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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Aria Graice - 43. Chapter 43

“Maman?” Amara said, shock evident in every part of his body language and tone. “What… Is this a joke? A trick?”

Julianna laughed, and the hint of madness made Drew feel sick. He’d been in enough standoffs to realise this was one of the most dangerous situations—when the assailant was not reasonable or predictable.

“No joke, my angel. Wait just a moment, Mother has business to take care of.” She smiled sweetly and threw a kiss at the twins, but the soft, almost affectionate tone changed completely when she addressed Ben. “Where is she? Where is the old woman?”

Ben looked flustered. “We…we haven’t found her yet. My men are searching right now—”

My men.”

“Sorry, your men are searching. We’ll find her, and that half-wit butler she’s joined at the hip with.”

That half-wit butler is more dangerous than you’ll ever be. You’re the half-wit. You told me the situation was secure. With that bitch on the loose it’s anything but. You idiot. The police are on their way here right now. We’ll be lucky if they haven’t mobilised the army.”

Ben went pale. “But we don’t know—”

Idiot. My mother-in-law is not a stupid woman. She will have planned for this. There’s a panic room somewhere in the house with a secure connection to the outside.”

“We’re jamming outside connections.”

Julianna ground her teeth. “You’re a fool. Why did I ever trust you to get a job like this done? You couldn’t even break those ugly, freaky dolls when I put the tools in your hands to do it. Twice, you let them slip through your fingers and now you’ve ruined it again. You’ve let me down over and over, and you know how I feel about failure.” Julianna’s tone switched again, from angry to affectionate and Ben seemed puzzled by the about face—right to the point Julianna shot him in the knee, then he wasn’t puzzled at all. He fell to the ground, dropping the gun, and started yelling and cursing. Aria screamed and buried his face in Amara’s shoulder. Drew could barely spare them a glance. He was too busy keeping one eye on Julianna and the other on the two goons who had barely batted an eyelid at the shot.

“Shut up, Ben,” Julianna said. “You bore me.” Then she casually shot him in the head.

The sudden silence hung heavy in the wake of the shot and the cut-off screams. Drew was stunned. Julianna was her tiny, immaculate self and the image of the sweet, smiling superstar was so incongruous with the cold-blooded killer he’d just seen that for a moment the whole thing seemed surreal. Unfortunately—or fortunately depending on your viewpoint—Drew had experienced far too many situations where a similar dichotomy had presented itself to remain shocked for long.

“Maman,” Amara spat. “Why? Why did you do that?”

Drew had wondered that himself. Ben had undoubtedly been a complete bastard, but no one deserved to die like that, so casually.

“He was a bad man, my angel,” Julianna said. “Aren’t you pleased he’s dead? He hurt you terribly.”

“Yes, he did, but I didn’t want him dead. And… And… Wait. Was it you who told him to hurt me?”

“Of course. How else would I ruin you?”

Oh dear God, no. Drew’s blood turned to ice when he thought back at all the bad things that had happened to the boys both before and after Drew had met them. Had it all been their mother? Had she been responsible for the other kidnapping attempts too? Had she encouraged Ben to abuse Amara? No wonder she’d been reluctant to let Ben go.

“Ruin me? I…don’t understand. Why are you hurting us? What have we ever done to you? You’re our mother.”

Anger flashed across Julianna’s face, but she reigned it in. “Don’t say that. I’m not your mother anymore, I’m hers.” She stroked her gently rounded tummy and smiled beatifically.

“But you’re ours, too. You’ll always be ours.”

“For as long as you live,” Julianna said coldly, pouring dread like ice water down Drew’s spine. Surely she wasn’t insane enough to kill her own children, especially when she’d spent her life using them and flaunting them?

“No,” Amara gasped. “No, you don’t mean that. You can’t. You’re our mother. You can’t hurt us, you can’t.” There was an edge of hysteria in his voice, but Drew was proud of how he’d managed to hold himself together so far. Drew was more worried about Aria, who’d made no move since he’d turned to his brother. Had he withdrawn again? For sure, the shock was enough to do that to anyone and after what Aria had been through, and the crushing realisation it had all been because of the mother he worshipped, it would be unsurprising if he’d simply shut off again. The problem was, Drew was far from sure that if he did, especially with Drew unable to comfort him, he would be able to come back again.

“Of course I can hurt you,” Julianna said, laughing lightly. “I have a gun, don’t I? I also have a very good team of men who would be more than happy to help. In fact, I have someone waiting who is going to have great fun hurting you a lot. Did you like the photographs he sent? He can’t wait to have you to play with instead of those dreadful mannequins.”

“That’s real?”

“But of course.” She sauntered over to the sofa. The fact that she turned her back on Drew and Jeff made it clear she considered them no threat, and she was probably right. Although he knew the exact location of Ben’s gun, even though he wasn’t looking at it, he also knew for sure that if he went for it, Julianna, or one of her men, would shoot. Whether it would be one of the twins, or Jay, or Ceriann he didn’t know, but he wasn’t about to gamble with any of them until it got to a point where he’d have to.

“You’ve made my friend very angry, you know.”

“I—I have?”

“That stupid stunt you pulled. It means he’ll probably have to wait until your ribs have healed before he plays with you properly. It’s no challenge and no fun if you don’t have the stamina to hold up, at least for a while. Don’t worry, I told him he could have Jay to play with until you’re up to it. He’s happy about that.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes,” Jay said quickly. “I’ll do it willingly. You don’t need the twins. I can be everything he wants me to be. I can take it.”

“Oh, Jay, always such a good friend to my boys. Of course, you’ll do all that, and more. We fully expect it of you, especially given your background. Don’t look so shocked. Do you think I haven’t done my research? I know all about you.”

Both Jay and Amara looked sick, and Drew was concerned one or both were about to pass out. Aria still hadn’t said a word or made a move.

“Don’t look so worried, little one, I’m not going to tell anyone, not even the twins.”

“The twins know.”

“Oh good. How lovely. It’s wonderful to have friends you can be yourself with. Don’t you think, Mr Chance?”

Julianna turned on him, her expression cold as ice.

“It is,” he conceded.

Julianna frowned. “Then I can’t imagine why you would want to wrangle your way into my sons’ affections—and their underwear, I hear. The last thing you can be is yourself among their friends. You can hardly be an uncultured slob from a Welsh valleys town, now can you? And you can’t treat anyone like a barrack-room mate. How would that work out for you?”

“Our friends love Drew,” Amara cut in. “He can definitely be himself around them. Not everyone’s a snob like you.”

Julianna turned on him so fast no one could react. She pistol-whipped him hard across the side of the head. “Don’t speak to your mother like that.”

Amara slumped but didn’t lose consciousness. He blinked and allowed Jay to help him upright again. He looked dazed and a thin line of blood ran down his cheek, but he seemed otherwise unharmed.

“See what you made me do. You’re so disrespectful. You always were. Not like your brother. Aria was always a good boy, weren’t you pet?” She stroked Aria’s hair causing a deep shudder to run through both twins.

“Leave him alone,” Amara said weakly.

“There you go again, being so protective. You’re so close you could be one person. One person with two personalities. One side is hot and angry and cruel, and the other is kind and gentle and so sweet it makes me sick.” She spat out the last word, while still gently stroking Aria’s hair. Then she grabbed a fistful and yanked Aria upright. He yelped and struggled weakly.

“Look at me, you worm. I’m surprised you’re not kissing my feet. Would you do that for your Maman? You were always trying to crawl back in to where you came from.” She sneered. “Maman, please love me. Please look at me. Please say sweet things to me. Like a puppy who never grew up. Amara is the dog, forever snapping at my feet, snarling and barking. He at least had something, some passion, some courage. You have nothing, you never have. Nothing but a doll to dress up and play with. I’m tired of dolls now. Do you know what’s going to happen to you?”

Aria simple stared at her, his eyes impossibly large and wide in a face so pale even his lips were tinged blue.

“Do you?” She repeated, shaking him by the hair.

Aria yelped again and whispered in a tiny voice, “No.” Drew had never been so happy to hear anyone speak.

“I’m going to give to a very good friend of mine. He’s going to play with you. Isn’t that exciting?” She spoke as if to a child who was being told of a great adventure they were about to go on. “You’re going to watch your brother, and Jay, being broken and then die. You’ll be left all alone. What will that feel like? Being alone for the first time, ever. It’ss hard, little one. I know.”

Aria started to sob and tried to reach for Amara. “No, no no.”

“Ssh, pretty. Don’t be sad. You won’t be on your own for long. Once he’s made you watch Amara and Jay die—and it will take a very long time—then it will be your turn. See? Not so bad.”

Drew caught motion from the corner of his eye. He’d forgotten Jeff was there. The presence of his mentor at his shoulder steadied him. It also dragged him back into professional mode. He cursed himself that he’d lost his cool head, allowed himself to be distracted by his feelings for the boys. There were protocols for situations like this. True, with civilians involved they were limited, but he knew what to do.

Glancing over, he looked to Jeff’s hands. One, pulled slightly back, behind his leg, was tapping. Drew tried to appear casual as he watched the tapping carefully.

You gun on three.

Drew hesitated. If he went for the gun, that meant Jeff would go for the two men. Jeff would be the one in most danger and that didn’t sit well with Drew. On the other hand, Jeff was more experienced and probably in better shape and more proficient in martial arts. Drew tapped the morse code for understood.

As Aria’s cries grew more anguished and he started to beg for his brother’s life, Drew watched Jeff’s fingers, trying to shut it all out.




Drew dove for the gun, grabbed it and rolled. He’d seen Jeff move a second before him. When he came up to his feet, one of the men was on the ground unmoving and Jeff was grappling with the other. Drew was distracted for a moment when Ceriann rose from the sofa, faster than he’d ever seen her move and moments later the games console came crashing down on the man’s head. It didn’t knock him to the ground, but it gave Jeff the time he needed to complete the job.

Drew’s attention was diverted to the door, which had opened to admit two other men. He took them down without hesitation. There was no room for that, here.

When he turned his back to Julianna, only moments later, his blood ran cold. She had her gun pressed against Aria’s temple and her hand was entirely steady.

“I was wondering when you’d make your move, Mr Chance. I have to admit to being somewhat disappointed that you let me go on torturing the twins for so long. You clearly don’t care for them as much as I thought you did.”

“We know you do, Drew,” Amara said.

“Shut up, Julianna snapped. She tapped her shoulder with her free hand. “There’s trouble downstairs. Send someone to meet us in the hall, and the rest of you get the hell out of there. We can expect company.”

Drew didn’t hear any response. No doubt she had an earpiece. They clearly had access to some good tech.

“Now, Mr Chance, we are going to get up, nice and slowly. You’re going to give me your gun and then the three of you will go and sit in the corner like the naughty little children you are.”

She held out her free hand, and after a moment’s hesitation, Drew handed over the gun.

“I should kill you,” she said, “but it will so much more fun knowing you’re out here thinking about what’s happening to the boys. Maybe I’ll send you photographs.”

“Why, Maman?” Aria moaned. “Why are you hurting us? What have we done?”

“Oh, you poor, sweet baby,” Julianna crooned, not taking her eyes off Drew. “Always taking the blame. I know it’s difficult to understand, but not everything is about you. True, I now have what I’ve always wanted, and I don’t need you anymore, but it’s not about that. It’s about your sister. Oh, you don’t know, do you?” Julianna giggled, carefree as a country girl. “It was so much fun messing with your father. I finally got a reaction. It was a good one, n’est-ce pas?”


“What are you talking about?” Amara snapped.

“Your precious father is a cheater,” she snapped back. “Flaunting his bitches in my face, then coming back and pretending it was all in my head and he loves me.”

“You cheated too,” Amara said, anger simmering clearly just below the surface.

“I had my dalliances but I did it in private. I never let it taint my image. It’s so unfair. He cheated again and again and had a reputation he flaunted as proudly as he did his whores. If I had done that, I would have been branded a cheap whore myself.”

“You are a whore,” Amara growled.

“Amara, don’t—” Drew tried to warn him not to antagonise his mother but before he could get his words out she rounded on him.

“No one asked you to speak. I said get in the corner.”

Reluctantly, Drew joined Ceriann and Jeff in the far corner of the room. He noticed Jeff had taken one of the guns from the fallen goons and Ceriann was sitting on the other one. He made a note to never underestimate his sister again.

“Get up,” Julianna commanded, her voice dripping ice. She got to her feet, keeping her gun trained on Aria. She knew, as did Drew, that neither Amara nor Jay would make a move if it would risk Aria’s life. Drew was almost glad. Aria was far less likely to do something stupid and reckless than Amara. All they needed was to keep her calm for a few more minutes. Once they’d stepped outside the door, Drew would run across the room and out into the corridor, taking Julianna by surprise and taking her down before she had a chance to react. It was what he was trained to do after all, and after what the boys had gone through at the hands of their insane mother, he wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger on Julianna.

Aria slowly slipped off the sofa and stood up. He was no taller than his mother. If anything, she was an inch or so taller and she wasn’t wearing heels. Jay helped Amara climb heavily to his feet. He swayed and leaned on Jay.

“Do be careful, Amara darling. I don’t want you hurt anymore. My friend would not be happy with me if you were too hurt.”

“Who is he?” Amara burst out. “Your friend? Is he one of your lovers?”

Julianna laughed lightly. “Silly boy. You don’t need to know that right now. You’ll find out soon enough.” Her demeanour changed instantly from indulgent mother, to cold, hard killer. “Now move or I’ll decorate the room with your brother’s brains. My friend will forgive me as long as I bring two of you.”

Amara drew himself up taller, winced and leaned on Jay again. “Whatever you say, mother.”

“Good boy.”

“Are…are you doing this because you hate us?” Aria asked, his voice tiny and tearful. Drew’s heart went out to him. He sounded so lost. Was he still holding on to some hope that somewhere deep down this monster still loved him?

“Oh baby,” Julianna crooned, stroking his hair, even as she held a gun to his head. “Poor baby. Of course Maman doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t even hate your father. She just wants to make sure my sweet little baby girl gets all the money when that evil witch of a grandmother of yours is pushed over the edge of a cliff.” The sheer hatred in her voice chilled Drew.

“This is about money? You’re going to hurt us because you want Grandmother’s money?”

“And the house,” Julianna said, with a casual shrug.

“But…but father… You’re going to divorce him, and he’ll have the money and…”

“You really are silly boys. Of course I’m not going to divorce your father. When he finds out the baby is his he’ll come crawling back like he always does. What other woman will put up with his philandering like I do? And your Grandmother despises him as much as I do. All the money was tied up in trusts for you. When you’re gone, it will go to her,” She rubbed her belly again. “And I’ll take care of it for her.”

“You’ll be in prison,” Amara spat.

Julianna laughed. “You really are a silly boy. Come on, let’s go. I’ve had enough of your nonsense and I can’t wait to get rid of you.”

She pushed Aria toward the door. He stumbled and despite it clearly causing him pain, Amara steadied him. Julianna jabbed him in the ribs and laughed when he doubled over in pain. Drew wanted to kill her so badly.

He almost went for her, but Jeff pulled him back and whispered in his ear. “Patience. She’d take you down before you got halfway. Then the boys would probably do something stupid, too.”

Drew took a deep breath and nodded silently. It was hard to let them go.

Julianna stopped training her gun on Aria, but instead pointed it at Amara, jabbing it into his side, not hard enough to bring him to his knees, but more than enough to hurt.

“Please stop,” he moaned.

“Why? It’s fun. Go on. Get out.”

One by one, they filed out of the room, Julianna last. As soon as she disappeared, Drew dived across the room, clutching the gun, with Jeff right beside him. He was halfway across when he heard a sharp cry and the gun going off. Panic clutched at him as he made the last few feet. As he reached the door, the gun fired again, but he was close enough to hear the thwack at it hit the wall.

What met him in the corridor was utter chaos.

And I was going to end it there but because I'm not entirely heartless, here's the first paragraph of the next chapter
Julianna was down, with Aria sitting on her chest and Jay’s foot on her neck. As he stepped out into the corridor, Julianna started to thrash and scream, while Amara tried weakly to pull Aria away.
Copyright © 2018 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

On 6/5/2019 at 4:01 PM, Hellsheild said:

I've only made it to “Of course. How else would I ruin you?” before I had to put down the story and just...Damn... the staggering amount of crazy just this far in...DAMN!...I'm shivering in 86 degree weather. 

Ok back to reading. 

I cannot deny the incredible amount of crazy Julianna has stored up in that small body of hers. Stupendous amounts. Lord, is that woman cray cray. I hope you get to the end without too much stress.

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On 6/5/2019 at 4:24 PM, Hellsheild said:

(Deep breath in...hold and slow release) 

Ok you saved yourself from a trans internet violent shaking if you'd of left the cliffhanger as is. This story...I need a xanax.  Ben's dead long live the king, I would've swore it would be the father, but still shocking.  There is just some crazy you can't account for.  This is not only nuts, but mixed nuts in an asylum for the criminally insane on a peanut farm...with honey.

He he. "trans internet violent shaking"? That sounds interesting :D The worst kind of crazy is the kind that walks up to you with a pleasant smile, and continues to smile , and chat pleasantly, while it slowly slides and ice pick into your eye.

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On 6/5/2019 at 4:29 PM, chris191070 said:

Well Mother is certainly evil and deranged. Thanks for the preview, just need to work out who the mystery sicko is. Does Lady Jane save the day?

Lady Jane certainly has a part in it.

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On 6/5/2019 at 4:37 PM, Hellsheild said:

Great now I'm just waiting for her butler to come out like Equilibrium but the final shot is Lady in a distant window with a quiet rifle just prim propper, "what foolery is afoot on my estate" dropping goons leisurely. 

Haha, not quite. 

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On 6/5/2019 at 4:45 PM, drpaladin said:

Umm. Why is the buried so dangerous?

Umm dunno. Maybe because they might come back as zombies?

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On 6/5/2019 at 7:08 PM, dutch woman said:

The mystery  sicko is David from chapter Seven.

When i was guessing the person Who was behind all this  i thought the possible suspects were Alex Robert or One of the parents. The butler coudn,t be it because he was never at the house in Londen. Then Alex seemed to me  too sincere, the father not clever  enough so that left the crazy Mother. She had much to win; she knew that as soon as the boys became  eightteen she would lose the family money and possessions and she wantend it all for her babygirl and herself.





Spot on with your deduction. (I think you meant Alicia?) 

As for the mystery sicko, I'm surprised you even remember David :D

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On 6/5/2019 at 7:09 PM, mfa607 said:

Thank you for this! Ben died too quickly, but at least he’s dead. Also glad you gave us a bit from the next chapter. I’d be a little stressed 😩. 😂 

Can't have that :D  I was pondering what to do with Ben but I figured it would be a good way of quickly establishing 1. Julianna is proper cray cray 2. She won't hesitate to shoot and 3. She knows how to use a gun.

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On 6/5/2019 at 7:30 PM, Israfil said:

I know this is an horrendously stressful situation that none of us could likely handle and that Drew has deep feelings for the boys but.... I couldn't help getting frustrated when he allowed himself to get distracted and Jeff had to get his attention. "You're an elite soldier! Shut off your emotions like you're trained, this is where it counts! Argh!" I was terrified he was going to freeze up at the wrong split-second.

Drew really shouldn't have let his professionalism slip. I think if Jeff hadn't been there to pull him back on track he would never have forgiven himself. This "thing" he has with the twins, whatever it might grow into is new and incredibly intense. It overwhelmed his professionalism and their bodyguard and now it's overwhelmed it again. With those two to take care of I think Drew's days of any kind of professionalism are over :D

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On 6/5/2019 at 7:50 PM, Smoothy said:

You go Aria!!! Hands around her neck and squeeze the living shit outa her!!!!!! Come baby!!! Just do it for this mama!!!!!😡😡😡

Oh, he gives it a good go, but he can't kill her. First, she's still his mother, and also he knows about the baby and he wouldn't hurt his innocent sister. On the other hand, he's pretty angry!!

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On 6/6/2019 at 1:00 AM, comicfan said:

Okay, I'm commenting on both chapters because it took six tries to finish and then onto this ... bloody mess.

First, I hate how Jay has had to act for two chapters. Nothing worse than seeing a victim revictimized and used. My heart breaks for him being used first by Ben then by the woman who birthed the twins.

Second, Ben is dead! It was too kind. Hopefully the bitch won't get off so easily.

Third, go boys. Amara continued to show his strength. Aria is just as bad ass and maybe stronger. He just lost all faith in the woman he always tried to please and is going for the jugular. 

Fourth, Drew better find his stance. The man needs to decide in or out. He fights for them and freezes when his training should kick in. He needs to back up his boys and be the man they require. His sis was doing better.

Finally, what is the story between Lady Jane and the butler. The bitch suggested there is a lot more to be told and I want to see her standing over the bitch's body. The only one I feel sorry for is the unborn child. I want the bitch and her mysterious friend to pay in spades for what has been done.

I promise, Jay will have their day! Releasing their secret has made them stronger than even they know. 

Drew is being shaken to his core. He's never cared for anyone as much as he does for the twins and he doesn't know what to do with it. He really should have been professional when it counted, but his professionalism is long gone. 

I'm not sure there is a story between Lady Jane and the butler. I'm not going to be the one to suggest they might have more than a professional relationship, although if anyone wrote fan fic about it I'd love to read it. This just isn't their story.  I believe Julianna hates Robert so much is because he has always been indifferent to her and has neither given the deference she feels she deserves, nor risen to her petulant complaints. I'm not sure whether it was ever clear but Robert is more than a butler, he's also Lady Jane's personal aide. They have a very close professional relationship and he also sometimes acts as a bodyguard. He's former military although no one but Lady Jane knows exactly what his background is.

I don't think Lady Jane would trust herself to be near Julianna right now. She might do something she wouldn't regret.

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On 6/6/2019 at 3:55 AM, JCtoGO2 said:

Brilliant writing. Nothing else needs to be said.

Thank you ❤️

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On 6/6/2019 at 7:42 AM, Buz said:

Okay, glad it is the Mother as that is believable!

Secondly, love Jay so much. That Child better get the ending of his dreams when this story finally concludes...many, many chapters from now.

Thirdly, so glad dickwad is dead. Also glad he got to feel some pain before hand, what with the shot in the leg and all.

Fourthly, its a pity the Mother is pregnant right now so that she can't be physically hurt as well.

Fifthly, so glad Granny and The Butler are (or seem to be) okay. Would love to see him in action, based on what Mother dearest was saying about him.

Lastly, honest to goodness, my sanity thanks you so much for the sneak peek. I could feel that Aria was the one that was gonna come thru cause he has shown himself, especially lately, that he is a lot stronger than he seems. If you left the story at that cliffhanger...Krakatoa would've had nuthin' on me! My day has already been 'less than ideal' and that would have tipped the scale. So thanks for that, cause I also don't have any alcohol in the house right now.

Shame about the alcohol :D

I promise that Jay will have their day. In fact Jay will have many many days and we will get to share some of the nice ones. I'm not sure about them finding love though because it's just too late in the story to introduce someone new. Maybe.

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On 6/6/2019 at 8:40 AM, Peter G said:

Oh how the f***k was I wrong on this one, but I still have faith, there is more than one in this

Hehe. Julianna was the mastermind but there is still the mystery "friend" for you to guess about

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On 6/6/2019 at 1:07 PM, Canuk said:

That last sentence saved you ever so much grief! There are so many questions ever before the shooting started, if you had given at least a hint of what happened... ( you have a good imagination, I'll let you work out what the next possible step could have been ?😂😎😎😎😎😎😎😘

Great chapter. More for the boys to get over, more heart ache, but at least Bèn is no longer with us...


I'm a cruel, heartless monster, but I'm not that bad :D

There is and will be more for the boys to get over, but the thing is that at this stage every new knock is making them stronger rather than knocking them back. I think they've lived in a bubble for a long time. Protected from some things, abused by others. Neither of them has lived a "real" life. Now, the walls of the bubble are crumbling, but Drew's waiting right outside and the real world is brighter than they ever thought possible. They're seeing everything in a new light and it's like being reborn. There's pain involved but it's all moving forward.

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On 6/7/2019 at 8:00 PM, centexhairysub said:

Have a feeling that the Grandmother and her butler are more dangerous than anyone realizes.  Have to wonder who the scary man in the shadows is going to turn out to be?

Grandmother and the butler certainly have their own story but it's not part of this one. 

There is indeed a scary man waiting in the shadows, and at this point no one has any idea how scary he is. I'll hasten to clarify that by making it clear the scary man is not going to jump out of the shadows, but rather be dragged from them and placed in handcuffs. That doesn't mean it doesn't have an impact on the boys though

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On 6/8/2019 at 12:29 AM, Peter G said:

Iv'e been proved wrong, as in the last 2 chapters so I will hold all. (the butler did it) Miss White ,your turn


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On 6/11/2019 at 7:32 PM, Smoothy said:

I hope that Aria got hold of the weapon and oft the witch!!!😡😡😡

Not exactly :D but he does get really mad with her and tries to scratch her eyes out.

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17 hours ago, travlbug said:


Maman is simply madman with the d missing!

Haha. I didn't realize that but you're absolutely right.

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Outstanding chapter! Maman as the evil mastermind isn’t too big a stretch based on the story so far. The torture and sexual abuse of her twins is too sickening to imagine. She deserves to be killed by one or more of her twins, that would be truly poetic justice. My guess is that Aria is the shooter, he made her believe that he’s week and helpless, and she dropped her guard and he grabbed the gun to protect Amara and Jay from what she had planned. Everyone will be surprised that he could do it, but after all the verbal and physical abuse at her hands, he decided enough was enough. If I’m correct, then I will be very proud of Aria, even though I already am. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😡❤️

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