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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Caesura - 13. Chapter 13

Diarmad sat at his desk, pretending to review some council papers while he waited. The day they would perform the loyalty tests on his closest employees had come. Ronan had notified Keith and Lionel early in the morning. As he had expected, they understood the imperative need for the ancient ritual, and instantly agreed to meet their king and his chief of security at Diarmad’s study at eleven o’clock.

Since Misa’s attack, Diarmad had taken to working in his office with the door wide open, reassured by the presence of a guard who was watching the hallway at all times. Still, when a small noise warned him that he wasn't alone anymore, his hand immediately went to the sword lying along the right edge of his desk. A quick look to his phone informed him it was not yet time for the test. Inwardly preparing for a fight, he lifted his gaze, only to see Lionel leaning heavily against the doorframe. “Was not Keith first...?” Then he noticed that the man was deathly pale and could barely stand upright. His first thought was poison.

“Lionel!” By now the man was breathing labored, his whole body folding in. Pushing his chair back, Diarmad hurried around the desk and barely managed to catch Lionel before he collapsed.

“Lionel! What is the matter?”

“My lord! I-my... Oh my God! I’m...so sorry.” Struggling vehemently against Diarmad’s hold, he pleaded, “Please! Let me. I have to....” As soon as Diarmad loosened his grip, Lionel slid down to his knees.

"My King! Oh God!” His voice broke, and sobbing, he pressed his face against Diarmad’s thigh.


“I’m already here, my lord. What happened to him?”

“I do not know! Poison maybe. He came in, stammered unintelligible words, and then broke down.”

Not sure what to do, Diarmad helplessly petted Lionel’s head and shoulder, trying to comfort him. “Are you in pain?”

Without waiting for an answer to his king’s question, Carl intervened by pulling Lionel away from him, but Diarmad shook his head. “Let him be.”

“But my lord! Ronan gave explicit orders to never let someone near you who could be a potential danger.”

“He is not dangerous.”

“But Ronan said—”

Diarmad waved his hand around impatiently. ”Stay here, if you must, and call Ronan for all I care.”

After some minutes of quiet crying, Lionel was eventually able to pull himself together. He wouldn’t accept any help when Diarmad tried to get him back to his feet. Instead, with trembling fingers, he held out a worn, creased, envelope he must have had in his hand the whole time.

“Don’t touch that!” Ronan yelled from the door.

Ignoring the other men, Lionel touched Diarmad’s hand. "My King... my Keith is dead." He raised a shaking hand to wipe away the tears running down his face. "He killed himself after he confessed to me that he h-helped Misa t-to poison you.”

"What?!" Keith? No!

After hearing this, Ronan quickly placed Lionel in a chokehold. “Get your hands off the king at once!”

“Ronan! Leave him alone.”

As soon Ronan took his hands away, Lionel sank to the floor prostrating himself at his king’s feet. “It wasn’t his fault, my lord! They tricked him by giving him Verdonian food to sample. He never had a chance against her. She knew exactly who to go after, who had the most compassionate heart she could betray. After eating only a few bites, the mixed-in drug immediately broke down what little natural mental barrier Keith had. From then on, he was helpless. She manipulated him whenever and however she wanted. It must have been so horrible for him. To be her will-less puppet. And I, his mate, didn’t notice his suffering." After taking a shuddering breath, Lionel straightened up and looked Diarmad right in the eye.

"I told him repeatedly you would understand, that you would forgive him, but Keith didn't want to hear it, my foolish man. He insisted the right thing would have been to come to you the minute he found her and her mate; that he should have never hidden them. After she was dead and he was no longer under her thrall, the guilt ate him up. He sensed you would understand, eventually even forgive him, but he felt he didn’t deserve your mercy. He was convinced he had to be punished for everything he did, especially for alienating your mate from you. He loved the boy so much from day one. Seeing him suffer, and you losing your balance and mind, being aware he did this to you, he couldn't live with it anymore."

"Where—” Diarmad had to swallow around the lump in his throat. Finally, he whispered, "How did he...?" He couldn't finish the question, dreading the answer.

"In the maze, he took extracts of the Dedara plant.”

"Oh God!”

“And because he knew he would scream in agony after drinking it, he gagged himself so nobody would find him until it was too late...." Lionel began to sob again.

“But Dedara... It's said that the pain is excruciating, that the victims suffer for hours from cramps, and shout themselves hoarse. It was used in the olden days to punish the most abominable criminals, individuals who the judges felt the punishment of death was not enough. It is unreasonable, cruel, and I banned it as soon as I became king."

Lionel hid his face behind his hands. "When I finally found him, I almost didn't recognize him, my lord. His body contorted; his face frozen in eternal torture. It was as cruel as they say, and he died all alone...."

Diarmad knelt so he could wrap his arms around Lionel’s trembling frame. "Where is he now?"

"I carried his body up to our room.”

Diarmad swallowed. “What do you want to do now?”

“He wished to be cremated so his ashes can be scattered in an alien place far away from home so no grave marker will remind us of him and his awful deeds. He wished to be simply forgotten."

Diarmad laid his hand firmly on Lionel’s shoulder. "We will follow his wish— almost. For I promise you this now; he will never be forgotten."

“My king, can you forgive him then?”

“How could I not, Lionel? He was a mere victim, cunningly chosen by a despicable person.”


In the following weeks, Diarmad expected a heartbroken Lionel to ask for the rite of unio. Helping mates reunite with their beloved in death was something every Seraei could ask of their king, and he dreaded it every time it happened. However, when he hinted he was ready to perform the rite with him, Lionel confided to him that Keith had entrusted him with an assignment he had to fulfill first, before he could follow him in death. Diarmad was relieved, even if the unavoidable had only been postponed.

After they had scattered Keith’s ashes around his favorite spots on Sundial House’s grounds, and Lionel had recounted little stories and anecdotes connected to those places, the man left the house on the evening of the same day, not to be seen again.

Diarmad wondered what was so important to Lionel that he was willing to suffer the pain from an imbalanced soul for an undetermined time, though he had always said, should he survive his mate, he would immediately follow so their souls would be free to find each other again.

Witnessing the love and pain in Lionel's eyes when they said their goodbyes to Keith, reminded Diarmad of everything he had had himself , of what he had thrown away, never to be his again. Like Lionel, he would be damned to go through his life alone.

Several weeks after the funeral, Diarmad came across Keith's letter in one of his desk drawers. He must have stuffed it inside before he went with Lionel to take care of Keith's remains, and then forgotten all about it.

When he opened it, he expected an apology, regret maybe, even an explanation why he chose such a terrible death, but never this.


My King,

The voices... they never stopped.

The guilt, so overwhelming. I neglected my duties. I betrayed you and your mate.

Lionel insists it wasn't my fault and I should put my fate in your hands, you would know what to do with it. You would be merciful. I know he is right. But the voices say I don't deserve mercy.

They say I failed.

I must obey.

My King! There are others... they are near you... don't trust...

Throat tight, Diarmad stared at the letter for several minutes. The handwriting was scraggily; it seemed in the end Keith had fought for every single word: there are others... don't trust...

A warning. Keith’s final service to him.

After thinking about it, Diarmad realized he was not surprised at all. Probably because, at the back of his mind, he had always wondered how Misa, who was relatively simple-minded, could engineer such an intricate scheme all by herself. Now he knew that others had been behind the attack.

But who? Once again, his own people were betraying him. The Seraei were aggressive by nature but this....


Fury surged through Diarmad’s mind every time he thought about how these ruthless people had used and hurt innocents. Seeing how little they valued individual life gave him an idea of what he was up against. It was a good thing he wasn’t alone in this fight.

Don't trust...

He understood how the Seraei hunted. It was their nature: they watched their prey; learned its way, planned, and only then would they attack. After their failure last time, he expected his enemies to lay low for a while. They might take years, or decades, before they struck again. Thanks to Keith though, he had an advantage now; he knew they were coming.

In his mind, he evaluated his chances. What to do next? Who would be his allies?

... there are others...

He made a mental list of those he thought he could trust: Noël, Ronan, Landyn? Simon? The council members? He had known them for many years; they were mostly supportive, but one could never know. He had learned that in the most painful way already. His next step had to be to inform Ronan of the new situation. After that they would perform the loyalty test on the rest of his close circle: Becca, Landyn, Simon, and the security team.

When he showed Ronan the letter and explained the proceedings to him, his chief of security agreed with Diarmad’s ideas immediately, the only addition he had was to repeat the test regularly so they could still be trusted.

To their great relief, the test showed the security team was loyal to their king, as were Landyn, Simon, and Becca. Afterwards, they took them into their confidence and told them of the threat without explaining in detail how they found out about it. They only mentioned an informant.


Over the years, when his loneliness and the craving for Noël’s blood threatened to become overwhelming, the thought of following Keith's example flickered on the brink of Diarmad’s mind every so often, but suicide by Dedara, even in the most painful way, could never be his choice.

He was King. It was his duty to protect his people, to see to their needs, to help their unwitting human hosts, and make sure they'd never learn of the Seraei. Therefore, from then on, Diarmad decided to live to serve; it was his way of paying reparations for his failure.

He focused solely on his kingly duties. He made a habit of regularly visiting every Seraei clan living on Earth, even the ones in remote places. He wanted to strengthen their bond as a people--to learn about their various cultures and habits, and make them feel united again. It was also a perfect way to make secret inquiries about his hidden enemies, and ensure the clans’ support; because he had the feeling he might need all of them one day.

Keeping busy was also a good method to finally let go of his futile hope.

Noël’s extended presence at his home after the attack, and especially drinking his mate’s blood after months of being abstinent, had become a problem. As soon as Diarmad was away from Noël for a few days, he felt unbalanced. Diarmad realized he was addicted to his blood again, even though he had been able to wean himself with the unwitting help of Misa’s drug. After discussing the problem, they had developed a useful routine. Every time Diarmad returned from his trips, they would spend some time together at Sundial house, so he could rebalance his soul and quench its longing for his mate. When the craving for blood became too difficult, Noël allowed him a few sips, and after almost a year, Diarmad had overcome the need again.

At first, their meetings had been awkward. They had talked about court and administrative matters of all things, even Noël’s family, his studies, and his plans after graduation. Sometimes Noël just pored over an essay he had to finish, or he would ask for Diarmad’s expertise, and they discussed the topic for hours. Diarmad enjoyed it when this happened. Mostly, he read a book and secretly watched his former mate. They tried to avoid talking about anything remotely personal though, and slowly Diarmad became accustomed to his single life again. He found solace in performing his duties.

He sometimes noticed Noël looking at him curiously when he thought he wasn’t watching; maybe he saw his loneliness and wondered if he was still alone. Diarmad, however, knew that there would never be another man to share his life with. On Lionel’s recommendation, he had Ivan working for him now. He had taken over Keith's tasks. He had become a friend like Ronan and Becca, who were still living at the house with Ruy.

Otherwise, Diarmad became a mere bystander in Noël's life. He had been invited to his graduation ceremony and dinner, and attended the tape-cutting party of his and Kris’ newly established artist’s agency. He went to some of the important concerts of their upcoming clients. From afar, he watched how their company grew and became a success. Kris and Noël had a knack of finding talented singers, comedians, and musicians in small bars, performing on streets, fairs, or at school concerts. Noël scoped them out, and Kris made sure they got airtight contracts with record companies, and later, ad agencies. He wasn’t exactly surprised when they sold their business at some point. What they had always ever wanted was to be recruiters as opposed to the big players, and rather develop a family or friend-like relationship with their artists--a thing that wouldn't be possible if they'd continued to play in the big leagues.

As time passed, Noël and Kris ran into the typical Seraei problem: It became more and more obvious that Noël, being Seraei now, didn't age with Kris. For a while, they could chalk it up to good genes, but eventually they had to actively mask it. Over the years, Noël became quite adept in the artistic techniques of make-up. First, he let his hair grow to hide the make-up better, wore hats with large brims or caps, and sunglasses. He adjusted his way of walking and body posture to that of an older man. Diarmad could only guess how much it must have cost him to maintain his disguise all the time, and he absolutely understood when he retreated from the public eye. More and more Noël let Kris do the public appearances. Sometimes Diarmad pictured him coming home, putting away the whole masquerade, stepping under a hot shower, and afterwards getting out some sweats, and throwing himself on the couch with a bag of potato chips, watching some mundane stuff on TV, relishing the fact that he could only be himself for a few hours, and snuggle with Kris on the couch.

In all their years together; however, nothing ever leaked, even though they were continuously watched. They were quite famous in their little town.

As every morning, Ivan set the tray with Diarmad’s breakfast and the tablet for the morning paper on his desk without saying a word, but he could feel that something had happened. Scrolling through the local news site, Diarmad soon found the small personal notice.

A few days ago, my longtime partner in life and business, Kristof Sorenson, passed away peacefully in my arms. According to his wishes, his funeral will be later in private.

The business has become meaningless to me without him. Consequently, my retirement will go into effect immediately. Please respect our decision. We also want to thank all those who helped to make our idea a success.

Goodbye, my friends.


This was the last chapter. The epilogue will be out soon.
Thank you for reading, liking and commenting on Caesura.
If you want to talk/rant: This would be the place. Here I will announce news and further projects. 
A huge 'Thank you' to @Valkyrie, who took over the editing from @Lisa and was my trusted beta-reader from chapter one to thirteen. :kiss::hug::thankyou::glomp::worship:
Copyright © 2017 aditus; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

4 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

This is such a heart-breaking chapter.  I'm very happy there's an epilogue.  I'm not surprised by this ending, due to the meaning of the title of the story.  I'm also clinging to that meaning leaving us hope of future reconciliation.  The seraei are long-lived and this is just a blip in their lives.  Well done, my friend.  :hug: :kiss:  

Thank you, Val! I couldn't have done it without you!

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Well...at least Kris died of natural causes? I want to know who the “others” are that Keith tried to warn him about.

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48 minutes ago, Thirdly said:

Well...at least Kris died of natural causes? I want to know who the “others” are that Keith tried to warn him about.

Well...at least Kris died of natural causes? (Depends.... Where were you and Val?)

 I want to know who the “others” are that Keith tried to warn him about. ( Patience...)

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1 hour ago, dughlas said:

So much time has passed ... is it time for them to reunite? One can but hope.

Never  give up hope! Thank you, dughlas!

Edited by aditus
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2 hours ago, 1brokNangel said:

NOOOOOOOOO, its to soon, I don't want it to end.....😢😢😢😢😢😢

Well,  it's not finished yet.  :)  Thank you for your comment. I'm glad  that you think this shouldn't be the end.

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24 minutes ago, aditus said:

Well...at least Kris died of natural causes? (Depends.... Where were you and Val?)

 I want to know who the “others” are that Keith tried to warn him about. ( Patience...)

:facepalm: :blushing:   

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I'm very pleased Kris and Noel had a long happy life together. They both deserved that and it was a good way to make Noel more equal to D. by getting his own life experiences.

Poor Keith, I'm sad about him and Lionel. I wonder what his task is, maybe guarding Kristof to make sure no one got to Noel by killing his partner.

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I was almost afraid "others" would be Kris, but he is dead now. I suspected Ronan as chief of security, but they passed the loyalty test. I know sometimes things don't go perfect, and I am sad the Noel and Diarmad lived almost a whole human life separated specially because from last chapter i understood Diarmad didn't told the reasons for their breakup to Noel. Noel might have chosen Kris still, but he deserved to know the truth.

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I feel so bad for Keith to have ended his life so violently, and alone. 😭 

Its not as if he deliberately set out to hurt the King, he was deceived as much as any person could have been, and to think that he didn't believe that he deserved to be forgiven...it just breaks my heart.

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Well, damn. Poor Lionel and Keith. I'm glad Noel and Kris were happy, but it must hard watching lovers die when you are so long lived. And D? Gawd, what a mess.

But it was a well written one.  Thanks, Adi.

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I’m not mad about the way this ended. At. All. Fated though he was, and not fully knowing everything, Noel made a choice. I’m glad Noël got to live his life with Kris;  I feel like that was important, but it must have been hell watching him age giving  what would eventually happen. But they were happy.


I feel for Keith taking his life this way. Loyal to the end though.. 


I hope Diarmad has learnt a valuable lesson, watching his mate love someone else. 


Slap me over the head, but I still don’t know for sure who these folks were in the prologue, but:: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end’?


I hope this signals a new beginning for Diarmad and Noël.  


I look forward to the epilogue.  

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On 11/29/2018 at 9:26 PM, Timothy M. said:

I'm very pleased Kris and Noel had a long happy life together. They both deserved that and it was a good way to make Noel more equal to D. by getting his own life experiences.

Poor Keith, I'm sad about him and Lionel. I wonder what his task is, maybe guarding Kristof to make sure no one got to Noel by killing his partner.

I'm very pleased Kris and Noel had a long happy life together  (I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT LIKE THE ENDING!)

I wonder what his task is. (GOOD!Thank you for reading and commenting, Tim. :hug:


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On 11/29/2018 at 10:49 PM, Sweetlion said:

I was almost afraid "others" would be Kris, but he is dead now. I suspected Ronan as chief of security, but they passed the loyalty test. I know sometimes things don't go perfect, and I am sad the Noel and Diarmad lived almost a whole human life separated specially because from last chapter i understood Diarmad didn't told the reasons for their breakup to Noel. Noel might have chosen Kris still, but he deserved to know the truth.

Would it be bad that I'm pleased you suspected them? That was the plan.

but he deserved to know the truth (I'm going to post the epilogue soon. I hope you like it.)


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On 11/30/2018 at 1:37 PM, 1brokNangel said:

I feel so bad for Keith to have ended his life so violently, and alone. 😭 

Its not as if he deliberately set out to hurt the King, he was deceived as much as any person could have been, and to think that he didn't believe that he deserved to be forgiven...it just breaks my heart.

It has been very difficult to write about Keith and I think @Valkyrie had problems to go through editing. I'm glad you're thinking he was deceived. Thank you for your comment 1brokNangel. :)

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20 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Well, damn. Poor Lionel and Keith. I'm glad Noel and Kris were happy, but it must hard watching lovers die when you are so long lived. And D? Gawd, what a mess.

But it was a well written one.  Thanks, Adi.

Gawd, what a mess. (Hangs head in shame.) Thanks for sharing your thoughts tim.

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16 hours ago, Defiance19 said:

I’m not mad about the way this ended. At. All. Fated though he was, and not fully knowing everything, Noel made a choice. I’m glad Noël got to live his life with Kris;  I feel like that was important, but it must have been hell watching him age giving  what would eventually happen. But they were happy.


I feel for Keith taking his life this way. Loyal to the end though.. 


I hope Diarmad has learnt a valuable lesson, watching his mate love someone else. 


Slap me over the head, but I still don’t know for sure who these folks were in the prologue, but:: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end’?


I hope this signals a new beginning for Diarmad and Noël.  


I look forward to the epilogue.  

I’m not mad about the way this ended. At. All. (Whew)

I hope Diarmad has learnt a valuable lesson, watching his mate love someone else.  (You and me both)



...... a liveried chauffeur (Landyn) got out. He walked around the limousine, opened the back door, and talked briefly to someone hidden behind the tinted glass. When he stepped back, he held a blue, lidded jar in his hands (Kris). Then a tall man (Noël ) emerged from the inside, supporting himself heavily on a sculptured cane. The wind blew strands of his longish, white hair into his face, and he pushed it back behind his ear impatiently. Then he took the blue jar from the driver and walked towards a path leading into the dense forest. A third man (Simon) joined the driver and together they followed some distance behind.

Epiilogue will bw up soon.


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3 hours ago, aditus said:

It has been very difficult to write about Keith and I think @Valkyrie had problems to go through editing. I'm glad you're thinking he was deceived. Thank you for your comment 1brokNangel. :)

I needed some time to deal with the emotions of the chapter. :yes: 

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A nice chapter, but to me, this segment of the story was rushed. We went through D coming apart over several chapters, then bam! we’re done. Noel and D never discussed what happened AT ALL? Noel never pined for his true mate? I have SO many questions!!


I can only hope there’s a part 3 to this tale, dedicated to finding who’s trying to bring down D from the inside. My theory is that it’s one of the people who passed the loyalty test. I don’t recall Noel being tested, BTW ...

Edited by Geemeedee
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On 11/29/2018 at 12:26 PM, Timothy M. said:

I'm very pleased Kris and Noel had a long happy life together. They both deserved that and it was a good way to make Noel more equal to D. by getting his own life experiences.

This. Noel will make a better mate to D having lived a human life cycle pretty much on his own.

Edited by Geemeedee
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Diarmad had to live with his choices, even if they weren't entirely his own. A testiment of strong character, not to try and get Noel back. Kris and Noel deserved their happy life. What will the future hold? Where will Noel resurface? Maybe the epilogue will give a hint? 

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On 12/3/2018 at 3:22 AM, Geemeedee said:

A nice chapter, but to me, this segment of the story was rushed. We went through D coming apart over several chapters, then bam! we’re done. Noel and D never discussed what happened AT ALL? Noel never pined for his true mate? I have SO many questions!!


I can only hope there’s a part 3 to this tale, dedicated to finding who’s trying to bring down D from the inside. My theory is that it’s one of the people who passed the loyalty test. I don’t recall Noel being tested, BTW ...

Thank you. :)

D just was a bystander to Noel's life.  I had to cover a lot of years. I felt indeed a bit rushed, but I didn't want to bore you guys with mundane stuff. Better to get to the end and start the new book. :)

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Jeeze Louise !! You had me bawling here !

I was really sorry about Keith and then Lionel. Now Kris and that goodbye from Nöel. I can feel time passing by and it's tragic.

How the delusions of grandeur of a sick minded being, brought so much pain and heart-break. Through her, the lives of the King, Nöel, Keith and Lionel (at least) were ruined. But at the same time, bc of this, the King who considers himself a failure has changed his way of life into one of a true monarch for his people ... in atonement. So, it's not all bad.

D. has completely changed his character. In the 1st book it didn't feel as if he saw himself as the "Defender of the people". He was really focused on his mate, though. Ok, it was expected.

But the second book, most of it anyway, saw the collapse of the King's character as a "nice" guy - it toppled, with us only suspecting as to the 'why'. Bc he never talked to Nöel - and we looked at D. through Nöel's eyes, often - we couldn't stomach the way he was treating him.

Yes, as you said, most of the readers really hated D. There was no reason apparent for his being such a b*tch !

But as this point, I'm wondering if Nöel didn't find the whole thing strange - he must have known how Keith died and why. Surely, his intuition would tell him that something was off. And the way he said goodbye, was as if he wanted to go into seclusion. Yes, I understand that even if Kris wasn't his mate, he loved him totally, and his death must hurt like hell.

So, taking all this into consideration, I think that a come back for D. and Nöel is ... unlikely ? It's just that I don't see, at least in the near future, someone who took his relationship with Kris so seriously, can suddenly say: Ok, now that I'm free, time to return to what I really want. Or something to that effect ! Nöel is a pure heart and he is hurting. He wouldn't sully Kris's memory (or himself) like that !


But as always, I loved the chapter. Thanx so much Adi ! :thumbup:

Edited by Bookjunkie56
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