay right by your side.”
Christian grinned. “Yeah? Well, you don’t have to be so good at what you’re doing. You can be obnoxious.”
“I can, can’t I?” I chuckled.
And I did help him with distraction. It was a duty all siblings throughout time have honored. Keeping your sibling sane, by driving them nearly insane.
We sent word to Ella that Anastasia had been found so she came as the carriage her former step-sister arrived. When the woman was brought in, I hate to say it, I wasn’t expecting her. Not what walked in the throne room. The woman may have been pretty once. She was not much older than Ella. Her hair was black and she was thin. Her face was….hard. Christian’s and my father warned us about women that had hard faces. They didn’t have soft hearts. She was wearing expensive clothes and looking annoyed at being escorted before Christian. While not touching her, the guards were making sure she came in.
“Welcome to the palace of A’Dore.” Christian greeted curtly. “Is it Rainiere? Or have we gone back to Tremaine now?”
I knew this was a way for him to find out who Jean Claude was.
Anastasia smiled a little thinly. “So you know I married him.” She shrugged. “He was wealthy and I married him. Why am I here?”
I frowned. “Isn’t it proper to bow before your king?” I asked. Anastasia looked surprised, but seeing she had no choice, she did bow. I didn’t like her attitude. “Because the man you were married died! He almost killed my brother.” I pointed to Christian.
Anastasia shook her head. “He wasn’t very smart. A man that’s going to kill you, dies himself? What sort of plan is that?”
“Not a very smart one.” Ella said coming in from the side. “Of course, that could have been an accident.”
Anastasia looked at Ella and you saw Anastasia’s eyes get very…cold. Ella was still beautiful and she was…not as pretty as she could be. “Well, well…my dear sister…”
“Don’t even try it.” Christian said gruffly walking closer to Anastasia. “You were never family to Ella. Not by birth and certainly not by heart.”
Anastasia turned at that. “But we are by law.”
Christian shook his head. “Not anymore. Your mother was the only real tie to Ella for marrying her father. Since she passed away, that’s done. You were never a family.” He was getting angrier.
I put my hand on his arm to try and calm him. “We need information.” I said quietly to Christian. I looked at Anastasia. “What were Jean Claude’s plans? Is there anything you can tell us about him?”
Anastasia smiled. She had heard of me, maybe seen me, but she knew who I was. As I was so close to the king and no one was worried. I had to be…. “You’re King Christian’s brother, Prince Erik, the man that married a man to make him king in Blethos.”
I nodded. “I am. And am still happily married to him.” I cocked my head looking at her. “I guess we’re both famous.”
Anastasia laughed. “Well, at least I’m not as famous as you are. You created quite a stir when you married Prince Phillip. Now Seth. No, Jean Claude was the product of a marriage between a man from Parisa and a woman from Blethos.”
Christian nodded. “Can you tell us what his plans were?”
Anastasia looked hard at Christian. “He was part of a political group that didn’t exactly like this alliance between Blethos and A’Dore. He and others feared the kingdoms would soon unite and become one kingdom. You’re marrying a royal family member was bringing us closer and closer to that. He wanted to stop that.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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